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An application for designing ballots.


Follow the instructions in the VxSuite README to get set up, then run the app like so:

# In apps/design/frontend
pnpm start

The server will be available at http://localhost:3000.

Google Cloud Authentication

Follow the instructions here to authenticate with Google Cloud for language and audio file generation.

PostgreSQL Version

VxDesign expects PostgreSQL version 16.6. Debian 12 defaults to PostgreSQL version 15.

To upgrade, configure apt to use the PostgreSQL Apt Repository. From the official PostgreSQL docs run

sudo apt install -y postgresql-common
sudo /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/

then install postgresql-16:

sudo apt install postgresql-16 postgresql-client-16

Restoring database from snapshot can be used to restore a database snapshot to your dev environment. Running this script will delete your existing local design database.

To run this script you may need to configure your environment to use the same version of pg_restore as production.

Ensure you have installed Postgres 16 and have pg_restore:

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/pg_restore --version
pg_restore (PostgreSQL) 16.6 (Debian 16.6-1.pgdg120+1)

Add pg_restore v16 to your PATH in your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin:$PATH

Confirm you're running pg_restore v16 by default:

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ pg_restore --version
pg_restore (PostgreSQL) 16.6 (Debian 16.6-1.pgdg120+1)