This is a list of commands accepted by yossarian-bot
- If a command takes prefix(es) besides
, they will be noted within braces ({}
). - An argument enclosed in
is mandatory. Example:<text>
- An argument enclosed in
is optional. Example:[text]
. - A bar (
) indicates a choice. For example,<hello|bye>
indicates a mandatory argument of eitherhello
Command Syntax | Plugin class | Description | Working? |
!8ball <question> |
Magic8Ball | Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question. | Yes |
!admin <commands> |
BotAdmin | Administrate the bot. See below. | Yes |
!anime <query> |
MyAnimeListSearch | Search MyAnimeList for anime | Yes |
!artist <artist> |
ArtistInfo | Get information about an artist from | Yes |
!beedog |
Beedogs | Retrieve a random picture of a beedog from | Yes |
!beer <name> |
BeerSearch | Search for beer information on BreweryDB. | Yes |
!bofh |
BOFHExcuses | Get a random BOFH excuse. | Yes |
!borzoi |
Borzoi | Get a random picture of a Borzoi from the Dog CEO API. | Yes |
!botinfo <key> |
BotInfo | Retrieve information about the bot. See below. | Yes |
{.!:}bots |
IBIP | Announce this bot to the channel. | Yes |
!c22 |
Catch22 | Get a Catch-22 quote. | Yes |
!channel <commands> |
ChannelAdmin | Administrate the current channel. See below. | Yes |
!clickbait |
Clickbait | Generate a clickbait-y title. | Yes |
!crypto <coin> [currency] |
Crypto | Retrieve current prices for a given coin from CoinMarketCap and optionally convert to a given currency | Yes |
!corona [location] |
Corona | Get the current info about corona in a country/state from NovelCovid | Yes |
!cute <nick> |
CuteFaces | Send a cute face to the given nick. | Yes |
!decide <w OR x or y || z> |
Decisions | Decide between choices. | Yes |
!ddg <search> |
DuckDuckGoSearch | Search DuckDuckGo's Zero Click Info database. | Yes |
!define <word> |
MerriamWebster | Get the Merriam-Webster definiton of a word. | Yes |
!dinner |
Dinner | Retrieve a random dinner recipe from | Yes |
!eval <lang> <code> |
CodeEval | Evaluate some code on (Use !eval to get a list of languages.) |
Yes |
!fieri |
FieriQuotes | Get a random Guy Fieri quote. | Yes |
!flip <down|up> <text> |
FlipText | Flip text upside down or rightside up. | Yes |
!fortune |
Fortune | Get a Unix fortune. | Yes |
!genre |
Genres | Generate a random music genre. | Yes |
!gh <query> |
GitHubInfo | Get statistics about a GitHub user or repository. | Yes |
!gif <search> |
Giphy | Search Giphy for GIFs. | Yes |
!guinea |
GuineaPigs | Grabs a guinea pig picture from an imgur album. | Yes |
{.!:}help [cmd] |
CommandHelp | Announce general help or help on a specific command if provided. | Yes |
!insult [nick] |
ShakespeareanInsults | Generate a Shakespearean insult and direct it at a nickname if given. | Yes |
!intro <command> |
UserIntros | Manage the intro message for your nick. See below. | Yes |
!ipinfo <ip> |
IPInfo | Perform a lookup on the given IP on | Yes |
!leet <text> |
LeetSpeak | Convert text to leetspeak. | Yes |
!lennart |
LennartQuotes | Get a random Lennart Poettering quote. | Yes |
!linus |
LinusQuotes | Get a random Linus Torvalds quote. | Yes |
!luther [nick] |
LutherInsults | Get an insult from Luther's Oeuvre and direct it at a nickname if given. | Yes |
!mail <nick> <message> |
UserMail | Send a message to a nick. Messages are delivered the next time the nick speaks. | Yes |
!moderator <commands> |
ChannelModerator | Configure channel moderation. See below. | Yes |
!manga <query> |
MyAnimeListSearch | Search MyAnimeList for manga | Yes |
!morse <text> |
MorseCode | Convert text to Morse Code. | Yes |
!np <commands> |
NowPlaying | Get a user's last played track. See below. | Yes |
!number <num> |
NumberFacts | Get a random fact about a given number from the Numbers API. | Yes |
!ny |
NewYorkerCartoons | Get a random New Yorker cartoon. | Yes |
!omdb <query> |
OMDB | Search for movie/show information on The Open Movie Database. | Yes |
!phoneinfo <number> |
PhoneInfo | Look up information about the given phone number via Numverify. | Yes |
!ping |
Ping | Ping the bot for a timestamped response. | Yes |
!point <command> <nick> |
UserPoints | Give or take points away from a nickname. See below. | Yes |
!quote [nick] |
UserQuotes | Retrieve a completely random quote, or a random quote from the given nick. | Yes |
!rainbow <text> |
RainbowText | Vomit out rainbowified text. | Yes |
!rate <code1 [code2...]> |
ExchangeRates | Get the currency exchange rate between USD and one or more currencies from Open Exchange Rates. | Yes |
!remind <count> <unit> <message> |
Reminders | Set a reminder message for a time in the future. | Yes |
!rms |
RMSQuotes | Get a random Richard Stallman (rms) quote. | Yes |
!rot13 <text> |
Rot13 | "Encrypt" some text with the ROT-13 cipher. | Yes |
!g <search> |
WebSearch | Search the web using Google. | Yes |
!seen <nick> |
LastSeen | Check the last time yossarian-bot saw someone. |
Yes |
!slap <nick> |
Slap | Slap someone with a large fishbot. | Yes |
!stock <symbol> |
StockQuotes | Retrieve a stock quote for the given ticker symbol. | Yes |
!taco |
TacoRecipes | Get a random taco recipe, courtesy of the Taco Randomizer. | Yes |
!theo |
TheoQuotes | Get a random Theo De Raadt quote. | Yes |
!topic <cs|system|crypto|random> |
CSTopics | Generate worthy CS, System, Crypto research topics. | Yes |
!trigger <command> |
CustomTriggers | Manage custom message replies and their triggers. See below. | Yes |
!turl <url> |
TinyURL | Create a short link to the given url with TinyURL. | Yes |
!ud <query> |
UrbanDictionary | Look up the given query on UrbanDictionary. | Yes |
!ver <nick> |
CTCPVersion | Send a CTCP VERSION request to the given nick. | Yes |
!w <location> |
Weather | Get the weather for the given location from WeatherStack. | Yes |
!wa <query> |
WolframAlpha | Ask Wolfram|Alpha about something. | Yes |
!wiki <search> |
Wikipedia | Search Wikipedia. | Yes |
!xkcd [search] |
XKCDComics | Get a random XKCD comic, or one related to a search. | Yes |
!yt <search> |
YouTubeSearch | Search YouTube. | Yes |
!zalgo <text> |
Zalgo | Summon Zalgo with some text. | Yes |
!zippy |
ZippyQuotes | Get a random Zippy the Pinhead quote. | Yes |
In order to administrate the bot, your IRC nick must be authorized.
