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Releases: xcube-dev/xcube


10 Mar 17:13
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Changes in 1.0.0


  • Added a catalog API compliant to STAC to
    xcube server. (#455)

    • It serves a single collection named "datacubes" whose items are the
      datasets published by the service.
    • The collection items make use the STAC
      datacube extension.
  • Simplified the cloud deployment of xcube server/viewer applications (#815).
    This has been achieved by the following new xcube server features:

    • Configuration files can now also be URLs which allows
      provisioning from S3-compatible object storage.
      For example, it is now possible to invoke xcube server as follows:
      $ xcube serve --config s3://cyanoalert/xcube/demo.yaml ...
    • A new endpoint /viewer/config/{*path} allows
      for configuring the viewer accessible via endpoint /viewer.
      The actual source for the configuration items is configured by xcube
      server configuration using the new entry Viewer/Configuration/Path,
      for example:
          Path: s3://cyanoalert/xcube/viewer-config
    • A typical xcube server configuration comprises many paths, and
      relative paths of known configuration parameters are resolved against
      the base_dir configuration parameter. However, for values of
      parameters passed to user functions that represent paths in user code,
      this cannot be done automatically. For such situations, expressions
      can be used. An expression is any string between "${" and "}" in a
      configuration value. An expression can contain the variables
      base_dir (a string), ctx the current server context
      (type xcube.webapi.datasets.DatasetsContext), as well as the function
      resolve_config_path(path) that is used to make a path absolut with
      respect to base_dir and to normalize it. For example
        Path: augmentation/
        Function: metadata:update_metadata
          bands_config: ${resolve_config_path("../common/bands.yaml")}
  • xcube's spatial resampling functions resample_in_space(),
    affine_transform_dataset(), and rectify_dataset() exported
    from module xcube.core.resampling now encode the target grid mapping
    into the resampled datasets. (#822)

    This new default behaviour can be switched off by keyword argument
    The grid mapping name can be set by keyword argument gm_name.
    If gm_name is not given a grid mapping will not be encoded if
    all the following conditions are true:

    • The target CRS is geographic;
    • The spatial dimension names are "lon" and "lat";
    • The spatial 1-D coordinate variables are named "lon" and "lat"
      and are evenly spaced.

    The encoding of the grid mapping is done according to CF conventions:

    • The CRS is encoded as attributes of a 0-D data variable named by gm_name
    • All spatial data variables receive an attribute grid_mapping that is
      set to the value of gm_name.
  • Added Notebook
    that explains how xcube Viewer can now be utilised in JupyterLab
    using the new (still experimental) xcube JupyterLab extension
    The xcube-jl-ext package is also available on PyPI.

  • Updated example
    Notebook for CMEMS data store
    to reflect changes of parameter names that provide CMEMS API credentials.

  • Included support for Azure Blob Storage filesystem by adding a new
    data store abfs. Many thanks to Ed!

    These changes will enable access to data cubes (.zarr or .levels)
    in Azure blob storage as shown here:

    store = new_data_store(
        "abfs",                    # Azure filesystem protocol
        root="my_blob_container",  # Azure blob container name
        storage_options= {'anon': True, 
                          # Alternatively, use 'connection_string': 'xxx'
                          'account_name': 'xxx', 

    Same configuration for xcube Server:

    - Identifier: siec
      StoreId: abfs
        root: my_blob_container
        max_depth: 1
          anon: true
          account_name: "xxx"
          account_key': "xxx"
          # or
          # connection_string: "xxx"
        - Path: "*.levels"
          Style: default
  • Added Notebook
    This notebook shows how a new data store instance can connect and list
    Zarr files from Azure bolb storage using the new abfs data store.

  • xcube's Dockerfile no longer creates a conda environment xcube.
    All dependencies are now installed into the base environment making it
    easier to use the container as an executable for xcube applications.
    We are now also using a micromamba base image instead of miniconda.
    The result is a much faster build and smaller image size.

