diff --git a/docs/limited_flie_pfb_export.md b/docs/limited_flie_pfb_export.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fdf185acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/limited_flie_pfb_export.md
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Limited File PFB export adds a limited ability to export PFBs of data files from the Files tab. The limitation is that users cannot export data files of different data types (e.g. `Aligned Reads`, `Imaging Files`, etc.). (More specifically, users cannot export data files that are on different nodes in the graph.) We're accepting this limitation in order to avoid a significant rewrite of the pelican-export job, which assumes all entities to export are on the same node.
+- Link to Jira ticket: [PXP-6544](https://ctds-planx.atlassian.net/browse/PXP-6544)
+- Link to design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12FkAYOpDuSdQScEgYBxXsPUdm8GUuUZgD6xU7EQga5A/edit#heading=h.53vab1pwrz1y
+- Link to relevant Pelican PR: https://github.com/uc-cdis/pelican/pull/33
+- Link to manual test plan: https://github.com/uc-cdis/gen3-qa/pull/454
+### How to deploy
+- Limited File PFB Export requires Pelican >= 0.5.0, Tube >= 0.4.1
+- Limited File PFB Export is enabled by setting `fileExplorerConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport: { sourceNodeField: "source_node" }` and by adding buttons of buttonType `export-files` (Export to Terra), `export-files-to-pfb` (Download PFB), or `export-files-to-seven-bridges` (Export to Seven Bridges) to `fileExplorerConfig.buttons`. Example:
+ "fileExplorerConfig": {
+ ...
+ "buttons": [
+ ....
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "type": "export-files-to-pfb",
+ "title": "Export All to PFB",
+ "rightIcon": "external-link",
+ "tooltipText": "You have not selected any cases to export. Please use the checkboxes on the left to select specific cases you would like to export."
+ },
+ {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "type": "export-files",
+ "title": "Export All to Terra",
+ "rightIcon": "external-link",
+ "tooltipText": "You have not selected any cases to export. Please use the checkboxes on the left to select specific cases you would like to export."
+ }
+ ],
+ "enableLimitedFilePFBExport": {"sourceNodeField": "source_node"},
+- Limited File PFB Export requires the `source_node` property to be ETL'd -- `source_node` should be added to `props` in the `file` section of `etlMapping.yaml`. Example:
+ - name: mpingram_file
+ doc_type: file
+ type: collector
+ root: None
+ category: data_file
+ props:
+ - name: object_id
+ - name: md5sum
+ ...
+ - name: source_node
+- Limited File PFB Export requires a new `export-files` job block to be added to the Sower config in manifest.json. The $ROOT_NODE environment variable must be set to `"file"`, or the name of the Guppy file index if it isn't "file". *For BioDataCatalyst, the EXTRA_NODES environment variable must be set to `""`*. (This is for backwards compatibility: pelican-export includes `reference_file` by default on all BDCat PFB exports unless $EXTRA_NODES is set to an empty string). Example sower config:
+ {
+ "name": "pelican-export-files",
+ "action": "export-files",
+ "container": {
+ "name": "job-task",
+ "image": "quay.io/cdis/pelican-export:0.5.0",
+ "pull_policy": "Always",
+ "env": [
+ {
+ "name": "DICTIONARY_URL",
+ "valueFrom": {
+ "configMapKeyRef": {
+ "name": "manifest-global",
+ "key": "dictionary_url"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "GEN3_HOSTNAME",
+ "valueFrom": {
+ "configMapKeyRef": {
+ "name": "manifest-global",
+ "key": "hostname"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ROOT_NODE",
+ "value": "file"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "EXTRA_NODES",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "volumeMounts": [
+ {
+ "name": "pelican-creds-volume",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "mountPath": "/pelican-creds.json",
+ "subPath": "config.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "peregrine-creds-volume",
+ "readOnly": true,
+ "mountPath": "/peregrine-creds.json",
+ "subPath": "creds.json"
+ }
+ ],
+ "cpu-limit": "1",
+ "memory-limit": "4Gi"
+ },
+ "volumes": [
+ {
+ "name": "pelican-creds-volume",
+ "secret": {
+ "secretName": "pelicanservice-g3auto"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "peregrine-creds-volume",
+ "secret": {
+ "secretName": "peregrine-creds"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "restart_policy": "Never"
+ },
diff --git a/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/ExplorerButtonGroup.css b/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/ExplorerButtonGroup.css
index ec4b2de92e..1cac0576d3 100644
--- a/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/ExplorerButtonGroup.css
+++ b/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/ExplorerButtonGroup.css
@@ -22,3 +22,8 @@
width: unset;
font-size: medium;
+.explorer-button-group__toaster-dl-link {
+ color: var(--g3-color__white);
+ text-decoration: underline;
diff --git a/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/index.jsx b/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/index.jsx
index c249c80713..5847118218 100644
--- a/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/index.jsx
+++ b/src/GuppyDataExplorer/ExplorerButtonGroup/index.jsx
@@ -32,16 +32,39 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
exportPFBURL: '',
pfbStartText: 'Your export is in progress.',
pfbWarning: 'Please do not navigate away from this page until your export is finished.',
- pfbSuccessText: 'Your cohort has been exported to PFB! The URL is displayed below.',
+ pfbSuccessText: 'Your cohort has been exported to PFB.',
+ // for export to PFB in Files tab
+ sourceNodesInCohort: [],
// for export to workspace
exportingToWorkspace: false,
exportWorkspaceFileName: null,
exportWorkspaceStatus: null,
workspaceSuccessText: 'Your cohort has been saved! In order to view and run analysis on this cohort, please go to the workspace.',
+ // Display misconfiguration warnings if Export PFB to Terra/SBG buttons are present
+ // but no URL was configured to send the PFBs to.
+ const exportToTerraButtonPresent =
+ props.buttonConfig && props.buttonConfig.buttons &&
+ props.buttonConfig.buttons.some(btn => btn.type === 'export' || btn.type === 'export-files');
+ if (exportToTerraButtonPresent && !this.props.buttonConfig.terraExportURL) {
+ console.error('Misconfiguration error: Export to Terra button is present, but there is no `terraExportURL` specified in the portal config.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ }
+ const exportToSevenBridgesButtonPresent =
+ props.buttonConfig && props.buttonConfig.buttons &&
+ props.buttonConfig.buttons.some(btn => btn.type === 'export-to-seven-bridges' || btn.type === 'export-files-to-seven-bridges');
+ if (exportToSevenBridgesButtonPresent && !this.props.buttonConfig.sevenBridgesExportURL) {
+ console.error('Misconfiguration error: Export to Seven Bridges button is present, but there is no `sevenBridgesExportURL` specified in the portal config.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ }
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
+ if (nextProps.job && nextProps.job.status === 'Failed' && this.props.job.status !== 'Failed') {
+ this.setState(prevState => ({
+ toasterOpen: true,
+ toasterHeadline: prevState.toasterErrorText,
+ }));
+ }
if (nextProps.job && nextProps.job.status === 'Completed' && this.props.job.status !== 'Completed') {
.then((res) => {
@@ -74,6 +97,14 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
&& nextProps.totalCount) {
+ if (this.props.buttonConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport
+ && nextProps.filter !== this.props.filter) {
+ const sourceNodeField = this.props.buttonConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport.sourceNodeField;
+ if (!sourceNodeField) {
+ throw new Error('Limited File PFB Export is enabled, but \'sourceNodeField\' has not been specified. Check the portal config.');
+ }
+ this.refreshSourceNodes(nextProps.filter, sourceNodeField);
+ }
componentWillUnmount() {
@@ -101,12 +132,28 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
clickFunc = this.exportToTerra;
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-files') {
+ // =======================================
+ if (terraExportWarning) {
+ clickFunc = this.exportFilesToTerraWithWarning;
+ } else {
+ // =======================================
+ clickFunc = this.exportFilesToTerra;
+ }
+ }
if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-seven-bridges') {
clickFunc = this.exportToSevenBridges;
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-seven-bridges') {
+ clickFunc = this.exportFilesToSevenBridges;
+ }
if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-pfb') {
clickFunc = this.exportToPFB;
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-pfb') {
+ clickFunc = this.exportFilesToPFB;
+ }
if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-workspace') {
clickFunc = this.exportToWorkspace;
@@ -115,7 +162,6 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
return clickFunc;
getManifest = async (indexType) => {
if (!this.props.guppyConfig.manifestMapping
|| !this.props.guppyConfig.manifestMapping.referenceIdFieldInDataIndex) {
@@ -222,7 +268,7 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
: null
{ (this.state.exportPFBURL) ?
Most recent PFB URL: { this.state.exportPFBURL }
+ Click here to download your PFB.
: null
{ (this.state.toasterError) ?
@@ -320,6 +366,16 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
+ exportFilesToTerraWithWarning = () => {
+ // If the number of subjects is over the threshold, warn the user that their
+ // export to Terra job might fail.
