In this guide we install, setup and run a postgsail project on an AWS instance in the cloud.
Launch an instance on AWS EC2 With the following settings:
Instance type: t2.small
Create a new key pair:
- key pair type: RSA
- Private key file format: .pem
The key file is stored for later use
Allow SSH traffic from: Anywhere
Allow HTTPS traffic from the internet
Allow HTTP traffic from the internet
Configure storage: The standard storage of 8GiB is too small so change this to 16GiB.
Create a new security group
- Go to: EC2>Security groups>Create security group Add inbound rules for the following ports:443, 8080, 80, 3000, 5432, 22, 5050
- Go to your instance>select your instance>Actions>security>change security group
- And add the correct security group to the instance.
- Copy the key file in your default SSH configuration file location (the one VSCode will use)
- In terminal, go to the folder and run this command to ensure your key is not publicly viewable:
chmod 600 "privatekey.pem"
We are using VSCode to connect to the instance:
- Install the Remote - SSH Extension for VSCode
- Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and type Remote-SSH: Add New SSH Host:
ssh -i "privatekey.pem"
When prompted, select the default SSH configuration file location. Open the config file and add the location:
xIdentityFile ~/.ssh/privatekey.pem
To install Docker on your new EC2 Ubuntu instance via SSH, follow these steps:
Update your package list:
sudo apt-get update
Install required dependencies:
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
Add Docker's official GPG key:
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
Add Docker's official repository:
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
Update the package list again:
sudo apt-get update
Install Docker:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
Verify Docker installation:
sudo docker --version
Add your user to the docker group to run Docker without sudo:
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
Then, log out and back in or use the following to apply the changes:
newgrp docker
Git clone the postgsail repo:
git clone
Copy the example.env file and edit the environment variables:
cd postgsail
cp .env.example .env
nano .env
Come up with a unique username for the database user. This will be used in the docker image when it’s started up. Nothing beyond creating a unique username and password is required here.
This environment variable is used in conjunction with
to set a user and its password. This variable will create the specified user with superuser power and a database with the same name.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD This should be a good password. It will be used for the postgres user above. Again this is used in the docker image. This environment variable is required for you to use the PostgreSQL image. It must not be empty or undefined. This environment variable sets the superuser password for PostgreSQL. The default superuser is defined by the POSTGRES_USER environment variable.
POSTGRES_DB This is the name of the database within postgres. You can leave it named postgres but give it a unique name if you like. The schema will be loaded into this database and all data will be stored within it. Since this is used inside the docker image the name really doesn’t matter. If you plan to run additional databases within the image, then you might care. This environment variable can be used to define a different name for the default database that is created when the image is first started. If it is not specified, then the value of
will be used. -
PGSAIL_APP_URL This is the webapp (webui) entrypoint, typically the public DNS or IP
- PGSAIL_API_URL This is the URL to your API on your instance on port 3000:
PGSAIL_AUTHENTICATOR_PASSWORD This password is used as part of the database access configuration. It’s used as part of the access URI later on. (Put the same password in both lines.)
PGSAIL_GRAFANA_PASSWORD This password is used for the grafana service
PGSAIL_GRAFANA_AUTH_PASSWORD ??This password is used for user authentication on grafana?
PGSAIL_EMAIL_FROM - PGSAIL_EMAIL_SERVER - PGSAIL_EMAIL_USER - PGSAIL_EMAIL_PASS Pgsail does not include a built in email service - only hooks to send email via an existing server. We use gmail as a third party email service:
You need to get the PGSAIL_EMAIL_PASS from your gmail account security settings: it is not the account password, instead you need to make an "App password"
- PGRST_JWT_SECRET This secret key must be at least 32 characters long, you can create a random key with the following command:
cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 42 | head -n 1
- Other ENV variables
#PGSAIL_PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN= Comment if not used
#PGSAIL_PUSHOVER_APP_URL= Comment if not used
#PGSAIL_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN= Comment if not used
If needed, add your user to the docker group to run Docker without sudo:
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
Then, log out and back in or use the following to apply the changes:
newgrp docker
Step 1. Import the SQL schema, execute:
docker compose up db
Step 2. Launch the full backend stack (db, api), execute:
docker compose up db api
Step 3. Launch the frontend webapp
docker compose up web
Open browser and navigate to your PGSAIL_APP_URL, you should see the postgsail login screen now:
Aditional setup will be required. There is no useraccount yet, also cronjobs need to be activated. We'll do that by using pgadmin.
First add two more vars to your env. file:
Pgadmin is defined in so we need to start the service:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d pgadmin
All services should be up now: api, db, web and pgadmin. Check all services running by:
docker ps
To open Pgadmin, navigate to your aws-url and port 5050:
You are now able to login with your credentials: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL & PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD.
In the right-side panel you will see "Servers(1)"; by clicking you'll see the Server: "PostgSail dev db"
**Warning:** A dialog box will open, prompting to input the password, but stating the wrong username (postgres) , you have to change this username by right-clicking on the server "PostgSail dev db" > Properties > Connection > enter username: POSTGRES_USER > Save
Now right-click and Connect to Server and enter your password: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
You'll see 2 databases: "postgres" and "signalk"
Cron jobs are not active by default because if you don't have the correct settings set (for SMTP, PushOver, Telegram), you might enter in a loop with errors and you could be blocked or banned from the external services.
Once you have setup the services correctly (entered credentials in .env file) you can activate the cron jobs. (We are only using the SMTP email service in this example) in the "postgres" database:
+ Right-click on "postgres" database and select "Query Tool" + Execute the following SQL query:UPDATE cron.job SET active = True;
I was not able to create a new user through the web application (still figuring out what is going on). Therefore I added a new user by SQL in the "signalk" database.
- Right-click on "signalk" database and select "Query Tool"
- Check the current users in your database executing the query:
SELECT * FROM auth.accounts;
- To add a new user executing the query:
INSERT INTO auth.accounts (
email, first, last, pass, role) VALUES (
''::citext, 'Test'::text, 'your_username'::text, 'your_password'::text, 'user_role'::name)
returning email;
When SMTP is correctly setup, you will receive two emails: "Welcome" and "Email verification".
You will be able to login with these credentials on the web
Each time you login, you will receive an email: "Email verification". This is the OTP process, you can bypass this process by updating the json key value of "Preferences":
UPDATE auth.accounts
SET preferences='{"email_valid": true}'::jsonb || preferences
WHERE email='';
Now you are able to use PostGSail on the web on your own AWS server!