  • Added a new_cluster function to xcube.util.dask, which can create
    Dask clusters with various configuration options.

  • The xcube multi-level dataset specification has been enhanced. (#802)

    • When writing multi-level datasets (*.levels/) we now create a new
      JSON file .zlevels that contains the parameters used to create the
    • A new class xcube.core.mldataset.FsMultiLevelDataset that represents
      a multi-level dataset persisted to some filesystem, like
      "file", "s3", "memory". It can also write datasets to the filesystem.
  • Changed the behaviour of the class
    xcube.core.mldataset.CombinedMultiLevelDataset to do what we
    actually expect:
    If the keyword argument combiner_func is not given or None is passed,
    a copy of the first dataset is made, which is then subsequently updated
    by the remaining datasets using xarray.Dataset.update().
    The former default was using the xarray.merge(), which for some reason
    can eagerly load Dask array chunks into memory that won't be released.


  • Tiles of datasets with forward slashes in their identifiers
    (originated from nested directories) now display again correctly
    in xcube Viewer. Tile URLs have not been URL-encoded in such cases. (#817)

  • The xcube server configuration parameters url_prefix and
    reverse_url_prefix can now be absolute URLs. This fixes a problem for
    relative prefixes such as "proxy/8000" used for xcube server running
    inside JupyterLab. Here, the expected returned self-referencing URL was
    https://{host}/users/{user}/proxy/8000/{path} but we got
    http://{host}/proxy/8000/{path}. (#806)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v1.0.0


03 Mar 15:42
Choose a tag to compare
1.0.0.dev3 Pre-release

Changes in 1.0.0.dev3


  • Included support for Azure Blob Storage filesystem by adding a new
    data store abfs. Many thanks to Ed!

    These changes will enable access to data cubes (.zarr or .levels)
    in Azure blob storage as shown here:

    store = new_data_store(
        "abfs",                    # Azure filesystem protocol
        root="my_blob_container",  # Azure blob container name
        storage_options= {'anon': True, 
                          # Alternatively, use 'connection_string': 'xxx'
                          'account_name': 'xxx', 

    Same configuration for xcube Server:

    - Identifier: siec
      StoreId: abfs
        root: my_blob_container
        max_depth: 1
          anon: true
          account_name: "xxx"
          account_key': "xxx"
          # or
          # connection_string: "xxx"
        - Path: "*.levels"
          Style: default
  • Added Notebook
    This notebook shows how a new data store instance can connect and list
    Zarr files from Azure bolb storage using the new abfs data store.

  • Added a catalog API compliant to STAC to
    xcube server. (#455)

    • It serves a single collection named "datacubes" whose items are the
      datasets published by the service.
    • The collection items make use the STAC
      datacube extension.
  • Simplified the cloud deployment of xcube server/viewer applications (#815).
    This has been achieved by the following new xcube server features:

    • Configuration files can now also be URLs which allows
      provisioning from S3-compatible object storage.
      For example, it is now possible to invoke xcube server as follows:
      $ xcube serve --config s3://cyanoalert/xcube/demo.yaml ...
    • A new endpoint /viewer/config/{*path} allows
      for configuring the viewer accessible via endpoint /viewer.
      The actual source for the configuration items is configured by xcube
      server configuration using the new entry Viewer/Configuration/Path,
      for example:
          Path: s3://cyanoalert/xcube/viewer/ 
    • A typical xcube server configuration comprises many paths, and
      relative paths of known configuration parameters are resolved against
      the base_dir configuration parameter. However, for values of
      parameters passed to user functions that represent paths in user code,
      this cannot be done automatically. For such situations, expressions
      can be used. An expression is any string between "${" and "}" in a
      configuration value. An expression can contain the variables
      base_dir (a string), ctx the current server context
      (type xcube.webapi.datasets.DatasetsContext), as well as the function
      resolve_config_path(path) that is used to make a path absolut with
      respect to base_dir and to normalize it. For example
        Path: augmentation/
        Function: metadata:update_metadata
          bands_config: ${resolve_config_path("../common/bands.yaml")}
  • xcube's Dockerfile no longer creates a conda environment xcube.
    All dependencies are now installed into the base environment making it
    easier to use the container as an executable for xcube applications.
    We are now also using a micromamba base image instead of miniconda.
    The result is a much faster build and smaller image size.

