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Package agi implements the Asterisk Gateway Interface ( All AGI commands are implemented as methods of the Session struct that holds a copy of the AGI environment variables. All methods return a Reply struct and the AGI error, if any. The Reply struct contains the numeric result of the AGI command in Res and if there is any additional data it is stored as string in the Dat element of the struct. For example, to create a new AGI session and initialize it:

myAgi := agi.New()
err := myAgi.Init(nil)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Error Parsing AGI environment: %v\n", err)

To play back a voice prompt using AGI 'Stream file' command:

rep, err := myAgi.StreamFile("hello-world", "0123456789")
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("AGI reply error: %v\n", err)
if rep.Res == -1 {
	log.Printf("Error during playback\n")

For more please see the code snippets in the examples folder.

Package agi implements the Asterisk Gateway Interface (


type Reply

type Reply struct {
	Res int    //Numeric result of the AGI command.
	Dat string //Additional returned data.

Reply is a struct that holds the return values of each AGI command.

type Session

type Session struct {
	Env map[string]string //AGI environment variables.

Session is a struct holding AGI environment vars and the I/O handlers.

func New

func New() *Session

New creates a new Session and returns a pointer to it.

func (*Session) Answer

func (a *Session) Answer() (Reply, error)

Answer answers channel. Res is -1 on channel failure, or 0 if successful.

func (*Session) AsyncagiBreak

func (a *Session) AsyncagiBreak() (Reply, error)

AsyncagiBreak interrupts Async AGI. Res is always 0.

func (*Session) ChannelStatus

func (a *Session) ChannelStatus(channel ...string) (Reply, error)

ChannelStatus Res contains the status of the given channel, if no channel specified checks the current channel. Result values:

0 - Channel is down and available.
1 - Channel is down, but reserved.
2 - Channel is off hook.
3 - Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed.
4 - Line is ringing.
5 - Remote end is ringing.
6 - Line is up.
7 - Line is busy.

func (*Session) ControlStreamFile

func (a *Session) ControlStreamFile(file, escape string, params ...interface{}) (Reply, error)

ControlStreamFile sends audio file on channel and allows the listener to control the stream. Optional parameters: skipms, ffchar - Defaults to *, rewchr - Defaults to #, pausechr. Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed, or -1 on error or if the channel was disconnected.

func (*Session) DatabaseDel

func (a *Session) DatabaseDel(family, key string) (Reply, error)

DatabaseDel removes database key/value. Res is 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

func (*Session) DatabaseDelTree

func (a *Session) DatabaseDelTree(family string, keytree ...string) (Reply, error)

DatabaseDelTree removes database keytree/value. Res is 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

func (*Session) DatabaseGet

func (a *Session) DatabaseGet(family, key string) (Reply, error)

DatabaseGet gets database value. Res is 0 if key is not set, 1 if key is set and the value is returned in Dat.

func (*Session) DatabasePut

func (a *Session) DatabasePut(family, key, value string) (Reply, error)

DatabasePut adds/updates database value. Res is 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

func (*Session) Exec

func (a *Session) Exec(app, options string) (Reply, error)

Exec executes a given application. Res contains whatever the dialplan application returns, or -2 on failure to find the application.

func (*Session) Failure

func (a *Session) Failure() (Reply, error)

Failure causes asterisk to terminate the AGI session and set the AGISTATUS channel variable to 'FAILURE'.

func (*Session) GetData

func (a *Session) GetData(file string, params (Reply, error)

GetData prompts for DTMF on a channel. Optional parameters: timeout, maxdigits. Res contains the digits received from the channel at the other end.

func (*Session) GetFullVariable

func (a *Session) GetFullVariable(variable string, channel ...string) (Reply, error)

GetFullVariable evaluates a channel expression, if no channel is specified the current channel is used. Res is 1 if variable is set and the value is returned in Dat. Understands complex variable names and build in variables.

func (*Session) GetOption

func (a *Session) GetOption(filename, escape string, timeout (Reply, error)

GetOption streams file, prompts for DTMF with timeout. Optional parameter: timeout. Res contains the digits received from the channel at the other end and Dat contains the sample ofset. In case of failure to playback Res is -1.

