The topics are predefined once in the MqttVariables
Mqtt works with subscriptions and publications. An example for a dimmer publication is
If you change any of these topic. Keep an eye on the length of the topic and or STRING() size
(* Broker setup *)
clientID :STRING:='PLC-House';
broker :STRING:='';
(* use the below for username password authentication to broker *)
(* broker :STRING:='user:password@'; *)
(* Topics *)
MqttMain :STRING(16) := 'Devices/';
MqttType :STRING(16) := 'PLC/';
MqttDevice :STRING(16) := 'House/';
// e.g. Devices/PLC/House/
MqttBaseTopic :STRING(100) := CONCAT(CONCAT(MqttMain,MqttType),MqttDevice);
MqttAvailabilityTopic :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'availability');
MqttAvailabilityOnlinePayload :STRING(20) := 'online';
MqttAvailabilityOfflinePayload :STRING(20) := 'offline';
MQTTAvailabilityHartbeatTime :TIME:=T#5S;
MqttPubLogPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'logger/');
MqttHADiscoveryPrefix :STRING(16) := 'homeassistant/';
(* FB Topics *)
MqttPushbuttonPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'Out/DigitalInputs/Pushbuttons/');
MqttPubSwitchPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'Out/DigitalOutputs/');
MqttSubSwitchPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'In/DigitalOutputs/');
MqttPubCoverPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'Out/Covers/');
MqttSubCoverPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'In/Covers/');
MqttPubDimmerPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'Out/Dimmers/');
MqttSubDimmerPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'In/Dimmers/');
MqttPubVirtualPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'Out/Virtuals/');
MqttSubVirtualPrefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'In/Virtuals/');
MqttPubRS485Prefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'Out/RS485/');
MqttSubRS485Prefix :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttBaseTopic,'In/RS485/');
(* Wildcard subscriptions *)
MqttSubSwitchTopic :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttSubSwitchPrefix,'+');
MqttSubCoverTopic :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttSubCoverPrefix,'+');
MqttSubVirtualTopic :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttSubVirtualPrefix,'+');
MqttSubDimmerTopic :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttSubDimmerPrefix,'#');
MqttSubRS485Topic :STRING(100) := CONCAT(MqttSubRS485Prefix,'#');
The software supports so-called Birth and Last Will and Testament (LWT) messages. The former is used to send a message after the service has started, and the latter is used to notify other clients about an ungracefully disconnected client. In addtion to a Birth message on startup the Birth message is also published cyclic as a harbeat.
Birth message:
Topic: Devices/PLC/House/availability
Payload: online
LWT message:
Topic: Devices/PLC/House/availability
Payload: offline
Note that the Topics and payloads can be changed in de code. The Birth message is by default published during startup and after that every 5 seconds (hartbeat). This can be changed as well in the code.