  • Added a new_cluster function to xcube.util.dask, which can create
    Dask clusters with various configuration options.

  • The xcube multi-level dataset specification has been enhanced. (#802)

    • When writing multi-level datasets (*.levels/) we now create a new
      JSON file .zlevels that contains the parameters used to create the
    • A new class xcube.core.mldataset.FsMultiLevelDataset that represents
      a multi-level dataset persisted to some filesystem, like
      "file", "s3", "memory". It can also write datasets to the filesystem.
  • Changed the behaviour of the class
    xcube.core.mldataset.CombinedMultiLevelDataset to do what we
    actually expect:
    If the keyword argument combiner_func is not given or None is passed,
    a copy of the first dataset is made, which is then subsequently updated
    by the remaining datasets using xarray.Dataset.update().
    The former default was using the xarray.merge(), which for some reason
    can eagerly load Dask array chunks into memory that won't be released.


  • Tiles of datasets with forward slashes in their identifiers
    (originated from nested directories) now display again correctly
    in xcube Viewer. Tile URLs have not been URL-encoded in such cases. (#817)

  • The xcube server configuration parameters url_prefix and
    reverse_url_prefix can now be absolute URLs. This fixes a problem for
    relative prefixes such as "proxy/8000" used for xcube server running
    inside JupyterLab. Here, the expected returned self-referencing URL was
    https://{host}/users/{user}/proxy/8000/{path} but we got
    http://{host}/proxy/8000/{path}. (#806)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.0.dev2...v1.0.0.dev3


02 Mar 17:19
Choose a tag to compare
1.0.0.dev2 Pre-release

Changes in 1.0.0.dev2


  • Added a catalog API compliant to STAC to
    xcube server.
    It serves a single collection named "datasets" whose items are the
    datasets published by the service. (#455)

  • Simplified the cloud deployment of xcube server/viewer applications (#815).
    This has been achieved by the following new xcube server features:

    • Configuration files can now also be URLs which allows
      provisioning from S3-compatible object storage.
      For example, it is now possible to invoke xcube server as follows:
      $ xcube serve --config s3://cyanoalert/xcube/demo.yaml ...
    • A new endpoint /viewer/config/{*path} allows
      for configuring the viewer accessible via endpoint /viewer.
      The actual source for the configuration items is configured by xcube
      server configuration using the new entry Viewer/Configuration/Path,
      for example:
          Path: s3://cyanoalert/xcube/viewer/ 
    • A typical xcube server configuration comprises many paths, and
      relative paths of known configuration parameters are resolved against
      the base_dir configuration parameter. However, for values of
      parameters passed to user functions that represent paths in user code,
      this cannot be done automatically. For such situations, expressions
      can be used. An expression is any string between "${" and "}" in a
      configuration value. An expression can contain the variables
      base_dir (a string), ctx the current server context
      (type xcube.webapi.datasets.DatasetsContext), as well as the function
      resolve_config_path(path) that is used to make a path absolut with
      respect to base_dir and to normalize it. For example
        Path: augmentation/
        Function: metadata:update_metadata
          bands_config: ${resolve_config_path("../common/bands.yaml")}
  • xcube's Dockerfile no longer creates a conda environment xcube.
    All dependencies are now installed into the base environment making it
    easier to use the container as an executable for xcube applications.
    We are now also using a micromamba base image instead of miniconda.
    The result is a much faster build and smaller image size.

  • Added a new_cluster function to xcube.util.dask, which can create
    Dask clusters with various configuration options.

