A fully descentralized crowdfunding application.
This repository contains the core smart contracts for the Crowdfy V1 Protocol
To run tests, run the following command
truffle test
Contract: CrowdfyFabric
√ should create a campaign instance correctly (8315ms)
√ should not crete campaigns were due date is minor than the current time (13990ms)
Contract: Crowdfy
√ contract should be initialized correctly (998ms)
√ should not allowed to initialize the campaign from inside (8072ms)
√ should contribute founds (2328ms)
√ should not allowed to contribute 0 < (672ms)
√ should not contribute during succes state (2504ms)
√ should not contribute after deadline (1160ms)
√ should have multiple contrubitions (6475ms)
√ should pass to state = succeded (1631ms)
√ should pass to failed state (6596ms)
√ should keep in ongoing state (6635ms)
√ should allow the beneficiary withdraw during succes state
√ should not allowed the beneficiary withdraw during ongoing state of the campaign (1922ms)
√ should not allow the beneficiary withdraw during fail state (3260ms)
√ should not allow others to withdraw (5658ms)
√ should allow contributors to refound in case of failure (5678ms)
√ should not allowed others to refund (4551ms)
√ should not allowed to refound twice (5759ms)
√ should have earnings for one contribution (1660ms)
√ should have earnings for multiple contributions (5024ms)
√ should support high amounts of earnings (1356ms)
√ should support low amounts of earnings (1281ms)
√ should pass to earlySucess state (1665ms)
√ should not pass to state falied once the earlySuccess has achived (2289ms)
√ should allow the beneficiary withdraw during earlySuccess (5276ms)
√ should allow contribution during earlysucces state (4298ms)
√ should allow beneficiary withdraw money multiple during early state (10359ms)
√ should pass to state finalized (7045ms)
√ should not be able to interact with the campaign once is finished (6752ms)
√ should pass to state succed once 4 weeks has passed when the campaign is in state earlysuccess (3631ms)
function createCampaign(
string calldata _campaignName,
uint _fundingGoal,
uint _deadline,
uint _fundingCap,
address _beneficiaryAddress
) external returns(uint256);
Creates a new Instance of the campaign (Using a minimal Proxy Pattern)
function contribute() external payable;
Allows users to make contributions
function withdraw() external payable;
Allows the beneficiary to withdraw once the earlyState or SuccedState was reached
function claimFounds () external payable;
Allows contributors to get a refound if the campaign fails
function initializeCampaign
string calldata _campaignName,
uint _fundingGoal,
uint _deadline,
uint _fundingCap,
address _beneficiaryAddress,
address _campaignCreator,
address _protocolOwner
) external;
Creates new instance of the campaign
You can acces to the site
Infura gateway --> bafybeihltint57646pxzyct3ficevuknzebu5f5nxiqx3mgrxmvuce6jeu.ipfs.infura-ipfs.io
IPFS gateway --> bafybeihltint57646pxzyct3ficevuknzebu5f5nxiqx3mgrxmvuce6jeu.ipfs.dweb.link