Authorized nicks are either defined in the bot's config.yml
with the !admin auth <nick>
command at runtime (by an extant admin).
The !admin
command can take several subcommands:
Subcommand | Description |
plugin list |
List all plugins currently available. This includes all plugins visible to yossarian-bot , not just enabled ones. |
plugin enable <plugin> |
Enable the given plugin. The plugin must be the class name of the plugin. |
plugin disable <plugin> |
Disable the given plugin. Like enable , the given plugin must be a class name. |
quit |
Gracefully kill the bot. This is the preferred way to terminate yossarian-bot . |
auth <nick> |
Make the given nick an administrator. |
deauth <nick> |
Remove the given nick from the administrator list. |
join <channel> |
Join the given channel on the network. |
leave <channel> |
Leave the given channel on the network, if in it. |
cycle <channel> |
Leave and re-join the given channel on the network, if in it. |
ignore nick <nick> |
Ignore messages and commands from a nick (and the nick's hostmask as well). |
ignore host <host> |
Ignore messages and commands from a host. |
unignore nick <nick> |
Stop ignoring messages and commands from a nick (and the nick's hostmask as well). |
unignore host <host> |
Stop ignoring messages and commands from a host. |
say <channel> <message> |
Make the bot say the given message in the given channel. |
act <channel> <message> |
Make the bot act the given message in the given channel. |
The !botinfo
command takes one of the following keys:
Key | Description |
ver (or version ) |
Get yossarian-bot 's version. |
src (or source ) |
Get a link to yossarian-bot 's source code. |
contrib (or todo ) |
Get a link to yossarian-bot 's TODO list. |
author |
Get yossarian-bot 's author. |
uptime |
Get yossarian-bot 's running time. |
chans (or channels ) |
List the channels the bot is currently on. |
admins |
List the nicks of the admins currently registered to the bot. |
ignores |
List nicks currently ignored by the bot. |
In order to administrate the channel via the bot, you must an an admin (of the bot) and the bot must be a channel operator.
Each nickname is allowed to have a single introduction per channel registered with the bot, which will be said whenever that nickname is seen joining the channel in question.
Subcommand | Description |
set <intro> |
Set your nick's introduction message to the given intro. (Alias: add ) |
clear |
Delete your nick's introduction message. (Aliases: rm , remove , del , delete ) |
show |
Show your nick's introduction message. |
In order to add moderation rules for the current channel, you must be an admin (of the bot). In addition, the bot must be a channel operator to perform moderation actions.
Subcommand | Description |
add /<regex>/ |
Add regex to the list of moderated patterns. |
del /<regex>/ |
Remove regex from the list of moderated patterns. |
list |
List all moderated patterns. |
The !channel
command can take several subcommands:
Subcommand | Description |
kick <nick> [reason] |
Kick nick from the channel if present, with an optional reason. |
ban <nick> |
Ban nick from the channel using either their current hostmask or a wildcard if not in the channel. |
kickban <nick> [reason] |
Ban and kick nick from the channel (if present), with an optional reason. |
unban <nick> |
Remove all masks associated with nick from the channel's banlist. |
topic delim <delim> |
Set the delimiter used to manage the channel's topic. Default: ` |
topic push <update> |
Push an update to the channel topic, using the delimiter. |
topic pop |
Remove the most recent update to the channel topic, using the delimiter. |
The !np
command takes one of two subcommands:
Subcommand | Description |
link <username> |
Link the user <username> to your nick. |
[nick] |
Gets the currently playing status of nick (or your nick, if not provided). |
The !point
command takes one of three subcommands:
Subcommand | Description |
add <nick> |
Give a point to nick . |
rm <nick> |
Take a point away from nick . |
show <nick> |
Show nick 's current points. |
leaderboard |
Show the top 5 nick s and their points. |
The !trigger
command takes one of three subcommands:
Subcommand | Description |
add <trigger> -> <response> |
Make the bot say the given response whenever the given trigger is typed. Note that there is a mandatory " -> " delimiter to separate the trigger and the response (and the spaces will not be included in either argument). |
rm <trigger> |
Remove the given trigger and the response associated with it. |
list |
List all triggers currently stored by yossarian-bot . Responses are not listed for the sake of brevity. |