Release: exciting neon.
Copyright (C) 2002-2023 The exciting team.
exciting is an all-electron full-potential computer package for first-principles calculations, based on (linearized) augmented planewave + local orbital [(L)APW+lo] methods. This family of basis sets is known as the most precise numerical scheme to solve the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory (DFT), reaching up to micro-Hartree precision [1].
exciting features include:
Ground state DFT with LDA, GGA and hybrid functionals [1, 2].
Time-dependent DFT, both in the frequency domain (with the linear response formalism) [3] and and in the real-time domain [4].
GW in the G0W0 approximation [5].
The Bethe-Salpeter equation for both valence excitations [4] and core excitations [6].
The documentation for developers can be found in the exciting gitlab wiki.
exciting neon can be downloaded from the exciting webpage.
exciting is updated regularly with new features and bug fixes. This release may be used for limited production but please check the consistency of the results carefully. Patched minor releases are also available on exciting's Github page.
Information on compiling and testing exciting can be found in the INSTALL file, located within the root directory.
If you use exciting in your work, please cite the following paper:
Additionally, if you use specific features, please cite the corresponding papers where applicable: