20:19:41.879 thirdPartyScripts.js loaded 20:19:42.506 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: logs properties: hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:42.508 index.ts:220 [OnyxUpdateManager] Listening for updates from the server 20:19:42.575 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: currentDate hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:42.576 Log.ts:76 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:19:42.577 Log.ts:76 [info] Found existing deviceID - "21eae2c3-5818-f57a-1ba9-34f54bdf72f4" 20:19:42.591 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: activeClients properties: 0,1 hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkConnection] NetInfo state change - {"isInternetReachable":null,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Client is back online because: NetInfo received a state change event - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkStatus] NetInfo.addEventListener event coming, setting "offlineStatus" to false with network state: {"isInternetReachable":null,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkConnection] NetInfo state change - {"isInternetReachable":null,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Client is back online because: NetInfo received a state change event - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkStatus] NetInfo.addEventListener event coming, setting "offlineStatus" to false with network state: {"isInternetReachable":null,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: network properties: connectionChanges,isOffline,networkStatus hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkConnection] NetInfo state change - {"isInternetReachable":null,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Client is back online because: NetInfo received a state change event - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkStatus] NetInfo.addEventListener event coming, setting "offlineStatus" to false with network state: {"isInternetReachable":null,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} - "" 20:19:42.592 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: network properties: connectionChanges,isOffline,networkStatus hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:42.594 Log.ts:76 [info] App launched - {"Platform":{"OS":"web","isTesting":false},"CONFIG":{"default":{"APP_NAME":"NewExpensify","AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME":5400000,"ENVIRONMENT":"staging","EXPENSIFY":{"EXPENSIFY_URL":"https://www.expensify.com/","SECURE_EXPENSIFY_URL":"https://secure.expensify.com/","NEW_EXPENSIFY_URL":"https://staging.new.expensify.com/","DEFAULT_API_ROOT":"https://www.expensify.com/","DEFAULT_SECURE_API_ROOT":"https://secure.expensify.com/","STAGING_API_ROOT":"https://staging.expensify.com/","STAGING_SECURE_API_ROOT":"https://staging-secure.expensify.com/","PARTNER_NAME":"chat-expensify-com","PARTNER_PASSWORD":"e21965746fd75f82bb66","EXPENSIFY_CASH_REFERER":"ecash","CONCIERGE_URL_PATHNAME":"concierge/","DEVPORTAL_URL_PATHNAME":"_devportal/","CONCIERGE_URL":"https://www.expensify.com/concierge/","SAML_URL":"https://www.expensify.com/authentication/saml/login"},"IS_IN_PRODUCTION":true,"IS_IN_STAGING":true,"IS_USING_LOCAL_WEB":false,"PUSHER":{"APP_KEY":"268df511a204fbb60884","SUFFIX":"","CLUSTER":"mt1"},"SITE_TITLE":"New Expensify","FAVICON":{"DEFAULT":"/favicon.png","UNREAD":"/favicon-unread.png"},"CAPTURE_METRICS":false,"ONYX_METRICS":false,"DEV_PORT":8082,"E2E_TESTING":false,"SEND_CRASH_REPORTS":true,"IS_USING_WEB_PROXY":false,"APPLE_SIGN_IN":{"SERVICE_ID":"com.chat.expensify.chat.AppleSignIn","REDIRECT_URI":"https://staging.new.expensify.com/appleauth"},"GOOGLE_SIGN_IN":{"WEB_CLIENT_ID":"921154746561-gpsoaqgqfuqrfsjdf8l7vohfkfj7b9up.apps.googleusercontent.com","IOS_CLIENT_ID":"921154746561-s3uqn2oe4m85tufi6mqflbfbuajrm2i3.apps.googleusercontent.com"},"GCP_GEOLOCATION_API_KEY":"","FIREBASE_WEB_CONFIG":{"apiKey":"AIzaSyBrLKgCuo6Vem6Xi5RPokdumssW8HaWBow","appId":"1:1008697809946:web:ca25268d2645fc285445a3","projectId":"expensify-mobile-app"},"USE_REACT_STRICT_MODE_IN_DEV":false,"ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS":"true","IS_TEST_ENV":false}}} 20:19:42.594 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] start - "" 20:19:42.594 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: isCheckingPublicRoom hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:42.594 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] Skipped migration RenameCardIsVirtual because there are no cards linked to the account - "" 20:19:42.595 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] Skipped migration RenameReceiptFilename because there are no transactions - "" 20:19:42.595 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] Skipped migration KeyReportActionsDraftByReportActionID because there were no reportActionsDrafts - "" 20:19:42.595 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] Skipped TransactionBackupsToCollection migration because there are no transactions - "" 20:19:42.595 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] Skipped migration RemoveEmptyReportActionsDrafts because there were no reportActionsDrafts - "" 20:19:42.596 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] Skipping migration MoveIsOptimisticReportToMetadata because there are no reports with isOptimisticReport - "" 20:19:42.596 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] Skipping migration PendingMembersToMetadata because there are no reports with pendingChatMembers - "" 20:19:42.596 Log.ts:76 [info] [Migrate Onyx] finished in 3ms - "" 20:19:42.614 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Unable to flush. No requests or queued Onyx updates to process. - "" 20:19:42.620 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API makeRequestWithSideEffects - {"command":"OpenOldDotLink","shouldRetry":false} 20:19:42.620 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"OpenOldDotLink","type":"makeRequestWithSideEffects"} 20:19:42.620 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"OpenOldDotLink"} Object 20:19:42.620 Log.ts:76 [info] [BootSplash] hiding splash screen - "" 20:19:42.620 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: