Corner buns Source: Total: 145 min Ingredients for 1 serving • Ingredient(id=0, value=500g / 18oz White bread flour) • Ingredient(id=1, value=155g / 155mls Lukewarm water 40°C / 104°F) • Ingredient(id=2, value=155g / 155mls Lukewarm Milk 40°C / 104°F) • Ingredient(id=3, value=7g / 2tsp Instant or active dried yeast) • Ingredient(id=4, value=8g / 1tsp Salt) • Ingredient(id=5, value=15g Butter (soft)) • Ingredient(id=6, value=6g / 1tsp Sugar) Instructions 1.) Instruction(id=0, value=Add the sugar and yeast to the warm water and milk, mix well and allow the yeast to activate for 10 minutes until it foams up.) 2.) Instruction(id=1, value=Once activated, add the liquid to the stand mixer bowl.) 3.) Instruction(id=2, value=Add the softened butter, followed by the flour and salt.) 4.) Instruction(id=3, value=Using the dough hook, knead the dough for 10 minutes.) 5.) Instruction(id=4, value=For hand kneading, add the yeast mixture, flour, butter, and salt, to a bowl, mix all these ingredients together, tip the contents of the bowl out onto your bench, bring it all together, then hand knead for 10 minutes.) 6.) Instruction(id=5, value=Once done, place the now kneaded dough into a lightly greased bowl, cover it, allow it to proof for 45 minutes, in a warm spot.) 7.) Instruction(id=6, value=After the 45-minute proof, turn out the dough onto your work top, and knock it back, that simply means force all of the built up gas out of it, then form it into a ball.) 8.) Instruction(id=7, value=Divide the doughball up into 3 equal pieces, form those into balls, and let them rest for 10 minutes.) 9.) Instruction(id=8, value=Grease a couple of large baking trays.) 10.) Instruction(id=9, value=Using your rolling pin, roll each doughball into circles, to approximately 200mm x 10mm thick.) 11.) Instruction(id=10, value=Cut the circles into 4 quarters, place the pieces on the baking trays, 6 on each, allow plenty room for expansion in between each piece, dust each piece with a little flour.) 12.) Instruction(id=11, value=Cover the trays with a dry lightweight cloth, and proof in a warm spot for 30 minutes.) 13.) Instruction(id=12, value=When there’s only 10 minutes left on the proof, preheat your oven to 170°C / 340°F / Gas mark 3.) 14.) Instruction(id=13, value=Once the proofing time is up, place the trays in the preheated oven and set your timer for 20 minutes.) 15.) Instruction(id=14, value=For even baking and colour, half way through the baking time, turn the trays around in the oven.) 16.) Instruction(id=15, value=Remove from the oven, and allow to cool on a wire rack.) 17.) Instruction(id=16, value=Enjoy.)