+ if (this.props.totalCount >= terraExportWarning.subjectThreshold) {
+ this.setState({ enableTerraWarningPopup: true });
+ } else {
+ // If the number is below the threshold, proceed as normal
+ this.exportFilesToTerra();
+ }
+ }
// ==========================================
exportToTerra = () => {
@@ -328,12 +384,24 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
+ exportFilesToTerra = () => {
+ this.setState({ exportingToTerra: true }, () => {
+ this.exportFilesToPFB();
+ });
+ };
exportToSevenBridges = () => {
this.setState({ exportingToSevenBridges: true }, () => {
+ exportFilesToSevenBridges = () => {
+ this.setState({ exportingToSevenBridges: true }, () => {
+ this.exportFilesToPFB();
+ });
+ }
sendPFBToTerra = () => {
const url = encodeURIComponent(this.state.exportPFBURL);
let templateParam = '';
@@ -354,10 +422,35 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
exportToPFB = () => {
this.props.submitJob({ action: 'export', input: { filter: getGQLFilter(this.props.filter) } });
- this.setState({
+ this.setState(prevState => ({
toasterOpen: true,
- toasterHeadline: this.state.pfbStartText,
- });
+ toasterHeadline: prevState.pfbStartText,
+ }));
+ };
+ exportFilesToPFB = () => {
+ if (this.props.buttonConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport) {
+ if (!this.state.sourceNodesInCohort || this.state.sourceNodesInCohort.length !== 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const rootNode = this.state.sourceNodesInCohort[0];
+ this.props.submitJob({
+ action: 'export-files',
+ input: {
+ filter: getGQLFilter(this.props.filter),
+ root_node: rootNode,
+ },
+ });
+ this.props.checkJobStatus();
+ this.setState({
+ toasterOpen: true,
+ toasterHeadline: this.state.pfbStartText,
+ });
+ } else {
+ /* eslint-disable no-console */
+ console.error(`Error: Missing \`enableLimitedFilePFBExport\` in the portal config.
+Currently, in order to export a File PFB, \`enableLimitedFilePFBExport\` must be set in the portal config.`);
+ }
exportToWorkspace = async (indexType) => {
@@ -396,12 +489,12 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
exportToWorkspaceErrorHandler = (status) => {
- this.setState({
+ this.setState(prevState => ({
toasterOpen: true,
- toasterHeadline: this.state.toasterErrorText,
+ toasterHeadline: prevState.toasterErrorText,
exportWorkspaceStatus: status,
exportingToWorkspace: false,
- });
+ }));
exportToWorkspaceMessageHandler = (status, message) => {
@@ -462,6 +555,43 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
+ refreshSourceNodes = async (filter, sourceNodeField) => {
+ try {
+ const indexType = this.props.guppyConfig.dataType;
+ const query = `query ($filter: JSON) {
+ _aggregation {
+ ${indexType} (filter: $filter) {
+ ${sourceNodeField} {
+ histogram {
+ key
+ count
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }`;
+ const body = { query, variables: { filter: getGQLFilter(filter) } };
+ const res = await fetchWithCreds({
+ path: guppyGraphQLUrl,
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: JSON.stringify(body),
+ });
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
+ const sourceNodesHistogram = res.data.data._aggregation[indexType][sourceNodeField].histogram;
+ const sourceNodes = [];
+ sourceNodesHistogram.forEach(({ key, count }) => {
+ if (count > 0) {
+ sourceNodes.push(key);
+ }
+ });
+ this.setState({
+ sourceNodesInCohort: sourceNodes,
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw Error(`Error when getting data types: ${err}`);
+ }
+ };
// check if the user has access to this resource
isButtonDisplayed = (buttonConfig) => {
if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-workspace' || buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-workspace') {
@@ -479,31 +609,57 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
if (buttonConfig.type === 'manifest') {
return this.state.manifestEntryCount > 0;
+ const pfbJobIsRunning = this.state.exportingToTerra
+ || this.state.exportingToSevenBridges
+ || this.isPFBRunning();
if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-pfb') {
// disable the pfb export button if any other pfb export jobs are running
- return !(this.state.exportingToTerra || this.state.exportingToSevenBridges);
+ return !pfbJobIsRunning;
- if (buttonConfig.type === 'export') {
- if (!this.props.buttonConfig.terraExportURL) {
- console.error('Export to Terra button is present, but there is no `terraExportURL` specified in the portal config. Disabling the export to Terra button.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-pfb') {
+ // disable the pfb export button if any other pfb export jobs are running
+ if (pfbJobIsRunning) {
return false;
+ // If limited file PFB export is enabled, disable the button if the selected
+ // data files are on more than one source node. (See https://github.com/uc-cdis/data-portal/pull/729)
+ if (this.props.buttonConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport) {
+ return this.state.sourceNodesInCohort.length === 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export') {
// disable the terra export button if any of the
// pfb export operations are running.
