tags: js, node, prototype
Javascript is prototype based OOP language. You can create a new object based on prototype of another object. And prototypes can be chained. And when you access property of object, it will follow the prototype chains if not found.
const A = function(){}
const a = new A(); // you may think a is a instance of A
a.__proto__ === A.prototype // result is true
a.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype // true since A's prototype is Object
Each object has a property __proto__
, it points to its prototype. In above example, __proto__
of a
points to prototype
of A. Attention, it is not pointing to A
but A.prototype
console.log(a.abc) // undefined
A.abc = 100
A.prototype.abc = 200
console.log(a.abc) // 200
If a property is not defined, it will follow the __proto__
recursively to lookup it.
In above example, a.abc
is got via A.prototype.abc
but not A.abc
A image from stackoverflow:
When you new
an instance, it can access properties of its prototypes. But it cannot
access properties of the constructor. They are different. Following is an example:
function Person() {}
Person.Name1 = function () { return 'James' }
Person.prototype.Name2 = function () { return 'James' }
console.log(Person.Name2()) // TypeError Person.Name2 is not a function
const p1 = new Person()
console.log(p1.Name1()) // TypeError p1.Name1 is not a function
When you new
an object. The constructor of its prototype is called. Actually, the
constructor is the defined function itself.
function Person(name, age) {
this.name = name
this.age = age
const p1 = new Person('James', 18)
Person.prototype.constructor === Person // true
p1.__proto__.constructor === Person // true
p1.constructor === Person // true, the instance also has a constructor property
Attention, not all functions have prototype property. The arrow function (const f1 = () => {}) does not have prototype. And same to methods of class, bound functions.
They both create object but the Object.create
won't call the constructor of the prototype
while the new
The __proto__
property of the created objects are different. The __proto__
of Object.create
is not pointed to the prototype as new
function A() {}
b = Object.create(A)
b.__proto__ === A.prototype // false
b.__proto__ === A // true
A example from MDN: object model.
function Manager() {
this.reports = [];
Manager.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype);
Manager.prototype.constructor = Manager;
Attention, obj instanceof cls
checks against prototype of cls but not cls itself.
A demo code of instanceof implementation from MDN:
function instanceOf(object, constructor) {
object = object.__proto__;
while (object != null) {
if (object == constructor.prototype)
return true;
if (typeof object == 'xml') {
return constructor.prototype == XML.prototype;
object = object.__proto__;
return false;
You can only use obj instanceof cls
when cls is a callable function. Otherwise you'll
get TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable
. While cls.isPrototypeOf(obj)
avoids this.
const a = {}
const b = Object.create(a)
console.log(a.isPrototypeOf(b)) // got false, but not error
console.log(b instanceof a) // got TypeError