1 | 1 | sources:
2 | 2 |
3 |
| - nwis-streamflow-usgs-gages-osn: |
| 3 | +nwis-streamflow-usgs-gages-osn: |
4 | 4 | driver: zarr
5 |
| - description: "subset of NWIS streamflow - OSN pod storage, 275 MB, 40 years of daily data, CONUS extent point data, 1 real variable (streamflow)" |
| 5 | + description: "Streamflow from NWIS, extracted and rechunked into time series (NWM2.1 time period)" |
6 | 6 | args:
7 |
| - urlpath: 's3://rsignellbucket2/hytest/nwm/nwis_chanobs.zarr' |
| 7 | + urlpath: 's3://hytest/tutorials/evaluation/nwm/nwis_chanobs.zarr' |
8 | 8 | consolidated: true
9 | 9 | storage_options:
10 | 10 | anon: true
11 | 11 | requester_pays: false
12 | 12 | client_kwargs:
13 |
| - endpoint_url: https://renc.osn.xsede.org |
14 |
| - |
15 |
| - red-river-subset-osn: |
16 |
| - driver: zarr |
17 |
| - description: "Sample subset - OSN pod storage, 470M, Very High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of Regional Climate for Use in Long-term Hydrologic Planning along the Red River Valley System" |
18 |
| - args: |
19 |
| - urlpath: 's3://rsignellbucket2/nhgf/sample_data/red_river_2020.zarr' |
20 |
| - consolidated: true |
21 |
| - storage_options: |
22 |
| - anon: true |
23 |
| - requester_pays: false |
24 |
| - client_kwargs: |
25 |
| - endpoint_url: https://renc.osn.xsede.org |
| 13 | + endpoint_url: https://usgs.osn.mghpcc.org |
26 | 14 |
27 | 15 | alaska-et-2020-subset-osn:
28 | 16 | driver: zarr
29 | 17 | description: "Sample subset - OSN pod storage, 863M, Gridded 20km Daily Reference Evapotranspiration for the State of Alaska from 1979 to 2017/CCSM4 historical simulation"
30 | 18 | args:
31 |
| - urlpath: 's3://rsignellbucket2/nhgf/sample_data/ccsm4.zarr' |
| 19 | + urlpath: 's3://mdmf/gdp/alaska_et_2020_ccsm4_historical_simulation.zarr' |
32 | 20 | consolidated: true
33 | 21 | storage_options:
34 | 22 | anon: true
35 | 23 | requester_pays: false
36 | 24 | client_kwargs:
37 |
| - endpoint_url: https://renc.osn.xsede.org |
| 25 | + endpoint_url: https://usgs.osn.mghpcc.org |
38 | 26 |
39 | 27 | prism-v2-osn:
40 | 28 | driver: zarr
41 | 29 | description: "USGS THREDDS Holdings/Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model Monthly Climate Data for the Continental United States"
42 | 30 | args:
43 |
| - urlpath: 's3://rsignellbucket2/nhgf/sample_data/prism_v2.zarr' |
| 31 | + urlpath: 's3://mdmf/gdp/PRISM_v2.zarr' |
44 | 32 | consolidated: true
45 | 33 | storage_options:
46 | 34 | anon: true
47 | 35 | requester_pays: false
48 | 36 | client_kwargs:
49 |
| - endpoint_url: https://renc.osn.xsede.org |
| 37 | + endpoint_url: https://usgs.osn.mghpcc.org |
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