func (*Session) GetVariable

func (a *Session) GetVariable(variable string) (Reply, error)

GetVariable gets a channel variable. Res is 0 if variable is not set, 1 if variable is set and Dat contains the value.

func (*Session) GoSub

func (a *Session) GoSub(context, extension, priority, args string) (Reply, error)

GoSub causes the channel to execute the specified dialplan subroutine, returning to the dialplan with execution of a Return().

func (*Session) Hangup

func (a *Session) Hangup(channel ...string) (Reply, error)

Hangup hangs up a channel, Res is 1 on success, -1 if the given channel was not found.

func (*Session) Init

func (a *Session) Init(rw *bufio.ReadWriter) error

Init initializes a new AGI session. If rw is nil the AGI session will use standard input (stdin) and output (stdout) for a standalone AGI application. It reads and stores the AGI environment variables in Env. Returns an error if the parsing of the AGI environment was unsuccessful.

func (*Session) Noop

func (a *Session) Noop(params ...interface{}) (Reply, error)

Noop does nothing. Res is always 0.

func (*Session) RawCommand

func (a *Session) RawCommand(params ...interface{}) (Reply, error)

RawCommand sends a user defined command. Use of this is generally discouraged. Useful only for debugging, testing and maybe compatibility with newer/altered versions of the AGI protocol.

func (*Session) ReceiveChar

func (a *Session) ReceiveChar(timeout int) (Reply, error)

ReceiveChar receives one character from channels supporting it. Res contains the decimal value of the character if one is received, or 0 if the channel does not support text reception. Result is -1 only on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) ReceiveText

func (a *Session) ReceiveText(timeout int) (Reply, error)

ReceiveText receives text from channels supporting it. Res is -1 for failure or 1 for success, and Dat contains the string.

func (*Session) RecordFile

func (a *Session) RecordFile(file, format, escape string, timeout int, params ...interface{}) (Reply, error)

RecordFile records to a given file. The format will specify what kind of file will be recorded. The timeout is the maximum record time in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout. Optional parameters: offset samples if provided will seek to the offset without exceeding the end of the file. Silence (always prefixed with s=)is the number of seconds of silence allowed before the function returns despite the lack of DTMF digits or reaching timeout. Negative values of Res mean error. Res equals 0 if recording was successful without any DTMF digit received, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was received. Dat contains a set of different inconsistent return values depending on each case, please refer to res_agi.c in asterisk source code for further info.

func (*Session) SayAlpha

func (a *Session) SayAlpha(str, escape string) (Reply, error)

SayAlpha says a given character string. Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) SayDate

func (a *Session) SayDate(date int64, escape string) (Reply, error)

SayDate says a given date (Unix time format). Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) SayDateTime

func (a *Session) SayDateTime(time int64, escape string, params ...string) (Reply, error)

SayDateTime says a given time (Unix time format). Optional parameters: format, the format the time should be said in. See voicemail.conf (defaults to ABdY 'digits/at' IMp). timezone, acceptable values can be found in /usr/share/zoneinfo. Defaults to machine default. Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) SayDigits

func (a *Session) SayDigits(digit int, escape string) (Reply, error)

SayDigits says a given digit. Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) SayNumber

func (a *Session) SayNumber(num int, escape string, gender ...string) (Reply, error)

SayNumber says a given number. Optional parameter gender. Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) SayPhonetic

func (a *Session) SayPhonetic(str, escape string) (Reply, error)

SayPhonetic says a given character string with phonetics. Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed, or -1 on error/hang-up

func (*Session) SayTime

func (a *Session) SayTime(time int64, escape string) (Reply, error)

SayTime says a given time (Unix time format). Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) SendImage

func (a *Session) SendImage(image string) (Reply, error)

SendImage sends images to channels supporting it. Res is 0 if image is sent, or if the channel does not support image transmission. Result is -1 only on error/hang-up. Image names should not include extensions.

func (*Session) SendText

func (a *Session) SendText(text string) (Reply, error)

SendText sends text to channels supporting it. Res is 0 if text is sent, or if the channel does not support text transmission. Result is -1 only on error/hang-up.

