he SONA job is essentially a Spark Application with an associated Angel-PS application. After the job is successfully submitted, there will be two separate Applications on the cluster, one is the Spark Application and the other is the Angel-PS Application. The two Applications are not coupled. If the SONA job is deleted, users are required to kill both the Spark and Angel-PS Applications manually.
Install Spark
Install SONA
- unzip sona-<version>-bin.zip, the path of extracted folder
- set these environmental variables:
in sona-<version>-bin/bin/spark-on-angl-env.sh - put the extracted folder
- unzip sona-<version>-bin.zip, the path of extracted folder
Configure Environment Variables
- need to import environment script:source ./spark-on-angel-env.sh
- configure the Jar package location:spark.ps.jars=$SONA_ANGEL_JARS和--jars $SONA_SPARK_JARS
After completing sona program coding, then package it. At last, use spark-submit
script to submit the task.
#! /bin/bash
- cd sona-<version>-bin/bin;
- ./SONA-example
script as follows:
source ./spark-on-angel-env.sh
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--master yarn-cluster \
--conf spark.ps.jars=$SONA_ANGEL_JARS \
--conf spark.ps.instances=10 \
--conf spark.ps.cores=2 \
--conf spark.ps.memory=6g \
--name "LR-spark-on-angel" \
--files <logreg.json path> \
--driver-memory 10g \
--num-executors 10 \
--executor-cores 2 \
--executor-memory 4g \
--class org.apache.spark.angel.examples.JsonRunnerExamples \
./../lib/angelml-${SONA_VERSION}.jar \
data:<input_path> \
modelPath:<output_path> \
jsonFile:./logreg.json \
Attention: the parameters of Angel PS need to be set:
--files <logreg.json path>
using this parameter to upload your local json file, here<logreg.json path>
is the local path of json(such as: xx/xx/logreg.json)jsonFile:./logreg.json \
this parameter is using the json you upload resources such as: executor, driver, ps, depend on your dataset
- detail json
- data
- copy the following code and save as xx.json
"data": {
"format": "libsvm",
"indexrange": 123,
"validateratio": 0.1,
"sampleratio": 1.0
"train": {
"epoch": 10,
"lr": 0.5
"model": {
"modeltype": "T_DOUBLE_SPARSE"
"default_optimizer": {
"type": "momentum",
"momentum": 0.9,
"reg2": 0.001
"layers": [
"name": "wide",
"type": "simpleinputlayer",
"outputdim": 1,
"transfunc": "identity"
"name": "simplelosslayer",
"type": "simplelosslayer",
"lossfunc": "logloss",
"inputlayer": "wide"
Users also can program JsonRunnerExamples
by yourself, here is a sample example only included some important codes, for more detail information please see JsonRunnerExamples:
import com.tencent.angel.sona.core.DriverContext
import org.apache.spark.angel.ml.classification.AngelClassifier
import org.apache.spark.angel.ml.feature.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.angel.ml.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrameReader, SparkSession}
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
val sparkConf = spark.sparkContext.getConf
val driverCtx = DriverContext.get(sparkConf)
val libsvm = spark.read.format("libsvmex")
val dummy = spark.read.format("dummy")
val trainData = libsvm.load("./data/angel/a9a/a9a_123d_train.libsvm")
val classifier = new AngelClassifier()
val model = classifier.fit(trainData)