modal properties: willAlertModalBecomeVisible,isPopover hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:42.640 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: modal properties: willAlertModalBecomeVisible,isPopover hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:42.673 Timing.ts:55 Timing:staging.new.expensify.trie_initialization 25.699999809265137 20:19:42.673 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API.read - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","name":"staging.new.expensify.trie_initialization","value":25.699999809265137,"platform":"web","version":"9.0.95-0"} 20:19:42.673 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","type":"read"} 20:19:42.673 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} Object 20:19:42.785 App.ts:294 [OnyxUpdates] App reconnecting with updateIDFrom: 4116332092 20:19:42.787 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkConnection] listenForReconnect called - "" 20:19:42.787 Log.ts:76 [info] [AuthScreens] Sending ReconnectApp - "" 20:19:42.787 Timing.ts:55 Timing:staging.new.expensify.calc_most_recent_last_modified_action 0 20:19:42.787 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API write - {"command":"ReconnectApp","policyIDList":["8B401F14AF7439EE","8F078B988D671654"],"mostRecentReportActionLastModified":"2025-02-06 23:19:42.787","updateIDFrom":4116332092} 20:19:42.787 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"ReconnectApp","type":"write"} 20:19:42.787 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Applying optimistic data - {"command":"ReconnectApp","type":"write"} 20:19:42.787 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Conflict action for command ReconnectApp - push: - "" 20:19:42.787 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: networkRequestQueue properties: 0 hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:42.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API.read - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","name":"staging.new.expensify.calc_most_recent_last_modified_action","value":0,"platform":"web","version":"9.0.95-0"} 20:19:42.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","type":"read"} 20:19:42.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] 'SendPerformanceTiming' is waiting on 1 write commands - "" 20:19:42.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:19:42.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"ReconnectApp"} Object 20:19:42.805 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: isLoadingReportData hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:42.818 Log.ts:76 [info] Navigating to route - {"path":"/concierge?utm_source=navattic"} 20:19:42.844 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: lastVisitedPath hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API.read - {"command":"GetAssignedSupportData","policyID":"_FAKE_"} 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"GetAssignedSupportData","type":"read"} 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] 'GetAssignedSupportData' is waiting on 1 write commands - "" 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API.paginate - {"command":"OpenReport","reportID":"2149853595057450","emailList":"","accountIDList":"","clientLastReadTime":"2025-02-06 23:02:53.061"} 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"OpenReport","type":"write"} 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Applying optimistic data - {"command":"OpenReport","type":"write"} 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Conflict action for command OpenReport - push: - "" 20:19:43.014 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: networkRequestQueue properties: 0 hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.015 Log.ts:76 [info] Navigating to route - {"path":"/r/2149853595057450"} 20:19:43.016 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportMetadata_2149853595057450 properties: lastVisitTime hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.016 Log.ts:76 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:19:43.016 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: lastVisitedPath hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.019 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: report_2149853595057450 properties: hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.019 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportMetadata_2149853595057450 properties: isLoadingInitialReportActions,isLoadingOlderReportActions,hasLoadingOlderReportActionsError,isLoadingNewerReportActions,hasLoadingNewerReportActionsError hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.066 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: modal properties: willAlertModalBecomeVisible,isPopover hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.066 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportDraftComment_2149853595057450 hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.138 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: modal properties: willAlertModalBecomeVisible,isPopover hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.140 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: network properties: timeSkew hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.160 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 545ms - {"command":"OpenOldDotLink","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedddb8e131ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:43.160 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.160 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"OpenOldDotLink"} 20:19:43.160 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.161 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 488ms - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedddbee711ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:43.161 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.161 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} 20:19:43.161 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.164 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: isSidebarLoaded hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.164 