  • The xcube multi-level dataset specification has been enhanced. (#802)

    • When writing multi-level datasets (*.levels/) we now create a new
      JSON file .zlevels that contains the parameters used to create the
    • A new class xcube.core.mldataset.FsMultiLevelDataset that represents
      a multi-level dataset persisted to some filesystem, like
      "file", "s3", "memory". It can also write datasets to the filesystem.
  • Changed the behaviour of the class
    xcube.core.mldataset.CombinedMultiLevelDataset to do what we
    actually expect:
    If the keyword argument combiner_func is not given or None is passed,
    a copy of the first dataset is made, which is then subsequently updated
    by the remaining datasets using xarray.Dataset.update().
    The former default was using the xarray.merge(), which for some reason
    can eagerly load Dask array chunks into memory that won't be released.


  • Tiles of datasets with forward slashes in their identifiers
    (originated from nested directories) now display again correctly
    in xcube Viewer. Tile URLs have not been URL-encoded in such cases. (#817)

  • The xcube server configuration parameters url_prefix and
    reverse_url_prefix can now be absolute URLs. This fixes a problem for
    relative prefixes such as "proxy/8000" used for xcube server running
    inside JupyterLab. Here, the expected returned self-referencing URL was
    https://{host}/users/{user}/proxy/8000/{path} but we got
    http://{host}/proxy/8000/{path}. (#806)

Full Changelog: v1.0.0.dev1...v1.0.0.dev2


08 Feb 13:55
Choose a tag to compare

Changes in 0.13.0


  • xcube Server has been rewritten almost from scratch.

    • Introduced a new endpoint ${server_url}/s3 that emulates
      and AWS S3 object storage for the published datasets. (#717)
      The bucket name can be either:

      • s3://datasets - publishes all datasets in Zarr format.
      • s3://pyramids - publishes all datasets in a multi-level levels
        format (multi-resolution N-D images)
        that comprises level datasets in Zarr format.

      Datasets published through the S3 API are slightly
      renamed for clarity. For bucket s3://pyramids:

      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .levels, the identifier remains;
      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .zarr, it will be replaced by
        .levels only if such a dataset doesn't exist;
      • otherwise, the suffix .levels is appended to the identifier.
        For bucket s3://datasets the opposite is true:
      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .zarr, the identifier remains;
      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .levels, it will be replaced by
        .zarr only if such a dataset doesn't exist;
      • otherwise, the suffix .zarr is appended to the identifier.

      With the new S3 endpoints in place, xcube Server instances can be used
      as xcube data stores as follows:

      store = new_data_store(
          root="datasets",   # bucket "datasets", use also "pyramids"
          max_depth=2,       # optional, but we may have nested datasets
    • The limited s3bucket endpoints are no longer available and are
      replaced by s3 endpoints.

    • Added new endpoint /viewer that serves a self-contained,
      packaged build of
      xcube Viewer.
      The packaged viewer can be overridden by environment variable
      XCUBE_VIEWER_PATH that must point to a directory with a
      build of a compatible viewer.

    • The --show option of xcube serve
      has been renamed to --open-viewer.
      It now uses the self-contained, packaged build of
      xcube Viewer. (#750)

    • The --show option of xcube serve
      now outputs various aspects of the server configuration.

    • Added experimental endpoint /volumes.
      It is used by xcube Viewer to render 3-D volumes.

  • xcube Server is now more tolerant with respect to datasets it can not
    open without errors. Implementation detail: It no longer fails if
    opening datasets raises any exception other than DatasetIsNotACubeError.

