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Commit 45e4032

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Add InvokeElement, InvokeEvent, steps for invocation
This specifies some of the detail within the Invokers proposal (#9625). This introduces 2 new IDLs: - InvokeEvent: A new event that has `action` and `invoker`. - InvokeElement: A mixin applied to Buttons to add `invokeTargetElement`/`invokeAction` It also adds the `invoketarget` & `invokeaction` attributes which are reflected to the IDL properties. It also adds the steps for invocation: button activation checks if the node has an invokeTarget and dispatches an InvokeEvent if so. Things NOT covered in this commit that are included in the propoal (#9625): - Default per element behaviours (invocation action algorithms), this will be dealt with in subsequent individual commits. - `interestaction` and `interesttarget`.
1 parent 52f546d commit 45e4032

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