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Blazingly fast Neovim GUI written in C++23 and WebGPU.

Neogurt screenshot


  • Blazingly fast and energy efficient
  • Smooth scrolling and cursor out of the box
  • Session support, similar to tmux (not detachable yet, wip)
  • Supported on macOS, Windows and Linux WIP

Known issues: #3
Planned Features: #2

Getting Started


Download the latest release at:

Or build from source.

The software is still pre-release, so expect often changes to the code and API.


Below are the all of the default options:

-- check if nvim is launched by neogurt
if vim.g.neogurt then
  vim.g.neogurt_opts = {
    -- these options are per application
    vsync = true,
    high_dpi = true,
    borderless = false,
    blur = 0,

    -- rest of the options are per session
    margin_top = 0,
    margin_bottom = 0,
    margin_left = 0,
    margin_right = 0,

    mac_opt_is_meta = true,
    cursor_idle_time = 10,
    scroll_speed = 1,

    bg_color = 0x000000,  -- bg color used if opacity < 1.0
    opacity = 1.0,

    gamma = 1.7,

    fps = 60,

  vim.o.guifont = "SF Mono:h15"
  vim.o.linespace = 0

-- highlights set by Neogurt
-- ime highlight
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NeogurtImeNormal", { link = "Normal" })
-- ime highlight for selected text
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NeogurtImeSelected", { link = "Underlined" })


Neogurt commands can be invoked in this format:

Neogurt cmd_name arg=value arg1 arg2

For example, to spawn a new session with the name nvim config and directory ~/.config/nvim, do

Neogurt session_new name=nvim\ config dir=~/.config/nvim

The lua equivalent is to use the neogurt_cmd function:

--- @param cmd string: command to send.
--- @param opts table: command options
--- @return any: result of the command
vim.g.neogurt_cmd = function(cmd, opts)

For example, let's do the same thing with the lua api:

vim.g.neogurt_cmd("session_new", { name = "nvim config", dir = "~/.config/nvim" } )

Shown below are the default value of all options.
Note that:

  • arg = value are optional named arguments
  • arg = "lua_type" are required named arguments
  • [i] = value are optional positional arguments
  • [i] = "lua_type" are required positional arguments
  • id = 0 is the current session, just like vim buffers
local cmds_table = {
  -- returns session id
  session_new = {
    name = "",
    dir = "~/",
    switch_to = true, -- switch to session after creating it
  -- returns success (bool)
  session_kill = {
    id = 0
  -- returns new session id
  session_restart = {
    id = 0,
    curr_dir = false, -- use cwd instead of session dir
  -- returns success (bool)
  session_switch = {
    id = "number",
  -- switch to previous session
  -- returns success (bool)
  session_prev = {},
  -- returns session info table (id, name, dir)
  session_info = {
    id = 0
  -- returns list of session info tables
  session_list = {
    sort = "id",  -- id, name, time (recency)
    reverse = false,
  -- spawns a session picker using
  -- wrapper around session_list
  session_select = {
    sort = "id",
    reverse = false,

  font_size_change = {
    [1] = "number",
    all = false,  -- change in all sessions
  font_size_reset = {
    all = false,  -- change in all sessions

Lastly, you can also run some code after starting up the application with

vim.g.neogurt_startup = function()

Below are some configurations I find useful:

if vim.g.neogurt then
  -- all modes
  local mode = {"", "!", "t", "l"};

  -- change font size
  map(mode, "<D-=>", "<cmd>Neogurt font_size_change 1 all=false<cr>")
  map(mode, "<D-->", "<cmd>Neogurt font_size_change -1 all=false<cr>")
  map(mode, "<D-0>", "<cmd>Neogurt font_size_reset all=false<cr>")

  -- session mappings
  map(mode, "<D-l>", "<cmd>Neogurt session_prev<cr>")
  map(mode, "<D-r>", "<cmd>Neogurt session_select sort=time<cr>")
  map(mode, "<D-R>", "<cmd>Neogurt session_restart<cr>")

  -- sessionizer
  local choose_session = function(startup)
    local cmd = [[
    echo "$({
      echo ~/;
      echo ~/.dotfiles;
      echo ~/.config/nvim; 
      echo ~/Documents/Notes;
      echo ~/Documents/Work/Resume stuff;
      find ~/Documents/Coding -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d; 
    local output = vim.fn.system(cmd)

    local dirs = {}
    for dir in string.gmatch(output, "([^\n]+)") do
      table.insert(dirs, dir)
    end, {
      prompt = "Choose a directory:",
    }, function(choice)
      if choice == nil then return end
      local dir = choice
      local fmod = vim.fn.fnamemodify
      local name = fmod(fmod(dir, ":h"), ":t") .. "/" .. fmod(dir, ":t")
      if startup then
        local currId = vim.g.neogurt_cmd("session_info").id
        vim.g.neogurt_cmd("session_new", { dir = dir, name = name })
        vim.g.neogurt_cmd("session_kill", { id = currId })
        vim.g.neogurt_cmd("session_new", { dir = dir, name = name })

  map(mode, "<D-f>", function()

  vim.g.neogurt_startup = function()

Build Instructions

git clone --recurse-submodules
git submodule update  # if submodules become out of sync
  • Install the latest version of LLVM Clang
  • Install Boost
  • Change $(TYPE) for debug/release (see makefile)
  • Default generator is ninja

Example on macOS:

brew install llvm
brew install boost
brew install ninja


make build-setup
make build

make run  # runs executable

make package  # builds .dmg file in build/release