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Crowdfy Protocol

A fully descentralized crowdfunding application.

This repository contains the core smart contracts for the Crowdfy V1 Protocol

Deployed in Ropsten Test Network


Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  truffle test

Test Made

Contract: CrowdfyFabric
√ should create a campaign instance correctly (8315ms)
√ should not crete campaigns were due date is minor than the current time (13990ms)

Contract: Crowdfy
√ contract should be initialized correctly (998ms)
√ should not allowed to initialize the campaign from inside (8072ms)

    √ should contribute founds (2328ms)
    √ should not allowed to contribute 0 <  (672ms)
    √ should not contribute during succes state (2504ms)
    √ should not contribute after deadline (1160ms)
    √ should have multiple contrubitions (6475ms)

    √ should pass to state = succeded (1631ms)
    √ should pass to failed state (6596ms)
    √ should keep in ongoing state (6635ms)

    √ should allow the beneficiary withdraw during succes state
    √ should not allowed the beneficiary withdraw during ongoing state of the campaign (1922ms)
    √ should not allow the beneficiary withdraw during fail state (3260ms)
    √ should not allow others to withdraw (5658ms)

    √ should allow contributors to refound in case of failure (5678ms)
    √ should not allowed others to refund (4551ms)
    √ should not allowed to refound twice (5759ms)

    √ should have earnings for one contribution (1660ms)
    √ should have earnings for multiple contributions (5024ms)
    √ should support high amounts of earnings (1356ms)
    √ should support low amounts of earnings (1281ms)
    √ should pass to earlySucess state (1665ms)
    √ should not pass to state falied once the earlySuccess has achived (2289ms)
    √ should allow the beneficiary withdraw during earlySuccess (5276ms)
    √ should allow contribution during earlysucces state (4298ms)
    √ should allow beneficiary withdraw money multiple during early state (10359ms)
    √ should pass to state finalized (7045ms)
    √ should not  be able to interact with the campaign once is finished (6752ms)
    √ should pass to state succed once 4 weeks has passed when the campaign is in state earlysuccess (3631ms)



    function createCampaign(
        string calldata _campaignName, 
        uint _fundingGoal, 
        uint _deadline, 
        uint _fundingCap, 
        address _beneficiaryAddress
    ) external returns(uint256);

Creates a new Instance of the campaign (Using a minimal Proxy Pattern)


     function contribute() external payable;

Allows users to make contributions

     function withdraw() external payable;

Allows the beneficiary to withdraw once the earlyState or SuccedState was reached

     function claimFounds () external payable;

Allows contributors to get a refound if the campaign fails

     function initializeCampaign
        string calldata _campaignName,
        uint _fundingGoal,
        uint _deadline,
        uint _fundingCap,
        address _beneficiaryAddress,
        address _campaignCreator,
        address _protocolOwner
    ) external;

Creates new instance of the campaign


You can acces to the site

Infura gateway -->

IPFS gateway -->

Actual IPFS hash
