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Releases: youseedk/dna

Grid prefixes, browser testing, button color, a11y

01 Apr 11:45
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Grid Prefix
All grid classes are now prefixed with ys-.

Browser testing
All elements have now been thouroughly browser tested and minor fixes have been implemented.

Button color
Due to a color override, some buttons were previously using the wrong text color, but this have been fixed in this version.

The outline now works as intended in Safari.

Utility classes

26 Mar 09:06
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  • Removes ys-u-mobile-only, ys-u-desktop-only, ys-u-tablet-up, ys-u-tablet-down classes
  • Adds ys-u-until-sm, ys-u-until-md, ys-u-until-lg, ys-u-until-xl, ys-u-from-sm, ys-u-from-md, ys-u-from-lg, ys-u-from-xl

Removal of ys-u-neutral-button

25 Mar 14:02
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In this release we have removed the utility button ("ys-u-neutral-button") as it wasn't used in any of our elements at all.