  • xcube Server's colormap management has been improved in several ways:

    • Colormaps are no longer managed globally. E.g., on server configuration
      change, new custom colormaps are reloaded from files.
    • Colormaps are loaded dynamically from underlying
      matplotlib and cmocean registries, and custom SNAP color palette files.
      That means, latest matplotlib colormaps are now always available. (#687)
    • Colormaps can now be reversed (name suffix "_r"),
      can have alpha blending (name suffix "_alpha"),
      or both (name suffix "_r_alpha").
    • Loading of custom colormaps from SNAP *.cpd has been rewritten.
      Now also the isLogScaled property of the colormap is recognized. (#661)
    • The module xcube.util.cmaps has been redesigned and now offers
      three new classes for colormap management:
      • Colormap - a colormap
      • ColormapCategory - represents a colormap category
      • ColormapRegistry - manages colormaps and their categories
  • The xcube filesystem data stores such as "file", "s3", "memory"
    can now filter the data identifiers reported by get_data_ids(). (#585)
    For this purpose, the data stores now accept two new optional keywords
    which both can take the form of a wildcard pattern or a sequence
    of wildcard patterns:

    1. excludes: if given and if any pattern matches the identifier,
      the identifier is not reported.
    2. includes: if not given or if any pattern matches the identifier,
      the identifier is reported.
  • Added convenience method DataStore.list_data_ids() that works
    like get_data_ids(), but returns a list instead of an iterator. (#776)

  • Added Notebook
    that explains how xcube Viewer can now be utilised in JupyterLab
    using the new (still experimental) xcube JupyterLab extension

  • Replaced usages of deprecated numpy dtype numpy.bool
    by Python type bool.


  • xcube CLI tools no longer emit warnings when trying to import
    installed packages named xcube_* as xcube plugins.

  • The xcube.util.timeindex module can now handle 0-dimensional
    ndarrays as indexers. This effectively avoids the warning
    Can't determine indexer timezone; leaving it unmodified.
    which was emitted in such cases.

  • xcube serve will now also accept datasets with coordinate names
    longitude and latitude, even if the attribute long_name isn't set.

  • Function xcube.core.resampling.affine.affine_transform_dataset()
    now assumes that geographic coordinate systems are equal by default and
    hence a resampling based on an affine transformation can be performed.

  • Fixed a problem with xcube server's WMTS implementation.
    For multi-level resolution datasets with very coarse low resolution levels,
    the tile matrix sets WorldCRS84Quad and WorldWebMercatorQuad have
    reported a negative minimum z-level.

  • Implementation of function xcube.core.geom.rasterize_features()
    has been changed to account for consistent use of a target variable's
    fill_value and dtype for a given feature.
    In-memory (decoded) variables now always use dtype float64 and use
    np.nan to represent missing values. Persisted (encoded) variable data
    will make use of the target fill_value and dtype. (#778)

  • Relative local filesystem paths to datasets are now correctly resolved
    against the base directory of the xcube Server's configuration, i.e.
    configuration parameter base_dir. (#758)

  • Fixed problem with xcube gen raising FileNotFoundError
    with Zarr >= 2.13.

  • Provided backward compatibility with Python 3.8. (#760)


  • The CLI tool xcube edit has been deprecated in favour of the
    xcube patch. (#748)

  • Deprecated CLI xcube tile has been removed.

  • Deprecated modules, classes, methods, and functions
    have finally been removed:

    • xcube.core.geom.get_geometry_mask()
    • xcube.core.mldataset.FileStorageMultiLevelDataset
    • xcube.core.mldataset.open_ml_dataset()
    • xcube.core.mldataset.open_ml_dataset_from_local_fs()
    • xcube.core.mldataset.open_ml_dataset_from_object_storage()
    • xcube.core.subsampling.get_dataset_subsampling_slices()
    • xcube.core.tiledimage
    • xcube.core.tilegrid
  • The following classes, methods, and functions have been deprecated:

    • xcube.core.xarray.DatasetAccessor.levels()
    • xcube.util.cmaps.get_cmap()
    • xcube.util.cmaps.get_cmaps()
  • A new function compute_tiles() has been
    refactored out from function xcube.core.tile.compute_rgba_tile().

  • Added method get_level_for_resolution(xy_res) to
    abstract base class xcube.core.mldataset.MultiLevelDataset.

