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Building Java Code

To build the java code you only need Eclipse and Android SDK.

Building Native libraries

IMSDroid contains only one native library ( written in C++ as a wrapper for doubango project. The JNI files are generated using SWIG.
To build tinyWRAP you have to build all doubango's libraries (ANSI-C).
tinyWRAP depends on:

  • tinySAK (Swiss Army Knife): Utilities functions (SHA-1, MD5, HMAC, String, List, Timers, Thread, Mutex, Semaphore, ...)
  • tinyNET: Networking (DNS, DHCPv4/v6, STUN, TURN, ICE, ENUM, Sockets, ...)
  • tinyXCAP: XCAP stack (AUID manager, URL generator) without XML parser (See Java code for parsers)
  • tinyIPSec: IPSec SA manager. Useless for Android but you MUST have it
  • tinySMS: SMS over IP (SM-TL, SM-RL) for IMS/LTE networks
  • tinySIGCOMP: Signaling Compression
  • tinySDP: SDP protocol
  • tinyRTP: RTP/RTCP protocols
  • tinyMSRP: MSRP protocol (Chat and File Transfer)
  • tinyMEDIA: Media plugins manager (Audio, video, Codecs, sessions, MSRP, QoS, ...)
  • tinyDAV(Doubango Audio Video): Media plugins implementation
  • tinySIP: SIP/IMS stack

The project also depends on FFmpeg, x264, opencore-amr, libogg, libvorbis, libtheora, iLBC, Speex, ... but you don't need to rebuild these libraries as they are already part of doubango ($(DOUBANGO_HOME)/thirdparties/android/lib).

Checkout doubango

svn checkout doubango-read-only


  1. goto $(DOUBANGO_HOME)/android-projects and open with your preferred text editor
  2. Change $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT variable to point to the NDK root directory (e.g. /cygdrive/c/android-ndk)
  3. Change $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT variable to point to the SDK root directory (e.g. /cygdrive/c/android-sdk). This step is not required if you don't wish to use adb utility.
  4. Change $ANDROID_PLATFORM variable to point to your preferred platform root directory (e.g. $(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms/android-1.5)
  5. Set $ANDROID_GCC_VER variable with your GCC version (e.g. 4.2.1)
  6. Open new Console window
  7. Add the toolchain root binary directory to the system $PATH if not already done:
export PATH=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT\build\prebuilt\$(HOST)\arm-eabi-4.2.1\bin:$PATH

where $HOST is equal to darwin-x86 on MAC OS X, windows on Windows XP/Vista/7 and linux-x86 on Unix-like systems. We assume that $(ANDROID_GCC_VER) is equal to 4.2.1.

  1. Set your custom $(CFLAGS) flags to change the default behavior. Example:

You can off course set any valid GCC $(CFLAGS) flags.
Example of doubango's specific flags:

  • -DTNET_HAVE_OPENSSL_H=1: Enable support for TLS (You MUST have OpenSSL)
  • -DJB_HISTORY_SIZE=500: Set audio jitter buffer size to 500 frames
  • -DFLIP_DECODED_PICT=1: Flip the decode video frames
  • ...

Building without G729AB

  1. Go to the android-projects root directory:
cd $(DOUBANGO_HOME)/android-projects
  1. Build all projects:

# For neon optimizations
#../bindings/java/android/ NEON=yes

You can add NEON=yes to enable neon optimization for armv7-a processors. You MUST use at least NDK r4b.
The binaries will be generated under $(DOUBANGO_HOME)/android-projects/output. The shared libraries will be named if built with neon optimizations. Otherwise it will be named Rename the library as and copy it to imsdroid\libs$(ABI) where ABI is equal to armeabi for the ARMv5te version or armeabi-v7a for ARMv7-a.

Building with G729AB

Starting IMSDroid revision 311 and doubango revision 498 we fully support G.729 annex A and B (CNG and VAD).

G.729 should only be used for experimental purpose. G.729 includes patents from several companies and is licensed by Sipro Lab Telecom.
Sipro Lab Telecom is the authorized Intellectual Property Licensing Administrator for G.729 technology and patent pool.
In a number of countries, the use of G.729 may require a license fee and/or royalty fee.
Because of the licensing issue the application is not built with G.729.
To build with G.729AB support:

  1. Go into $(DOUBANGO_HOME) directory
  1. Checkout the ARM optimized version of G729AB into /cygdrive/c/tmp
svn checkout /cygdrive/c/tmp/g729b
  1. Copy G729AB files into doubango project
cp -f /cygdrive/c/tmp/g729b/* $(DOUBANGO_HOME)/g729b
  1. Build and install G729AB library
cd $(DOUBANGO_HOME)/android-projects
make PROJECT=g729b BT=static install

#For cleanup
#make PROJECT=g729b BT=static clean
  1. Build tinyWRAP with G29AB
../bindings/java/android/ G729=yes

# For neon optimizations
#../bindings/java/android/ G729=yes NEON=yes

You can add NEON=yes to enable neon optimization for armv7-a processors. You MUST use at least NDK r4b.
The binaries will be generated under $(DOUBANGO_HOME)/android-projects/output. The shared libraries will be named if built with neon optimizations. Otherwise it will be named Rename the library as and copy it to imsdroid\libs$(ABI) where ABI is equal to armeabi for the ARMv5te version or armeabi-v7a for ARMv7-a.

Et voilà