Wikirate platform helps users to find/research answers on specific questions/metrics about companies. Thus, each answer is described by the question/metric, company, value, year and source.
This example assumes you have configured your Wikirate REST client
. Instructions on how to configure a client can be
found in examples/
WikiRate's REST API allows you to import answers on metrics about companies. wikirate4ruby provides the
method add_research_metric_answer
to allow users to import answers on metrics. The method takes as an input a number
of parameters where all the information about the new answer is defined. The parameters can be split into required and
required params:
- metric_designer: the designer of the metric we want to add the answer to
- metric_name: the metric name/title of the metric we want to add the answer to
- company: the company name/id the answer is referred to
- year: the year the answer is referred to
- value: the value/answer to the question
- source: wikirate's source name of the source we found the answer
optional params:
- discussion: any comments we might have on the answer
In the example below demonstrates the import of an answer to the Walk Free's metric MSA Whistleblowing mechanism
answer = client.add_research_metric_answer({ 'metric_designer' => 'Walk Free',
'metric_name' => 'MSA Whistleblowing mechanism',
'company' => 'AIB Group plc',
'year' => 2018,
'value' => 'Employees and Supply Chain Workers',
'source' => 'Source-000089259' })