  • Removed outdated example resources from examples/serve/demo.

  • Account for different spatial resolutions in x and y in

  • Make code robust against 0-size coordinates in

  • xcube Server has been enhanced to load multi-module Python code
    for dynamic cubes both from both directories and zip archives.
    For example, the following dataset definition computes a dynamic
    cube from dataset "local" using function "compute_dataset" in
    Python module "":

      Function: compute_dataset
      InputDatasets: ["local"]

    Users can now pack "" among any other modules and
    packages into a zip archive. Note that the original module name
    is now a prefix to the function name:

      Function: resample_in_time:compute_dataset
      InputDatasets: ["local"]

    Implementation note: this has been achieved by using
    xcube.core.byoa.CodeConfig in

  • Instead of the Function keyword it is now
    possible to use the Class keyword.
    While Function references a function that receives one or
    more datasets (type xarray.Dataset) and returns a new one,
    Class references a callable that receives one or
    more multi-level datasets and returns a new one.
    The callable is either a class derived from
    or a function that returns an instance of

  • Module xcube.core.mldataset has been refactored into
    a sub-package for clarity and maintainability.

  • Removed deprecated example examples/tile.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.13.0


08 Feb 09:26
Choose a tag to compare
0.13.0.dev12 Pre-release

Changes in 0.13.0.dev12


  • Intermediate: Fixed and

Full Changelog: v0.13.0.dev11...v0.13.0.dev12


08 Feb 07:50
Choose a tag to compare
0.13.0.dev11 Pre-release

Changes in 0.13.0.dev11


  • Added Notebook
    that explains how xcube Viewer can now be utilised in JupyterLab
    using the new (still experimental) xcube JupyterLab extension


  • Intermediate: Ensure Viewer() creates a server with reverse prefix set.

  • Intermediate: Ensure Viewer.add_dataset() provides a dataset title.

  • Intermediate: Fixed xcube.webapi.viewer.Viewer
    so it can find ~/.xcube/jupyterlab/lab-info.json.


  • Intermediate: Added important TODO, should be made a GH issue after 0.13.

  • Removed deprecated example examples/tile.

Full Changelog: v0.13.0.dev10...v0.13.0.dev11


06 Feb 09:25
Choose a tag to compare
0.13.0.dev10 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Replaced numpy.bool by Python bool by @forman in #796

Full Changelog: v0.13.0.dev9...v0.13.0.dev10


04 Feb 13:14
Choose a tag to compare
0.13.0.dev9 Pre-release

Changes in 0.13.0.dev9


  • xcube Server has been rewritten almost from scratch.

    • Introduced a new endpoint ${server_url}/s3 that emulates
      and AWS S3 object storage for the published datasets. (#717)
      The bucket name can be either:

      • s3://datasets - publishes all datasets in Zarr format.
      • s3://pyramids - publishes all datasets in a multi-level levels
        format (multi-resolution N-D images)
        that comprises level datasets in Zarr format.

      Datasets published through the S3 API are slightly
      renamed for clarity. For bucket s3://pyramids:

      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .levels, the identifier remains;
      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .zarr, it will be replaced by
        .levels only if such a dataset doesn't exist;
      • otherwise, the suffix .levels is appended to the identifier.
        For bucket s3://datasets the opposite is true:
      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .zarr, the identifier remains;
      • if a dataset identifier has suffix .levels, it will be replaced by
        .zarr only if such a dataset doesn't exist;
      • otherwise, the suffix .zarr is appended to the identifier.

      With the new S3 endpoints in place, xcube Server instances can be used
      as xcube data stores as follows:

      store = new_data_store(
          root="datasets",   # bucket "datasets", use also "pyramids"
          max_depth=2,       # optional, but we may have nested datasets
    • The limited s3bucket endpoints are no longer available and are
      replaced by s3 endpoints.

