Currently available N
+ Changes in Opioid Treatment Policy During COVID-19
+ |
+ (1) Increasing Access to Buprenorphine and Methadone During COVID-19
+ (2) COVID-19 State Medicaid Waivers for Substance Use Disorder Treatment
+ (3) COVID-19 Mitigation Laws at State Correctional Facilities Relating to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment -
+ |
+ (1) 6169fccdf5f53c83528b456c
+ (2) 6169fbf6f5f53c46528b4568
+ (3) 6169fa0ef5f53c24528b457a
+ |
+ Opioid_Overdoses_03082022.tsv
+ (1) buprenorphine-and-methadone-during-covid-19-data-020222.xlsx
+ (2) covid-19-state-medicaid-waivers-data-020222.xlsx
+ (3) covid-19-moud-at-state-correctional-facilities-data-020222.xlsx
+ |
+ Python
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+ Rates Of Opioid Overdose Deaths And COVID-19 In 2020
+ |
+ CDC Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER)
+ COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University
+ |
+ cdcwonder
+ csse
+ |
+ Opioid_Overdoses_03082022.tsv
+ United_States_COVID-19_Cases_and_Deaths_by_State_over_Time.csv
+ |
+ Python
+ |
@@ -1591,7 +1634,7 @@ 5. FAQ
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If you have questions regarding costs associated with data storage in HEAL-approved repositories, please contact the HEAL Data Stewards.