Appweb is a compact, fast and secure web server for embedded applications. It supports HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 with a web server and HTTP client utility.
See for details.
You can build Appweb with make, Visual Studio or Xcode.
or to see the commands as they are invoked:
make SHOW=1
You can pass make variables to tailor the build. For a list of variables:
make help
To run
make run
The make.bat runs projects/windows.bat to locate the Visual Studio compiler. If you have setup your CMD environment for Visual Studio by running the Visual Studio vsvarsall.bat, then that edition of Visual Studio will be used. If not, windows.bat will attempt to locate the most recent Visual Studio version.
To build with Visual Studio, you will need to install the vcpkg dependency manager and install openssl.
git clone
cd vcpkg
.\vcpkg integrate install
.\vcpkg install openssl
Then open the Visual Studio solution file at:
Then select Build -> Solution.
To run the debugger, right-click on the "appweb" project and set it as the startup project. Then modify the project properties and set the Debugging configuration properties. Set the working directory to be:
Set the arguments to be -v
Then start debugging.
You may need to install the Windows Power Shell if not already installed on your system.
winget install --id Microsoft.PowerShell --source winget
Open the solution file:
Choose Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme, and select "Build" on the left of the dialog. Click the "+" symbol at the bottom in the center and then select all targets to be built. Before leaving this dialog, set the debugger options by selecting "Run/Debug" on the left hand side. Under "Info" set the Executable to be "appweb", set the launch arguments to be "-v" and set the working directory to be an absolute path to the "./test" directory in the appweb source. The click "Close" to save.
Click Project -> Build to build.
Click Project -> Run to run.
If you have built from source using Make, you can install the software using:
sudo make install
sudo make uninstall
The src/server directory contains a minimal appweb.conf suitable for production use without SSL. The test directory contains an appweb.conf that is fully configured for testing. When using the src/server/appweb.conf, change to the src/server directory to run. When using the test/appweb.conf, change to the test directory to run.
A library of samples using Appweb are available at the GitHub repository: