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File metadata and controls

177 lines (171 loc) · 10.3 KB


Hatchery is configured via the manifest file for the commons you are running. Hatchery contains two levels of configuration, one for the Hatchery service itself, and then an additional layer for each workspace.


An example manifest entry may look like

  "hatchery": {
    "user-namespace": "jupyter-pods",
    "sub-dir": "/lw-workspace",
    "user-volume-size": "10Gi",
    "use-internal-services-url": false
    "prisma": {
      "enable": true,
      "console-address": ""
    "pay-models-dynamodb-table": "dynamodb-table-name",
    "pay-models-dynamodb-arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345:role/other-role"
    "default-pay-model": {
      "workspace_type": "Trial Workspace",
      "local": true
    "license-user-maps-dynamodb-table": "gen3-license-user-maps",
    "license-user-maps-global-seconday-index": "activeUsersIndex",
    "sidecar": {
      "cpu-limit": "1.0",
      "memory-limit": "256Mi",
      "image": "",
      "env": {"NAMESPACE":"phillis", "HOSTNAME": ""},
      "args": [],
      "command": ["su", "-c", "/home/jovyan/", "-s", "/bin/sh", "jovyan"],
      "lifecycle-pre-stop": ["su", "-c", "cd /data; for f in *; do fusermount -u $f; rm -rf $f; done", "-s", "/bin/sh", "jovyan"]
    "nextflow-global": {
      "s3-objects-expiration-days": 30,
      "sample-config-public-image": "",
      "imagebuilder-reader-role-arn": ""
    "containers": [
        "target-port": 8888,
        "cpu-limit": "1.0",
        "memory-limit": "512Mi",
        "name": "Jupyter Notebook Bio Python",
        "image": "",
        "env": {},
        "args": ["--NotebookApp.base_url=/lw-workspace/proxy/","--NotebookApp.password=''","--NotebookApp.token=''"],
        "command": [""],
        "path-rewrite": "/lw-workspace/proxy/",
        "use-tls": "false",
        "ready-probe": "/lw-workspace/proxy/",
        "user-uid": 1000,
        "fs-gid": 100,
        "user-volume-location": "/home/jovyan/pd",
        "gen3-volume-location": "/home/jovyan/.gen3",
        "friends": [],
        "authz": {
            "version": 0.1,
            "or": [
                {"resource_paths": ["/workspace/jupyter-container"]},
                {"pay_models": ["Direct Pay", "None"]}
        "nextflow": {
            "enabled": true,
            "job-image-whitelist": [
            "s3-bucket-whitelist": [
            "compute-environment-type": "SPOT",
            "instance-ami": "ami-03392f075059ae3ba",
            "instance-ami-builder-arn": "arn:aws:imagebuilder:<region>:<account id>:image-pipeline/<pipeline name>",
            "instance-type": "optimal",
            "instance-min-vcpus": 0,
            "instance-max-vcpus": 9
        "target-port": 8888,
        "cpu-limit": "1.0",
        "memory-limit": "2Gi",
        "name": "(Generic, Limited Gen3-licensed) Stata Notebook",
        "image": "",
        "env": {
          "FRAME_ANCESTORS": ""
        "license": {
          "enabled": true,
          "license-type": "STATA",
          "max-license-ids": 6,
          "g3auto-name": "license-g3auto",
          "g3auto-key": "license.txt",
          "file-path": "licence-path.txt",
          "workspace-flavor": "gen3-licensed"
        "args": []
    "more-configs": [
        "type": "dockstore-compose:1.0.0",
        "path": "/hatchery-more-configs/test-app.yaml",
        "name": "Dockstore App"
  • user-namespace is which namespace the pods will be deployed into.
  • sub-dir is the path to Hatchery off the host domain, i.e. if the full domain path is then sub-dir is /lw-workspace.
  • user-volume-size the size of the user volume to be created. Applies to all containers because the user storage is the same across all of them.
  • use-internal-services-url Use internal service URLs (http://fence-service/ and http://ambassador-service/) for communication with other services instead of using GEN3_ENDPOINT environmental variable
  • skip-node-selector if set to true, will not set a node selector for the pods, which will be scheduled on any node. Useful for single-node clusters.
  • prisma: TODO document
  • pay-models-dynamodb-table is the name of the DynamoDB table where Hatchery can get users' pay model information
  • pay-models-dynamodb-arn specify a cross-account role if the DynamoDB table is stored in another AWS account
  • default-pay-model is the pay model to fall back to when a user does not have a pay model set up in the pay-models-dynamodb-table table
  • license-user-maps-dynamodb-table is the optional table name if using dynamodb for managing user sessions of gen3-licensed workspaces.
  • license-user-maps-global-seconday-index the global secondary index for active users in the license-user-maps table.
