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Content Addressable Transaction Pool Specification

  • 01.12.2022 | Initial specification (@cmwaters)
  • 09.12.2022 | Add Push/Pull mechanics (@cmwaters)


This document specifies the properties, design and implementation of a content addressable transaction pool (CAT). This protocol is intended as an alternative to the FIFO and Priority mempools currently built-in to the Tendermint consensus protocol. The term content-addressable here, indicates that each transaction is identified by a smaller, unique tag (in this case a sha256 hash). These tags are broadcast among the transactions as a means of more compactly indicating which peers have which transactions. Tracking what each peer has aims at reducing the amount of duplication. In a network without content tracking, a peer may receive as many duplicate transactions as peers connected to. The tradeoff here therefore is that the transactions are significantly larger than the tag such that the sum of the data saved sending what would be duplicated transactions is larger than the sum of sending each peer a tag.


The objective of such a protocol is to transport transactions from the author (usually a client) to a proposed block, optimizing both latency and throughput i.e. how quickly can a transaction be proposed (and committed) and how many transactions can be transported into a block at once.

Typically the mempool serves to receive inbound transactions via an RPC endpoint, gossip them to all nodes in the network (regardless of whether they are capable of proposing a block or not), and stage groups of transactions to both consensus and the application to be included in a block.


The following are assumptions inherited from existing Tendermint mempool protocols:

  • CheckTx should be seen as a simple gatekeeper to what transactions enter the pool to be gossiped and staged. It is non-deterministic: one node may reject a transaction that another node keeps.
  • Applications implementing CheckTx are responsible for replay protection (i.e. the same transaction being present in multiple blocks). The mempool ensures that within the same block, no duplicate transactions can exist.
  • The underlying p2p layer guarantees eventually reliable broadcast. A transaction need only be sent once to eventually reach the target peer.


The CAT protocol extends on the existing mempool implementations by introducing two new protobuf messages:

message SeenTx {
  bytes tx_key = 1;
  optional string from = 2;

message WantTx {
  bytes tx_key = 1;

Both SeenTx and WantTx contain the sha256 hash of the raw transaction bytes. SeenTx also contains an optional p2p.ID that corresponds to the peer that the node recieved the tx from. The only validation for both is that the byte slice of the tx_key MUST have a length of 32.

Both messages are sent across a new channel with the ID: byte(0x31). This enables cross compatibility as discussed in greater detail below.

Note: The term SeenTx is used over the more common HasTx because the transaction pool contains sophisticated eviction logic. TTL's, higher priority transactions and reCheckTx may mean that a transaction pool had a transaction but does not have it any more. Semantically it's more appropriate to use SeenTx to imply not the presence of a transaction but that the node has seen it and dealt with it accordingly.

Outbound logic

A node in the protocol has two distinct modes: "broadcast" and "request/response". When a node receives a transaction via RPC (or specifically through CheckTx), it assumed that it is the only recipient from that client and thus will immediately send that transaction, after validation, to all connected peers. Afterwards, only "request/response" is used to disseminate that transaction to everyone else.

Note: Given that one can configure a mempool to switch off broadcast, there are no guarantees when a client submits a transaction via RPC and no error is returned that it will find its way into a proposers transaction pool.

A SeenTx is broadcasted to ALL nodes upon receiving a "new" transaction from a peer. The transaction pool does not need to track every unique inbound transaction, therefore "new" is identified as:

  • The node does not currently have the transaction
  • The node did not recently reject the transaction or has recently seen the same transaction committed (subject to the size of the cache)
  • The node did not recently evict the transaction (subject to the size of the cache)

Given this criteria, it is feasible, yet unlikely that a node receives two SeenTx messages from the same peer for the same transaction.

A SeenTx MAY be sent for each transaction currently in the transaction pool when a connection with a peer is first established. This acts as a mechanism for syncing pool state across peers.

The SeenTx message MUST only be broadcasted after validation and storage. Although it is possible that a node later drops a transaction under load shedding, a SeenTx should give as strong guarantees as possible that the node can be relied upon by others that don't yet have the transaction to obtain it.

Note: Inbound transactions submitted via the RPC do not trigger a SeenTx message as it is assumed that the node is the first to see the transaction and by gossiping it to others it is implied that the node has seen the transaction.

A WantTx message is always sent point to point and never broadcasted. A WantTx MUST only be sent after receiving a SeenTx message from that peer. There is one exception which is that a WantTx MAY also be sent by a node after receiving an identical WantTx message from a peer that had previously received the nodes SeenTx but which after the lapse in time, did no longer exist in the nodes transaction pool. This provides an optional synchronous method for communicating that a node no longer has a transaction rather than relying on the defaulted asynchronous approach which is to wait for a period of time and try again with a new peer.

WantTx must be tracked. A node SHOULD not send multiple WantTxs to multiple peers for the same transaction at once but wait for a period that matches the expected network latency before rerequesting the transaction to another peer.

Inbound logic

Transaction pools are solely run in-memory; thus when a node stops, all transactions are discarded. To avoid the scenario where a node restarts and does not receive transactions because other nodes recorded a SeenTx message from their previous run, each transaction pool should track peer state based per connection and not per NodeID.

Upon receiving a Txs message:

  • Check whether it is in reponse to a request or simply an unsolicited broadcast
  • Validate the tx against current resources and the applications CheckTx
  • If rejected or evicted, mark accordingly
  • If successful, send a SeenTx message to all connected peers excluding the original sender. If it was from an initial broadcast, the SeenTx should populate the From field with the p2p.ID of the recipient else if it is in response to a request From should remain empty.

Upon receiving a SeenTx message:

  • It should mark the peer as having seen the message.
  • If the node has recently rejected that transaction, it SHOULD ignore the message.
  • If the node already has the transaction, it SHOULD ignore the message.
  • If the node does not have the transaction but recently evicted it, it MAY choose to rerequest the transaction if it has adequate resources now to process it.
  • If the node has not seen the transaction or does not have any pending requests for that transaction, it can do one of two things:
    • It MAY immediately request the tx from the peer with a WantTx.
    • If the node is connected to the peer specified in FROM, it is likely, from a non-byzantine peer, that the node will also shortly receive the transaction from the peer. It MAY wait for a Txs message for a bounded amount of time but MUST eventually send a WantMsg message to either the original peer or any other peer that has the specified transaction.

Upon receiving a WantTx message:

  • If it has the transaction, it MUST respond with a Txs message containing that transaction.
  • If it does not have the transaction, it MAY respond with an identical WantTx or rely on the timeout of the peer that requested the transaction to eventually ask another peer.


CAT has Go API compatibility with the existing two mempool implementations. It implements both the Reactor interface required by Tendermint's P2P layer and the Mempool interface used by consensus and rpc. CAT is currently network compatible with existing implementations (by using another channel), but the protocol is unaware that it is communicating with a different mempool and that SeenTx and WantTx messages aren't reaching those peers thus it is recommended that the entire network use CAT.