Timing.ts:55 Timing:staging.new.expensify.sidebar_loaded 178.5 20:19:43.167 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API.read - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","name":"staging.new.expensify.sidebar_loaded","value":178.5,"platform":"web","version":"9.0.95-0"} 20:19:43.167 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","type":"read"} 20:19:43.167 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] 'SendPerformanceTiming' is waiting on 2 write commands - "" 20:19:43.171 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] 'ReconnectApp' command queued. Queue length is 2 - "" 20:19:43.173 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 386ms - {"command":"ReconnectApp","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedddc9f441ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:43.174 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.174 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 4116332092 - {"command":"ReconnectApp"} 20:19:43.174 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Update received was older than or the same as current state, returning without applying the updates other than successData and failureData - {"lastUpdateID":4116332092,"lastUpdateIDAppliedToClient":4116332092} 20:19:43.174 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying success or failure data from request without onyxData from response - "" 20:19:43.174 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.174 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Removing persisted request because it was processed successfully. - {"request":{"command":"ReconnectApp","data":{"policyIDList":["8B401F14AF7439EE","8F078B988D671654"],"mostRecentReportActionLastModified":"2025-02-06 23:19:42.787","updateIDFrom":4116332092,"apiRequestType":"write","shouldRetry":true,"canCancel":true},"initiatedOffline":false,"successData":[],"finallyData":[{"onyxMethod":"merge","key":"isLoadingReportData","value":false}]}} 20:19:43.174 Log.ts:76 [info] [RequestThrottle - SequentialQueue] cleared - "" 20:19:43.174 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"OpenReport"} Object 20:19:43.175 Log.ts:76 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:19:43.178 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkConnection] NetInfo state change - {"isInternetReachable":true,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} 20:19:43.178 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Client is back online because: NetInfo received a state change event - "" 20:19:43.178 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkStatus] NetInfo.addEventListener event coming, setting "offlineStatus" to true with network state: {"isInternetReachable":true,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} - "" 20:19:43.178 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: network properties: connectionChanges,isOffline,networkStatus hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.234 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] 'OpenReport' command queued. Queue length is 0 - "" 20:19:43.357 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] 'ReconnectApp' removed from the queue. Queue length is 0 - "" 20:19:43.459 Log.ts:76 [hmmm] [PusherConnectionManager] state change - {"states":{"previous":"connecting","current":"connected"}} 20:19:43.459 Log.ts:76 [hmmm] [PusherConnectionManager] connected event - "" 20:19:43.459 Log.ts:76 [info] [Pusher PINGPONG] Starting Pusher PING PONG and pinging every 30 seconds - "" 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: shouldShowComposeInput hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: reportUserIsLeavingRoom_2149853595057450 hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: reportUserIsTyping_2149853595057450 properties: hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [Pusher] Attempting to subscribe to channel - {"channelName":"private-encrypted-user-accountID-19107384","eventName":"multipleEvents"} 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [PusherAuthorizer] Attempting to authorize Pusher - {"channelName":"private-encrypted-user-accountID-19107384"} 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API makeRequestWithSideEffects - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher","socket_id":"823482.2960884","channel_name":"private-encrypted-user-accountID-19107384","shouldRetry":false,"forceNetworkRequest":true} 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher","type":"makeRequestWithSideEffects"} 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher"} Object 20:19:43.501 Log.ts:76 [info] [Pusher] Attempting to subscribe to channel - {"channelName":"private-encrypted-user-accountID-19107384","eventName":"pong"} 20:19:43.518 Log.ts:76 [info] [Pusher] Attempting to subscribe to channel - {"channelName":"private-report-reportID-2149853595057450","eventName":"client-userIsLeavingRoom"} 20:19:43.518 Log.ts:76 [info] [PusherAuthorizer] Attempting to authorize Pusher - {"channelName":"private-report-reportID-2149853595057450"} 20:19:43.518 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Called API makeRequestWithSideEffects - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher","socket_id":"823482.2960884","channel_name":"private-report-reportID-2149853595057450","shouldRetry":false,"forceNetworkRequest":true} 20:19:43.518 Log.ts:76 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher","type":"makeRequestWithSideEffects"} 20:19:43.518 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher"} Object 20:19:43.518 Log.ts:76 [info] [Pusher] Attempting to subscribe to channel - {"channelName":"private-report-reportID-2149853595057450","eventName":"client-userIsTyping"} 20:19:43.747 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: network properties: timeSkew hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.747 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 573ms - {"command":"OpenReport","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedddf1a7e1ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:43.748 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.748 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"OpenReport"} 