Lite N Toasty is a tiny but powerful JavaScript library for toast notifications. It's responsive, dependency-free and tiny (~3KB).
Download and include the files in on your main app page or anywhere you want to see your notifications.
- 📱 Responsive
- ✨ Optional ripple-like fancy revealing effect
- 😈 Simple but highly extensible API. Create your own toast types and customize them.
- 🎃 Support to render custom HTML content within the toasts
- 🐣 Tiny footprint (<3K gzipped)
- 👴🏽 Works on IE11
This section explains the base case using the minified bundle.
Add the css and js files to your main document:
// Create an instance of LiteNToasty
var toasty = new LiteNToasty();
// Display an error notification
toasty.error('You must fill out the form before moving forward');
// Display a success notification
toasty.success('Your changes have been successfully saved!');
You can set some options when creating a LiteNToasty instance.
Param | Type | Default | Details |
duration | number |
2000 | Number of miliseconds before hiding the notification. Use 0 for infinite duration. |
ripple | boolean |
true | Whether to show the notification with a ripple effect |
position | Position |
{x:'right',y:'bottom'} |
Viewport location where notifications are rendered |
dismissible | boolean |
false | Whether to allow users to dismiss the notification with a button |
types | NotificationOptions[] |
Success and error toasts | Array with individual configurations for each type of toast |
Dismiss a specific notification.
const toasty = new LiteNToasty();
const notification = toasty.success('Address updated');
Dismiss all the active notifications.
const toasty = new LiteNToasty();
toasty.success('Address updated');
toasty.error('Please fill out the form');
Every individual notification emits events. You can register listeners using the on
Triggers when the notification is clicked
const toasty = new LiteNToasty();
const notification = toasty.success('Address updated. Click here to continue');
notification.on('click', ({target, event}) => {
// target: the notification being clicked
// event: the mouseevent
window.location.href = '/';
Triggers when the notification is manually (not programatically) dismissed.
const toasty = new LiteNToasty();
message: 'There has been an error. Dismiss to retry.',
dismissible: true
.on('dismiss', ({target, event}) => foobar.retry());
Viewport location where notifications are rendered.
Param | Type | Details |
x | left | center | right |
x-position |
y | top | center | bottom |
y-position |
Configuration interface for each individual toast.
Param | Type | Details |
type | string |
Notification type for which this configuration will be applied |
className | string |
Custom class name to be set in the toast wrapper element |
duration | number |
2000 |
icon | Icon | false |
An object with the properties of the icon to be rendered. 'false' hides the icon. |
background | string |
Background color of the toast |
message | string |
Message to be rendered inside of the toast. Becomes the default message when used in the global config. |
ripple | boolean |
Whether or not to render the ripple at revealing |
dismissible | boolean |
Whether to allow users to dismiss the notification with a button |
Icon configuration
Param | Type | Details |
className | string |
Custom class name to be set in the icon element |
tagName | string |
HTML5 tag used to render the icon |
text | string |
Inner text rendered within the icon (useful when using ligature icons) |
color | string |
Icon color. It must be a valid CSS color value. Defaults to background color. |
The following example configures Notyf with the following settings:
- 1s duration
- Render notifications in the top-right corner
- New custom notification called 'warning' with a ligature material icon
- Error notification with custom duration, color and dismiss button
const toasty = new LiteNToasty({
duration: 1000,
position: {
x: 'right',
y: 'top',
types: [
type: 'warning',
background: 'orange',
icon: {
className: 'material-icons',
tagName: 'i',
text: 'warning'
type: 'error',
background: 'indianred',
duration: 2000,
dismissible: true
Register a new toast type and use it by referencing its type name:
const toasty = new LiteNToasty({
types: [
type: 'info',
background: 'blue',
icon: false
type: 'info',
message: 'Send us <b>an email</b> to get support'
Warning: LiteNToasty doesn't sanitize the content when rendering your message. To avoid [injection attacks], you should either sanitize your HTML messages or make sure you don't render user generated content on the notifications.
The default types are 'success' and 'error'. You can use them simply by passing a message as its argument, or you can pass a settings object in case you want to modify its behaviour.
const toasty = new LiteNToasty();
message: 'Accept the terms before moving forward',
duration: 9000,
icon: false
LiteNToasty is built on and inspired by Notyf.