- return !(this.state.exportingToTerra
- || this.state.exportingToSevenBridges
- || this.isPFBRunning());
+ return !pfbJobIsRunning;
- if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-seven-bridges') {
- if (!this.props.buttonConfig.sevenBridgesExportURL) {
- console.error('Export to Terra button is present, but there is no `terraExportURL` specified in the portal config. Disabling the export to Terra button.'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-files') {
+ // disable the terra export button if any of the
+ // pfb export operations are running.
+ if (pfbJobIsRunning) {
return false;
+ // If limited file PFB export is enabled, disable the button if the selected
+ // data files are on more than one source node. (See https://github.com/uc-cdis/data-portal/pull/729)
+ if (this.props.buttonConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport) {
+ return this.state.sourceNodesInCohort.length === 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-seven-bridges') {
+ // disable the seven bridges export buttons if any of the
+ // pfb export operations are running.
+ return !pfbJobIsRunning;
+ }
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-seven-bridges') {
// disable the seven bridges export buttons if any of the
// pfb export operations are running.
- return !(this.state.exportingToTerra
- || this.state.exportingToSevenBridges
- || this.isPFBRunning());
+ if (pfbJobIsRunning) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If limited file PFB export is enabled, disable the button if the selected
+ // data files are on more than one source node. (See https://github.com/uc-cdis/data-portal/pull/729)
+ if (this.props.buttonConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport) {
+ return this.state.sourceNodesInCohort.length === 1;
+ }
if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-workspace') {
return this.state.manifestEntryCount > 0;
@@ -519,19 +675,19 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-workspace' || buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-workspace') {
return this.state.exportingToWorkspace;
- if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-pfb') {
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-pfb' || buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-pfb') {
// export to pfb button is pending if a pfb export job is running and it's
// neither an export to terra job or an export to seven bridges job.
return this.isPFBRunning()
&& !(this.state.exportingToTerra || this.state.exportingToSevenBridges);
- if (buttonConfig.type === 'export') {
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export' || buttonConfig.type === 'export-files') {
// export to terra button is pending if a pfb export job is running and
// it's an exporting to terra job.
return this.isPFBRunning()
&& this.state.exportingToTerra;
- if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-seven-bridges') {
+ if (buttonConfig.type === 'export-to-seven-bridges' || buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-seven-bridges') {
// export to seven bridges button is pending if a pfb export job is running
// and it's an export to seven bridges job.
return this.isPFBRunning()
@@ -553,7 +709,22 @@ class ExplorerButtonGroup extends React.Component {
} else if (buttonConfig.type === 'manifest' && this.state.manifestEntryCount > 0) {
buttonTitle = `${buttonConfig.title} (${humanizeNumber(this.state.manifestEntryCount)})`;
- const btnTooltipText = (this.props.isLocked) ? 'You only have access to summary data' : buttonConfig.tooltipText;
+ let tooltipEnabled = buttonConfig.tooltipText ? !this.isButtonEnabled(buttonConfig) : false;
+ let btnTooltipText = (this.props.isLocked) ? 'You only have access to summary data' : buttonConfig.tooltipText;
+ // If limited file PFB export is enabled, PFB export buttons will be disabled
+ // if the user selects multiple files that are on different nodes in the graph.
+ // (See https://github.com/uc-cdis/data-portal/pull/729).
+ // If the user has selected multiple files on different nodes, display a
+ // tooltip explaining that the user can only export files of the same type.
+ const isFilePFBButton = buttonConfig.type === 'export-files' || buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-pfb' || buttonConfig.type === 'export-files-to-seven-bridges';
+ if (this.props.buttonConfig.enableLimitedFilePFBExport
+ && isFilePFBButton
+ && this.state.sourceNodesInCohort.length > 1) {
+ tooltipEnabled = true;
+ btnTooltipText = 'Currently you cannot export files with different Data Types. Please choose a single Data Type from the Data Type filter on the left.';
+ }
return (
diff --git a/src/GuppyDataExplorer/index.jsx b/src/GuppyDataExplorer/index.jsx
index 7d0f7fc9f2..d1f4645dd3 100644
--- a/src/GuppyDataExplorer/index.jsx
+++ b/src/GuppyDataExplorer/index.jsx
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class Explorer extends React.Component {
terraExportURL: explorerConfig[this.state.tab].terraExportURL,
terraTemplate: explorerConfig[this.state.tab].terraTemplate,
sevenBridgesExportURL: explorerConfig[this.state.tab].sevenBridgesExportURL,
+ enableLimitedFilePFBExport: explorerConfig[this.state.tab].enableLimitedFilePFBExport,