20:19:43.748 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.749 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Removing persisted request because it was processed successfully. - {"request":{"command":"OpenReport","data":{"reportID":"2149853595057450","emailList":"","accountIDList":"","clientLastReadTime":"2025-02-06 23:02:53.061","apiRequestType":"write","shouldRetry":true,"canCancel":true},"initiatedOffline":false,"successData":[{"onyxMethod":"merge","key":"report_2149853595057450","value":{"errorFields":{"notFound":null}}},{"onyxMethod":"merge","key":"reportMetadata_2149853595057450","value":{"isLoadingInitialReportActions":false}}],"failureData":[{"onyxMethod":"merge","key":"reportMetadata_2149853595057450","value":{"isLoadingInitialReportActions":false}}],"resourceID":"2149853595057450","isPaginated":true}} 20:19:43.749 Log.ts:76 [info] [RequestThrottle - SequentialQueue] cleared - "" 20:19:43.749 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Unable to process. No requests to process. - "" 20:19:43.749 Log.ts:76 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:19:43.750 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Finished processing queue. - "" 20:19:43.751 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} Object 20:19:43.751 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"GetAssignedSupportData"} Object 20:19:43.751 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} Object 20:19:43.752 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: reportActionsPages_2149853595057450 properties: 0 hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.752 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: isLoadingReportData hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.753 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: report_2149853595057450 properties: avatarUrl,chatReportID,chatType,currency,description,errorFields,fieldList,hasOutstandingChildRequest,hasOutstandingChildTask,hasParentAccess,invoiceReceiver,iouReportID,isCancelledIOU,isDeletedParentAction,isOwnPolicyExpenseChat,isPinned,isWaitingOnBankAccount,lastActionType,lastActorAccountID,lastMentionedTime,lastMessageHtml,lastMessageText,lastReadSequenceNumber,lastReadTime,lastVisibleActionCreated,lastVisibleActionLastModified,managerID,nonReimbursableTotal,oldPolicyName,ownerAccountID,parentReportActionID,parentReportID,participants,permissions,policyAvatar,policyID,policyName,private_isArchived,reportID,reportName,stateNum,statusNum,total,tripData,type,unheldNonReimbursableTotal,unheldTotal,visibility,welcomeMessage,writeCapability hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.753 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportNameValuePairs_2149853595057450 properties: type hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.753 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportActions_2149853595057450 properties: 1445995283701704690,192593583795551078,2536655824061022381,3167001316857184021,5271882205455792062,5452143222826014712,8340317103990816107,8467662990583037195,8861524535299710349,1044840988163122509,213998911953698768,2655319019720389675 hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.754 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: personalDetailsList properties: 8392101,19107384 hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.754 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportMetadata_2149853595057450 properties: isLoadingInitialReportActions hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] Not switching user to optimized focus mode as they do not have enough reports - {"reportCount":10} 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] Not switching user to optimized focus mode as they do not have enough reports - {"reportCount":10} 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Unable to process. No requests to process. - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] Finished processing queue. - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: reportActionsPages_2149853595057450 properties: 0 hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: isLoadingReportData hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: report_2149853595057450 properties: avatarUrl,chatReportID,chatType,currency,description,errorFields,fieldList,hasOutstandingChildRequest,hasOutstandingChildTask,hasParentAccess,invoiceReceiver,iouReportID,isCancelledIOU,isDeletedParentAction,isOwnPolicyExpenseChat,isPinned,isWaitingOnBankAccount,lastActionType,lastActorAccountID,lastMentionedTime,lastMessageHtml,lastMessageText,lastReadSequenceNumber,lastReadTime,lastVisibleActionCreated,lastVisibleActionLastModified,managerID,nonReimbursableTotal,oldPolicyName,ownerAccountID,parentReportActionID,parentReportID,participants,permissions,policyAvatar,policyID,policyName,private_isArchived,reportID,reportName,stateNum,statusNum,total,tripData,type,unheldNonReimbursableTotal,unheldTotal,visibility,welcomeMessage,writeCapability hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportNameValuePairs_2149853595057450 properties: type hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportActions_2149853595057450 properties: 1445995283701704690,192593583795551078,2536655824061022381,3167001316857184021,5271882205455792062,5452143222826014712,8340317103990816107,8467662990583037195,8861524535299710349,1044840988163122509,213998911953698768,2655319019720389675 hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: personalDetailsList properties: 8392101,19107384 hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.782 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: reportMetadata_2149853595057450 properties: isLoadingInitialReportActions hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:43.