This plugin allows you to write scripts to customize Serverless behavior for Serverless 1.x and upper
It also supports running node.js scripts in any build stage.
- Run any command or nodejs scripts in any stage of serverless lifecycle
- Add custom commands to serverless, e.g.
npx serverless YOUR-COMMAND
- Install
npm install --save-dev serverless-scriptable-plugin
- Add to Serverless config
plugins: - serverless-scriptable-plugin custom: scriptable: # add custom hooks hooks: before:package:createDeploymentArtifacts: npm run build # or custom commands commands: migrate: echo Running migration
This serverless-scriptable-plugin
now supports event hooks and custom commands. Here's an example of upgrade to the latest schema. The previous config schema still works for backward compatibility.
Example that using the previous schema:
- serverless-scriptable-plugin
before:package:createDeploymentArtifacts: npm run build
Changed to:
- serverless-scriptable-plugin
before:package:createDeploymentArtifacts: npm run build
The following config is using babel for transcompilation and packaging only the required folders: dist and node_modules without aws-sdk
plugins: - serverless-scriptable-plugin custom: scriptable: hooks: before:package:createDeploymentArtifacts: npm run build package: exclude: - '**/**' - '!dist/**' - '!node_modules/**' - node_modules/aws-sdk/**
plugins: - serverless-scriptable-plugin custom: scriptable: hooks: before:migrate:command: echo before migrating after:migrate:command: echo after migrating commands: migrate: echo Running migration
Then you could run this command by:
$ npx serverless migrate Running command: echo before migrating before migrating Running command: echo Running migrating Running migrating Running command: echo after migrating after migrating
plugins: - serverless-scriptable-plugin custom: scriptable: hooks: before:package:createDeploymentArtifacts: ./ # serverless will use the specified package that generated by `./` package: artifact: .serverless/
and script file to package the zip file (
PACKAGE_FILE=.serverless/ rm -f $PACKAGE_FILE && rm -rf output && mkdir -p output pip install -r requirements.txt --target output/libs # You can use the following command to install if you are using pipenv # pipenv requirements > output/requirements.txt && pip install -r output/requirements.txt --target output/libs (cd output/libs && zip -r ../../$PACKAGE_FILE . -x '*__pycache__*') (zip -r $PACKAGE_FILE your-src-folder -x '*__pycache__*')
Serverless would then deploy the zip file you built to aws lambda.
It's possible to run any command as the hook script, e.g. use the following command to zip the required folders
plugins: - serverless-scriptable-plugin custom: scriptable: hooks: before:package:createDeploymentArtifacts: zip -q -r .serverless/ src node_modules service: service-name package: artifact: .serverless/
Create CloudWatch Log subscription filter for all Lambda function Log groups, e.g. subscribe to a Kinesis stream
plugins: - serverless-scriptable-plugin custom: scriptable: hooks: after:package:compileEvents: build/serverless/add-log-subscriptions.js provider: logSubscriptionDestinationArn: 'arn:aws:logs:ap-southeast-2:{account-id}:destination:'
and in build/serverless/add-log-subscriptions.js file:
const resources = serverless.service.provider.compiledCloudFormationTemplate.Resources; const logSubscriptionDestinationArn = serverless.service.provider.logSubscriptionDestinationArn; Object.keys(resources) .filter(name => resources[name].Type === 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup') .forEach(logGroupName => resources[`${logGroupName}Subscription`] = { Type: "AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter", Properties: { DestinationArn: logSubscriptionDestinationArn, FilterPattern: ".", LogGroupName: { "Ref": logGroupName } } } );
It's possible to run multiple commands for the same serverless event, e.g. Add CloudWatch log subscription and dynamodb auto scaling support
plugins: - serverless-scriptable-plugin custom: scriptable: hooks: after:package:createDeploymentArtifacts: - build/serverless/add-log-subscriptions.js - build/serverless/add-dynamodb-auto-scaling.js service: service-name package: artifact: .serverless/
You could control what to show during running commands, in case there are sensitive info in command or console output.
custom: scriptable: showStdoutOutput: false # Default true. true: output stderr to console, false: output nothing showStderrOutput: false # Default true. true: output stderr to console, false: output nothing showCommands: false # Default true. true: show the command before execute, false: do not show commands hooks: ... commands: ...
The serverless lifecycle hooks are different to providers, here's a reference of AWS hooks:
Version 0.8.0 and above
- Check details at
Version 0.7.1
- [Feature] Fix vulnerability warning by remove unnecessary dev dependencies
Version 0.7.0
- [Feature] Return promise object to let serverless to wait until script is finished
Version 0.6.0
- [Feature] Supported execute multiple script/command for the same serverless event
Version 0.5.0
- [Feature] Supported serverless variables in script/command
- [Improvement] Integrated with codeclimate for code analysis and test coverage
Version 0.4.0
- [Feature] Supported colored output in script/command
- [Improvement] Integrated with travis for CI
Version 0.3.0
- [Feature] Supported to execute any command for serverless event
Version 0.2.0
- [Feature] Supported to execute javascript file for serverless event