This web site is an open-source repository of content about the Clojure programming language and its greater ecosystem, hosted at
If you wish to point out an issue in the site or propose a new page, you can do so by filing a GitHub issue at
If you wish to make a contribution (typo, modification, or new content), you must become a contributor and follow the contribution process.
The site is built using JBake.
To install JBake 2.6.5:
curl -L -O
(or download this file with your browser) -
unzip -o
Add jbake-2.6.5-bin/bin to your system PATH
To build the site:
Retrieve the content:
git clone
(or your own fork) -
cd clojure-site
Retrieve and install the current theme assets (these don’t change very often so you don’t need to do this every time):
curl -O
(or download this file with your browser to the clojure-site directory) -
unzip -o
Generate the pages:
jbake -b
- this will create the static site in the output directory -
jbake -s
to serve these pages at http://localhost:8820/index
Copyright © 2016-2022 Rich Hickey and contributors
All documentation contained in this repository is licensed by Rich Hickey under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 unless otherwise noted. To submit a pull request or other contribution, you must sign the Clojure Contributor Agreement.