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 287ms - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedde14d0c1ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:43.788 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher"} 20:19:43.788 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.788 Log.ts:76 [info] [PusherAuthorizer] Pusher authenticated successfully - {"channelName":"private-encrypted-user-accountID-19107384"} 20:19:43.789 Log.ts:76 [info] [SequentialQueue] 'OpenReport' removed from the queue. Queue length is 0 - "" 20:19:43.834 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 316ms - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedde14d0e1ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:43.834 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.834 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"AuthenticatePusher"} 20:19:43.834 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.834 Log.ts:76 [info] [PusherAuthorizer] Pusher authenticated successfully - {"channelName":"private-report-reportID-2149853595057450"} 20:19:43.884 Log.ts:76 [info] Previous log requestID - {"requestID":"90dedde1dddc1ab6-SJC"} 20:19:43.884 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.884 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"Log"} 20:19:43.884 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.896 Log.ts:76 [info] Previous log requestID - {"requestID":"90dedde1ddd71ab6-SJC"} 20:19:43.896 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.896 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"Log"} 20:19:43.896 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:43.995 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 245ms - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedde2aeec1ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:43.995 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:43.995 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} 20:19:43.995 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:44.043 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 292ms - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedde2aef11ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:44.043 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:44.043 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} 20:19:44.043 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:44.045 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 295ms - {"command":"GetAssignedSupportData","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedde2aef01ab6-SJC"} Object 20:19:44.045 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:44.045 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"GetAssignedSupportData"} 20:19:44.045 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: account properties: accountManagerAccountID,accountManagerEmail,accountManagerReportID,adminsRoomReportID,guideDetails,partnerManagerAccountID,partnerManagerEmail,reportIDWithPartnerManager hasChanged: false - "" 20:19:44.046 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:44.881 Log.ts:76 [info] Previous log requestID - {"requestID":"90dedde81ee21ab6-SJC"} 20:19:44.882 OnyxUpdates.ts:30 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:19:44.882 Log.ts:76 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"Log"} 20:19:44.882 OnyxUpdates.ts:66 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without 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20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:58.334 Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies. 20:19:56.624 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkConnection] NetInfo state change - {"isInternetReachable":true,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} 20:19:56.625 Log.ts:76 [info] [Network] Client is back online because: NetInfo received a state change event - "" 20:19:56.625 Log.ts:76 [info] [NetworkStatus] NetInfo.addEventListener event coming, setting "offlineStatus" to true with network state: {"isInternetReachable":true,"isConnected":true,"type":"other","details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false}} - "" 20:19:56.625 Log.ts:76 [info] [Onyx] merge called for key: network properties: connectionChanges,isOffline,networkStatus hasChanged: true - "" 20:19:57.294 rocket-loader.min.js:1 Fetch finished loading: GET "https://www.expensify.com/api/Ping?accountID=19107384". (anonymous) @ internetReachability.js:53 (anonymous) @ internetReachability.js:45 (anonymous) @ internetReachability.js:110 (anonymous) @ state.js:24 emit @ EventEmitter.js:67 emit @ NativeEventEmitter.js:66 (anonymous) @ nativeInterface.web.js:17 e @ nativeModule.web.js:180 c @ rocket-loader.min.js:1 20:19:58.741 c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 Fetch finished loading: POST "https://signals.convertexperiments.com/log/10042537/100413459". (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 request @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 e @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 request @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 uu @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 setTimeout vu @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 enqueue @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 s @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 Promise.then a @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 e @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 log @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 s @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 Promise.then a @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 e @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 Pk @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 (anonymous) @ c8ca5291-a9bc-4c15-b83c-1ded002185e0:1 20:20:02.453 Fetch finished loading: POST "https://firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com/v1/firelog/legacy/log?key=AIzaSyCx80ru6-RXeTi3GvqkFsMVyMf-vpgIoVw". (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 setTimeout Oe @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Promise.then (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 setTimeout Oe @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Promise.then _init @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 getOrInitializeService @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 initialize @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 We @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 98164 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 30168 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 35646 