  • sidecar is the sidecar container launched in the same pod as each workspace container. In Gen3 this is used for the FUSE mount system to the manifests that the user has loaded in.
    • cpu-limit the CPU limit for the container matching Kubernetes resource spec.
    • memory-limit the memory limit for the container matching Kubernetes resource spec.
    • image the sidecar image path with tag.
    • env a dictionary of additional environment variables to pass to the container.
    • args the arguments to pass to the container.
    • command a string array as the command to run in the container overriding the default.
    • lifecycle-pre-stop a string array as the container prestop command.
  • nextflow-global is for global configuration specific to Nextflow containers.
    • s3-objects-expiration-days (int, default 30): objects created in S3 by Nextflow are deleted after the specified number of days.
    • sample-config-public-image: a publicly-accessible image that any user can pull to test Nextflow workflows. Will be mentioned in the auto-generated sample configuration and documentation when a user launches a Nextflow workspace.
    • imagebuilder-reader-role-arn: see the nextflow-global.imagebuilder-reader-role-arn section of the Nextflow workspaces documentation.
  • containers is the list of workspaces available to be run by this instance of Hatchery. Each container must be a single image and expose a web server.
    • target-port specifies the port that the container is exposing the webserver on.
    • cpu-limit the CPU limit for the container matching Kubernetes resource spec.
    • memory-limit the memory limit for the container matching Kubernetes resource spec.
    • name the display name for the workspace.
    • image the container image path with tag.
    • env a dictionary of additional environment variables to pass to the container.
    • args the arguments to pass to the container.
    • command a string array as the command to run in the container overriding the default.
    • path-rewrite the rewrite flag to be added as an annotation for Ambassador.
    • use-tls the tls flag to be added as an annotation for Ambassador.
    • use-shared-memory a boolean flag to mount a shared memory volume (for FireFox and noVNC)
    • ready-probe the path to use for the Kubernetes readiness probe.
    • user-uid the UID for the user in this container.
    • fs-gid the GID for the filesystem mounts.
    • user-volume-location the location where the user persistent storage should be mounted in this container.
    • gen3-volume-location the location where the user's API key file will be put into
    • lifecycle-pre-stop a string array as the container prestop command.
    • lifecycle-post-start a string array as the container poststart command.
    • friends is a list of kubernetes containers to deploy alongside the main container and the sidecar in the kubernetes pod.
    • authz describes access rules for this container. See the Authorization documentation for more details.
    • nextflow is for configuration specific to Nextflow containers. See the Nextflow workspaces documentation for more details.
      • enabled is false by default; if true, automatically create AWS resources required to run Nextflow workflows in AWS Batch.
      • job-image-whitelist are the only images that are allowed as Nextflow workflow containers.
        • Supports wildcards ? for a single character and * for multiple characters.
        • {{username}} can be used as a placeholder for the user's actual (escaped) username.
        • Warning: setting the whitelist as an empty list allows all images!
        • Warning: on the ECR side, tags are ignored and users are allowed access to the whole repo.
      • s3-bucket-whitelist are public buckets that Nextflow jobs are allowed to get data objects from. Access to actions "s3:GetObject" and "s3:ListBucket" for arn:aws:s3:::<bucket> and arn:aws:s3:::<bucket>/* will be granted.
      • compute-environment-type ("EC2", "SPOT", "FARGATE" or "FARGATE_SPOT"), instance-ami, instance-type ("optimal", "g4dn.xlarge"...), instance-min-vcpus and instance-max-vcpus are AWS Batch Compute Environment settings.
      • instance-ami-builder-arn is the ARN of an AWS image builder pipeline. The latest AMI built by this pipeline will be used. If instance-ami is specified, it overrides instance-ami-builder-arn.
    • license is for configuration specific to any gen3-licensed containers.
      • enabled set to true to enable management of license and user-sessions.
      • license-type name of the license type, eg "STATA".
      • max-license-ids integer for maximum users of the license, eg 6.
      • g3auto-name g3auto secret with license.
      • g3auto-key g3auto key for the secret, eg "license_file.txt".
      • file-path container file-path where license should be copied.
      • workspace-flavor description of type of gen3-licensed container.
  • more-configs: see