Gorillas in Ruby!
Gorillas is a game that was distributed with MSDOS 5 and is a basic (wink wink) artillery game.
I've been playing with Gosu a little bit before and I decided to reimplement the game in Ruby for fun. It looks more or less like the original and should also play like the original, with the only exception: you use your mouse to specify aiming angle and velocity. Asking for those values to be input doesn't feel like 2015 :)
The only problem you might encounter is installing Gosu. Gosu has a tutorial that also explains how to set it up on Linux, Mac and Windows.
on a Mac with Homebrew, do this:
brew install sdl2
brew install libogg libvorbis
Gorillas.rb should support Ruby 2+, I've specified 2.2.2 in Gemfile. Install that with your favorite tool, rbenv or rvm, or system-wide. Makes no difference.
gem install bundler
bundle install
At some point I'm going to try to package everything into a single package, but I'm not sure if that works.
bundle exec ruby gorillas.rb
See the config/gorillas.yml file. You can specify images, sound files and turn sound on/off there. All the images and music are inside the media folder.
The initial implementation was quite dirty so I'm cleaning stuff up, one file at a time. Stay tuned.
Gorillas.rb uses some images and music from Open Game Art:
- Day and Night by edwinnington
- Atari Booms by dklon
- Explosion by Cuzco
PRs and comments are of course welcome.
That's it, enjoy!