CS1632 Software Quality Assurance - TUESDAY / THURSDAY
Although the instructor will make a best effort to have the class topic on the day listed, occasionally a change must be made (e.g., a lecture going long, or a guest lecturer unable to make it to class that day). However, these are the topics that will be covered and the expected date that they will be taught.
AFIST = A Friendly Introduction to Software Testing by Bill Laboon
WPGR = Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
(Class 1) Introduction - What is Software Quality Assurance?
(Class 2) Basic Testing Theory and Terminology
- READING: AFIST, Chapters 2 - 4
NOTE: Due to Monday classes being cancelled for the holiday, and the fact that Pitt did not schedule enough lectures in the term for Mon/Wed classes, students from the Monday classes may attend the Tuesday class this week. It will most likely be crowded that day, so be forewarned!
(Class 1) Requirements and Defects
- READING: AFIST, Chapters 5 and 9
(Class 2) Test Plans and Breaking Software
- ASSIGNED: Deliverable 1
(Class 1) Exploratory, Path-Based, and Automated Testing
(Class 2) Intro to Ruby
- READING: WPGR, Chapter 1-4
(Class 1) Intro to Ruby, cont'd
- READING: WPGR, Chapter 5-6
- DUE: Deliverable 1
- ASSIGNED: Deliverable 2
(Class 2) EX1: Ruby
(Class 1) Unit Testing with Minitest
- READING: AFIST, Chapter 12-14
(Class 2) EX2: Unit Testing with Ruby and Minitest
(Class 1) Test-driven Development
- READING: AFIST, Chapter 15
(Class 2) Writing Testable Code
- READING: AFIST, Chapter 16
(Class 1) Pairwise and Combinatorial Testing
- READING: AFIST, Chapter 17
- DUE: Deliverable 2
- ASSIGNED: Deliverable 3
(Class 2) Performance Testing
(Class 1) EX3: Performance Testing
(Class 2) MIDTERM 1
(Class 1) Flipped class: D3
(Class 2) Automated System Testing w/ Selenium
- DUE: Deliverable 3
- ASSIGNED: Deliverable 4
(Class 1) EX4: Automated System Testing
(Class 2) Static Analysis and Mutation Testing
(Class 1) NO CLASS
(Class 2) EX5: Static Analysis and Mutation Testing
- DUE: Deliverable 4
- ASSIGNED: Deliverable 5 (Optional - D6 worth 25% of grade if you don't turn in D5)
- ASSIGNED: Deliverable 6
(Class 1) Stochastic and Property-Based Testing
- READING: AFIST, Chapter 18
(Class 2) EX6: Property-based Testing
- DUE: Deliverable 5 (Optional)
(Class 1) Interacting With Stakeholders
- READING: AFIST, Chapter 21
(Class 2) Security Testing
- READING: AFIST, Chapter 20
(Class 1) MIDTERM 2
(Class 2) EX7: Penetration Testing
- DUE: Deliverable 6