#Privacy-aware Access Control II
- Hippocratic Databases (Agrawal, 2002)
- Purpose-based Access Control (Byun and Li, 2008)
- Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language (IBM 2003)
- Overview
- Policy Specification
- Policy Enforcement
- Policy Management
##EPAL: Overview
Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language
- Platform for Enterprise Privacy Practices (E-P3P)
Proposed by IBM
Submitted to W3C for standardization (November 2003)
- no action so far
###Privacy Issues in Enterprises
Enterprises store a large amount of personal data
Large enterprises may not know what type of personal data are collected and where they are stored
Enterprises may not know the consent a customer has given nor the legal regulations that apply to personal data
Enterprises that process or store data collected by another enterprise are unable to enforce privacy consistently on behalf ofthe collecting enterprise
###Privacy-enabled Data Management
Current situation:
- Enterprises cannot give privacy guarantees
- Customers hesitate revealing personal data
- Legal problems; no business
Enterprises need to
- Adhere to legal regulations
- Obtain consent before using personal info
- Only use data for consented purposes
- Enable customers to retain control over their data
###EPAL Goals (and Non-Goals)
###EPAL Framework
##EPAL: Privacy Policy Specification
###Privacy Policies
- Who: user identities or roles
- What: resources or data
- How: actions
- Why: the reason for which data are processed
- Conditions: under which the access is granted/denied
- Obligations: mandatory requirements to be fulfilled
###The Sticky Policy Paradigm
Traditional access control
- “Let’s use the data for marketing!”
- “Wait a second, has the customer giventhe consent?”
Sticky policy paradigm
- “Check if marketing has been consented by the customer...”
- “If not, ask for consent first”
###Enterprise Privacy Policies
Data transmitted along with the policy regulating access to it
EPAL defines policy terminology and authorization rules
Rules allow/deny privacy relevant actions, depending on purpose
###EPAL Policy Model
Definition: A hierarchy is a pair (H, >)
- H is a finite set
- � > ⊆H ×� H is a transitive, non-reflexive relation
H = {User, Data, Purpose, Action}
User hierarchy
employee > manager
employee > clerk
###Obligation Model
###EPAL Privacy Policies
Vocabulary defines scope of policy:
- Data, users, actions, and purposes as hierarchies
- Obligations as lists
Ruleset contains authorization rules:
A [user] should be [allowed or denied] the ability to perform[action] on [data] for [purpose] under [condition] yielding an[obligation].
Example: “Email can be used for the book-of-the-month clubif age is more than 13”I
default ruling: allow, deny, don’t care
default obligation
global condition
A vocabulary is a tuple (UH, DH, PH, AH, Var, OM)
- UH is a user hierarchy
- DH is a data hierarchy
- PH is a purpose hierarchy
- AH is an action hierarchy
- Var is a conditional vocabulary
- OM is an obligation model
####Privacy Policy
####Access request
Definition: A request is a tuple (u, d, p, a)
- u is a user
- d is a data item
- p is a purpose
- a is an action
Remark: A request is valid for a vocabulary Voc if u, d, p, a ∈ Voc
##EPAL: Policy Enforcement
###EPAL Semantics
- Allow inherits down along hierarchies
- Deny inherits up and down along hierarchies
Processing access request (user, data, purpose, action)
- Check whether there exists applicable rule(s)
- that cover request directly or by inheritance
- that satisfies condition(s)
- first applicable allow or deny rule
###Matching Rules
Which rules (if any) apply to the following authorization requests?
- (u1; d1; p; a) R1, R3
- (u2; d1; p; a) None
- (u3; d2; p; a) R3
###Policy Evaluation
Check rules in given order for applicability
- rule covers request directly/by inheritance
- condition/s are satisfied
##EPAL: Policy Management
Policy refinement
- A policy refines another policy if the first also satisfies the second
- Compliance with legal regulations
Policy composition
- Notion of constructively combining two policies
- Provide operators to construct policies
####Policy Refinement
Refinement means adding details to an existing policy while preserving the original privacy statements:
- Ruling: Whenever the original policy allows (denies) a request, the refined policy also allows (denies) the request
- Obligation: Fulfillment of the refined obligations implies fulfillmentof the original obligations for every request
#####Policy Refinement: Ruling
What does it mean that r1 refines r2 (r1 < r2) ?
- If r2 ∈ {deny, allow} then r1 = r2
- (weak form also: r2 = allow and r1 = deny)
- If r2 = out-of -scope then r1 can be arbitrary
- If r2 = don’t care then r1 ∈ {deny, allow, don’t care}
#####Policy Refinement: Obligation
#####Exercise: Policy Refinement (1)
u5 not covered, + Yes No, consider default ruling.
#####Policy Refinement: Algorithm
Evaluate both policies for any request and any assignment, and compare results
Not efficient:
- several requests have the same matching rules
- several condition cannot be satisfied at the same times
- several rules not applicable for particular request and assignment
Goal: transform policies to make the comparison easier
Scope based expansion
- ordered list of scope based rules
- sequence of qualifiers
Normalization of qualifier sequences
- elimination of obligation ruling
Comparison of qualifier sequence
Comparison of extended rule-lists
See details and example on the paper (see reference at the end)
#####Scope-based expansion
#####Normalization of qualifier sequences
Access control vs. Privacy
- Protect information from unauthorized access
- No control on how information is intended to be used
Privacy-Aware Access Control
- Access decision based on purpose
Hippocratic Databases
- Metadata for the specification of privacy policy and privacy authorization tables
Purpose-Based Access Control
- Purpose management
- Access purpose determination
Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language
Michael Backes, Gunter Karjoth, Walid Bagga, and MatthiasSchunter. Efficient comparison of enterprise privacy policies. In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’04), 375-382. ACM, 2004. (obligatory)
EPAL 1.2 submission to the W3C 10 Nov 2003. Available at http://www.w3.org/Submission/2003/SUBM-EPAL-20031110/(suggested)