    • Added new endpoint /viewer that serves a self-contained,
      packaged build of
      xcube Viewer.
      The packaged viewer can be overridden by environment variable
      XCUBE_VIEWER_PATH that must point to a directory with a
      build of a compatible viewer.

    • The --show option of xcube serve
      has been renamed to --open-viewer.
      It now uses the self-contained, packaged build of
      xcube Viewer. (#750)

    • The --show option of xcube serve
      now outputs various aspects of the server configuration.

    • Added experimental endpoint /volumes.
      It is used by xcube Viewer to render 3-D volumes.

  • xcube Server is now more tolerant with respect to datasets it can not
    open without errors. Implementation detail: It no longer fails if
    opening datasets raises any exception other than DatasetIsNotACubeError.

  • xcube Server's colormap management has been improved in several ways:

    • Colormaps are no longer managed globally. E.g., on server configuration
      change, new custom colormaps are reloaded from files.
    • Colormaps are loaded dynamically from underlying
      matplotlib and cmocean registries, and custom SNAP color palette files.
      That means, latest matplotlib colormaps are now always available. (#687)
    • Colormaps can now be reversed (name suffix "_r"),
      can have alpha blending (name suffix "_alpha"),
      or both (name suffix "_r_alpha").
    • Loading of custom colormaps from SNAP *.cpd has been rewritten.
      Now also the isLogScaled property of the colormap is recognized. (#661)
    • The module xcube.util.cmaps has been redesigned and now offers
      three new classes for colormap management:
      • Colormap - a colormap
      • ColormapCategory - represents a colormap category
      • ColormapRegistry - manages colormaps and their categories
  • The xcube filesystem data stores such as "file", "s3", "memory"
    can now filter the data identifiers reported by get_data_ids(). (#585)
    For this purpose, the data stores now accept two new optional keywords
    which both can take the form of a wildcard pattern or a sequence
    of wildcard patterns:

    1. excludes: if given and if any pattern matches the identifier,
      the identifier is not reported.
    2. includes: if not given or if any pattern matches the identifier,
      the identifier is reported.
  • Added convenience method DataStore.list_data_ids() that works
    like get_data_ids(), but returns a list instead of an iterator. (#776)


  • xcube CLI tools no longer emit warnings when trying to import
    installed packages named xcube_* as xcube plugins.

  • The xcube.util.timeindex module can now handle 0-dimensional
    ndarrays as indexers. This effectively avoids the warning
    Can't determine indexer timezone; leaving it unmodified.
    which was emitted in such cases.

  • xcube serve will now also accept datasets with coordinate names
    longitude and latitude, even if the attribute long_name isn't set.

  • Function xcube.core.resampling.affine.affine_transform_dataset()
    now assumes that geographic coordinate systems are equal by default and
    hence a resampling based on an affine transformation can be performed.

  • Fixed a problem with xcube server's WMTS implementation.
    For multi-level resolution datasets with very coarse low resolution levels,
    the tile matrix sets WorldCRS84Quad and WorldWebMercatorQuad have
    reported a negative minimum z-level.

  • Implementation of function xcube.core.geom.rasterize_features()
    has been changed to account for consistent use of a target variable's
    fill_value and dtype for a given feature.
    In-memory (decoded) variables now always use dtype float64 and use
    np.nan to represent missing values. Persisted (encoded) variable data
    will make use of the target fill_value and dtype. (#778)

  • Relative local filesystem paths to datasets are now correctly resolved
    against the base directory of the xcube Server's configuration, i.e.
    configuration parameter base_dir. (#758)

  • Fixed problem with xcube gen raising FileNotFoundError
    with Zarr >= 2.13.

  • Provided backward compatibility with Python 3.8. (#760)


  • The CLI tool xcube edit has been deprecated in favour of the
    xcube patch. (#748)

  • Deprecated CLI xcube tile has been removed.