func (*Session) SetAutohangup

func (a *Session) SetAutohangup(time int) (Reply, error)

SetAutohangup autohang-ups channel after a number of seconds. Setting time to 0 will cause the autohang-up feature to be disabled on this channel. Res is always 0.

func (*Session) SetCallerid

func (a *Session) SetCallerid(cid string) (Reply, error)

SetCallerid sets callerid for the current channel. Res is always 1.

func (*Session) SetContext

func (a *Session) SetContext(context string) (Reply, error)

SetContext sets channel context. Res is always 0.

func (*Session) SetExtension

func (a *Session) SetExtension(ext string) (Reply, error)

SetExtension changes channel extension. Res is always 0.

func (*Session) SetMusic

func (a *Session) SetMusic(opt string, class ...string) (Reply, error)

SetMusic enables/disables Music on hold generator by setting opt to "on" or "off". Optional parameter: class, if not specified, then the default music on hold class will be used. Res is always 0.

func (*Session) SetPriority

func (a *Session) SetPriority(priority string) (Reply, error)

SetPriority sets channel dialplan priority. The priority must be a valid priority or label. Res is always 0.

func (*Session) SetVariable

func (a *Session) SetVariable(variable string, value interface{}) (Reply, error)

SetVariable sets a channel variable. Res is always 1.

func (*Session) SpeechActivateGrammar

func (a *Session) SpeechActivateGrammar(grammar string) (Reply, error)

SpeechActivateGrammar activates a grammar. Res is 1 on success 0 on error.

func (*Session) SpeechCreate

func (a *Session) SpeechCreate(engine string) (Reply, error)

SpeechCreate creates a speech object. Res is 1 on success 0 on error.

func (*Session) SpeechDeactivateGrammar

func (a *Session) SpeechDeactivateGrammar(grammar string) (Reply, error)

SpeechDeactivateGrammar deactivates a grammar. Res is 1 on success 0 on error.

func (*Session) SpeechDestroy

func (a *Session) SpeechDestroy() (Reply, error)

SpeechDestroy destroys a speech object. Res is 1 on success 0 on error.

func (*Session) SpeechLoadGrammar

func (a *Session) SpeechLoadGrammar(grammar, path string) (Reply, error)

SpeechLoadGrammar loads a grammar. Res is 1 on success 0 on error.

func (*Session) SpeechRecognize

func (a *Session) SpeechRecognize(prompt, timeout, offset string) (Reply, error)

SpeechRecognize recognizes speech. Res is 1 onsuccess, 0 in case of error In case of success Dat contains a set of different inconsistent values. Please refer to res_agi.c in asterisk source code for further info.

func (*Session) SpeechSet

func (a *Session) SpeechSet(name, value string) (Reply, error)

SpeechSet sets a speech engine setting. Res is 1 on success 0 on error.

func (*Session) SpeechUnloadGrammar

func (a *Session) SpeechUnloadGrammar(grammar string) (Reply, error)

SpeechUnloadGrammar unloads a grammar. Result is 1 on success 0 on error.

func (*Session) StreamFile

func (a *Session) StreamFile(file, escape string, offset (Reply, error)

StreamFile sends audio file on channel. Optional parameter: sample offset for the playback start position. Res is 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed, or -1 on error or if the channel was disconnected. If musiconhold is playing before calling stream file it will be automatically stopped and will not be restarted after completion.

func (*Session) TddMode

func (a *Session) TddMode(mode string) (Reply, error)

TddMode toggles TDD mode (for the deaf). Res is 1 if successful, or 0 if channel is not TDD-capable.

func (*Session) Verbose

func (a *Session) Verbose(msg interface{}, level (Reply, error)

Verbose logs a message to the asterisk verbose log. Optional variable: level, the verbose level (1-4). Res is always 1.

func (*Session) WaitForDigit

func (a *Session) WaitForDigit(timeout int) (Reply, error)

WaitForDigit waits for a digit to be pressed. Use -1 for the timeout value if you desire the call to block indefinitely. Res is -1 on channel failure, 0 if no digit is received in the timeout, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one is received.


Go package agi implements the Asterisk Gateway Interface.







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