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 53947 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 17328 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 99018 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 35731 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 67156 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 95404 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 4338 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 65683 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 88341 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 75024 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 55922 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 91149 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 42851 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 31281 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 67707 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 46280 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 t @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i.O @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 t @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 20:20:03.453 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:20:12.599 [info] [BootSplash] splash screen status - {"appState":"active","splashScreenState":"visible"} 20:20:12.600 [alrt] [BootSplash] splash screen is still visible - {"propsToLog":{"isSidebarLoaded":false,"isAuthenticated":true,"lastVisitedPath":"/r/6814115676954350"}} 20:20:12.964 [info] Previous log requestID - {"requestID":"90dede9758241aa0-SJC"} 20:20:12.964 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:20:12.964 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"Log"} 20:20:12.965 Fetch finished loading: POST "https://staging.expensify.com/api/Log?". O @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then xhr @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 c @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 l @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 setInterval (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then 67781 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 77206 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 23901 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 80248 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 98855 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 71728 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 23324 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 23042 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 46280 @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 t @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 i.O @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 t @ runtime-1cda76b….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 20:20:12.965 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:20:13.464 [info] [API] Called API write - {"command":"PusherPing","pingID":"5073620014504780779","pingTimestamp":1738884013462} 20:20:13.464 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"PusherPing","type":"write"} 20:20:13.465 [info] [Onyx] set called for key: networkRequestQueue properties: 0,1 hasChanged: true - "" 20:20:13.465 [info] [Pusher PINGPONG] Sending a PING to the server: 5073620014504780779 timestamp: 1738884013462 - "" 20:20:13.466 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:20:13.466 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"PusherPing"} {request: {…}, response: undefined} 20:20:13.468 [info] [SequentialQueue] 'PusherPing' command queued. Queue length is 2 - "" 20:20:13.720 Fetch finished loading: POST "https://staging.expensify.com/api/PusherPing?". O @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then xhr @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 c @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 C @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 callback @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 fireCallbacks @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 t @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 i @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 te @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Promise.then ie @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 le @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 B @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 A @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 S @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 b @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 w @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 ce @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 setInterval de @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ 435-4fbb80c….bundle.js:1 Promise.then il @ 435-4fbb80c….bundle.js:1 j @ 435-4fbb80c….bundle.js:1 As @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Ql @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 sl @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Hi @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Bl @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 il @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Q @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 _ @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 m @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 E @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 20:20:13.720 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 255ms - {"command":"PusherPing","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dede9c5e3c1aa0-SJC"} {request: {…}, response: {…}} 20:20:13.720 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:20:13.720 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"PusherPing"} 20:20:13.720 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:20:13.721 [info] [SequentialQueue] Removing persisted request because it was processed successfully. - {"request":{"command":"PusherPing","data":{"pingID":"8655098799469702600","pingTimestamp":1738884003440,"apiRequestType":"write","pusherSocketID":"824745.357993","shouldRetry":true,"canCancel":true},"initiatedOffline":false}} 20:20:13.721 [info] [RequestThrottle - SequentialQueue] cleared - "" 20:20:13.721 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"PusherPing"} {request: {…}, response: undefined} 20:20:13.721 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:20:13.723 [info] [SequentialQueue] 'PusherPing' removed from the queue. Queue length is 1 - "" 20:20:13.979 [info] [Report] Handled pong event sent by Pusher - {"pingID":"8655098799469702600","pingTimestamp":"1738884003440"} 20:20:13.979 [info] [Pusher PINGPONG] Received a PONG event from the server - {"pingID":"8655098799469702600","pingTimestamp":"1738884003440"} 20:20:13.979 [info] [Pusher PINGPONG] The event took 10539 ms - "" 20:20:13.979 Timing:staging.new.expensify.pusher_ping_pong 514.5999999046326 20:20:13.980 [info] [API] Called API.read - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","name":"staging.new.expensify.pusher_ping_pong","value":514.5999999046326,"platform":"web","version":"9.0.95-0"} 20:20:13.980 [info] [API] Preparing request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","type":"read"} 20:20:13.980 [info] [API] 'SendPerformanceTiming' is waiting on 1 write commands - "" 20:20:14.302 Fetch finished loading: POST "https://staging.expensify.com/api/PusherPing?". O @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then xhr @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 c @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 C @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then C @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 callback @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 fireCallbacks @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 t @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 i @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 te @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Promise.then ie @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 le @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 B @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 A @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 S @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 b @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 w @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 ce @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 setInterval de @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ 435-4fbb80c….bundle.js:1 Promise.then il @ 435-4fbb80c….bundle.js:1 j @ 435-4fbb80c….bundle.js:1 As @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Ql @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 sl @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Hi @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Bl @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 il @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 Q @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 _ @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 m @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 E @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 20:20:14.302 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 581ms - {"command":"PusherPing","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dede9defee1aa0-GRU"} {request: {…}, response: {…}} 20:20:14.302 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:20:14.302 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"PusherPing"} 20:20:14.302 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:20:14.303 [info] [SequentialQueue] Removing persisted request because it was processed successfully. - {"request":{"command":"PusherPing","data":{"pingID":"5073620014504780779","pingTimestamp":1738884013462,"apiRequestType":"write","pusherSocketID":"823482.2960884","shouldRetry":true,"canCancel":true},"initiatedOffline":false}} 20:20:14.303 [info] [RequestThrottle - SequentialQueue] cleared - "" 20:20:14.303 [info] [SequentialQueue] Unable to process. No requests to process. - "" 20:20:14.303 [info] [PersistedRequests] hit Onyx connect callback - {"isValNullish":false} 20:20:14.303 [info] [SequentialQueue] Finished processing queue. - "" 20:20:14.303 [info] [Network] Making API request - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} {request: {…}, response: undefined} 20:20:14.306 [info] [SequentialQueue] 'PusherPing' removed from the queue. Queue length is 0 - "" 20:20:14.669 [info] [Report] Handled pong event sent by Pusher - {"pingID":"5073620014504780779","pingTimestamp":"1738884013462"} 20:20:14.669 [info] [Pusher PINGPONG] Received a PONG event from the server - {"pingID":"5073620014504780779","pingTimestamp":"1738884013462"} 20:20:14.669 [info] [Pusher PINGPONG] The event took 1207 ms - "" 20:20:14.670 [info] [Network] Finished API request in 367ms - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming","jsonCode":200,"requestID":"90dedea19be51aa0-GRU"} {request: {…}, response: {…}} 20:20:14.671 [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying https update 20:20:14.672 [info] [OnyxUpdateManager] Applying update type: https with lastUpdateID: 0 - {"command":"SendPerformanceTiming"} 20:20:14.674 [OnyxUpdateManager] Done applying HTTPS update 20:20:14.676 Fetch finished loading: POST "https://staging.expensify.com/api/SendPerformanceTiming?". O @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then xhr @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 c @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 b @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then U @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 Promise.then end @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 (anonymous) @ main-860a043….bundle.js:1 emit @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 handleEncryptedEvent @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 handleEvent @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 emit @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 message @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 emit @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 message @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 emit @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 onMessage @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors-33dec4d….bundle.js:2