  • Deprecated modules, classes, methods, and functions
    have finally been removed:

    • xcube.core.geom.get_geometry_mask()
    • xcube.core.mldataset.FileStorageMultiLevelDataset
    • xcube.core.mldataset.open_ml_dataset()
    • xcube.core.mldataset.open_ml_dataset_from_local_fs()
    • xcube.core.mldataset.open_ml_dataset_from_object_storage()
    • xcube.core.subsampling.get_dataset_subsampling_slices()
    • xcube.core.tiledimage
    • xcube.core.tilegrid
  • The following classes, methods, and functions have been deprecated:

    • xcube.core.xarray.DatasetAccessor.levels()
    • xcube.util.cmaps.get_cmap()
    • xcube.util.cmaps.get_cmaps()
  • A new function compute_tiles() has been
    refactored out from function xcube.core.tile.compute_rgba_tile().

  • Added method get_level_for_resolution(xy_res) to
    abstract base class xcube.core.mldataset.MultiLevelDataset.

  • Removed outdated example resources from examples/serve/demo.

  • Account for different spatial resolutions in x and y in

  • Make code robust against 0-size coordinates in

  • xcube Server has been enhanced to load multi-module Python code
    for dynamic cubes both from both directories and zip archives.
    For example, the following dataset definition computes a dynamic
    cube from dataset "local" using function "compute_dataset" in
    Python module "":

      Function: compute_dataset
      InputDatasets: ["local"]

    Users can now pack "" among any other modules and
    packages into a zip archive. Note that the original module name
    is now a prefix to the function name:

      Function: resample_in_time:compute_dataset
      InputDatasets: ["local"]

    Implementation note: this has been achieved by using
    xcube.core.byoa.CodeConfig in

  • Instead of the Function keyword it is now
    possible to use the Class keyword.
    While Function references a function that receives one or
    more datasets (type xarray.Dataset) and returns a new one,
    Class references a callable that receives one or
    more multi-level datasets and returns a new one.
    The callable is either a class derived from
    or a function that returns an instance of

  • Module xcube.core.mldataset has been refactored into
    a sub-package for clarity and maintainability.

Full Changelog: v0.13.0.dev8...v0.13.0.dev9


11 Jan 14:34
Choose a tag to compare
0.13.0.dev8 Pre-release

Changes in 0.13.0.dev8


  • Added convenience method DataStore.list_data_ids() that works
    like get_data_ids(), but returns a list instead of an iterator. (#776)


  • Implementation of function xcube.core.geom.rasterize_features()
    has been changed to account for consistent use of a target variable's
    fill_value and dtype for a given feature.
    In-memory (decoded) variables now always use dtype float64 and use
    np.nan to represent missing values. Persisted (encoded) variable data
    will make use of the target fill_value and dtype. (#778)

Full Changelog: v0.13.0.dev7...v0.13.0.dev8


16 Dec 09:48
Choose a tag to compare
0.13.0.dev7 Pre-release

Changes in 0.13.0.dev7


  • xcube Server has been enhanced to load multi-module Python code
    for dynamic cubes both from both directories and zip archives.
    For example, the following dataset definition computes a dynamic
    cube from dataset "local" using function "compute_dataset" in
    Python module "":

      Function: compute_dataset
      InputDatasets: ["local"]

    Users can now pack "" among any other modules and
    packages into a zip archive. Note that the original module name
    is now a prefix to the function name:

      Function: resample_in_time:compute_dataset
      InputDatasets: ["local"]

    Implementation note: this has been achieved by using
    xcube.core.byoa.CodeConfig in

  • Instead of the Function keyword it is now
    possible to use the Class keyword.
    While Function references a function that receives one or
    more datasets (type xarray.Dataset) and returns a new one,
    Class references a callable that receives one or
    more multi-level datasets and returns a new one.
    The callable is either a class derived from
    or a function that returns an instance of

  • Module xcube.core.mldataset has been refactored into
    a sub-package for clarity and maintainability.

  • Provided backward compatibility with Python 3.8. (#760)