datetime | location | teams | participants | ||||||||||
2022-06-10 17:00:00 +0200 |
Online, Discord (, the `#monkey-business` voice channel |
Introduction GSoC logistics GSoC expectations
- Students should have the initiative, own the project, contact the mentor at any time.
- Students should use, as much as possible the public Discord channels for questions.
- Mentors + students agree on a regular meeting schedule.
- Students are invited to be part of the weekly community meeting.
- Student will do a blog post once every two weeks with their update.
- We will have a monthy GSoC'22 discussion (July, August, September) to catch up on what everyone is doing.
- Students should create (draft) PRs as soon as they can to allow people in the community (and outside of it) to check out their work.
- Ask for support in the community in case you require anything: computing resources, remote systems, permissions.
XM: What if we are doing a larger chunk of work?
RD: The idea is to submit a draft PR as soon as you have something working, even if it's far from from perfect, even if it's ugly / not-clean.
MR: What is expected in the mid-evaluation?
RD: It's going to be a pass / fail. Both mentors and students will need to submit a summary of their work.
GSoC22 Timeline:
RD: Mentors and students would agree on a common meeting schedule
GSoC projects officially start on Monday, June 13, 2022
The first set of blog posts will happen in the June 27-30, 2022 week, based on work done between June 13 and June 26, 2022.
Phase 1 evaluation will happen in the July 25-29, 2022 week.
RD: Timeline details, look into requirements for evaluation
Mentors + students: agree on regular meeting schedule
Next GSoC22 group meeting will happen around July 10, 2022