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89 lines (75 loc) · 5.43 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (75 loc) · 5.43 KB


Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value requirement
controller controll inner headerMode and footerMode RefreshController null necessary
child your content Widget ? extends Wiget null optional
header refresh indicator ? extends Widget ClassicHeader optional
footer load indicator ? extends Widget ClassicFooter optional
enablePullDown switch of pulldownrefresh boolean true optional
enableTwoLevel whether to open the function of twoLevel for header boolean false 可选
enablePullUp switch of pullupload boolean false optional
onRefresh callback when refreshing () => Void null optional
onLoading callback when loading () => Void null optional
onOffsetChange(2.0.0 removed) callBack the Visible range of indicator (bool,double) => Void null optional
onTwoLevel callback when second floor is opening () => Void null 可选

RefreshController Api

      //  Request top indicator refresh to trigger onRefresh
      void requestRefresh(
          {Duration duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
          Curve curve: Curves.linear});
     // Request bottom indicator to load data and trigger onLoading
      void requestLoading(
          {Duration duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
          Curve curve: Curves.linear}) ;
      // Top Indicator Refresh Success
      void refreshCompleted({});
      // Top Indicator Refresh Failed
      void refreshFailed();
      // Bottom Indicator Loading Completed
      // set to idle, and hide back
      void refreshToIdle();
       // close second floor
       void twoLevelComplete(
             {Duration duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
             Curve curve: Curves.linear};
      void loadComplete();
      // The bottom indicator enters a state without more data
      void loadNoData();
      // Refresh the bottom indicator status to idle
      // footer load failed
      void loadFailed()
      void resetNoData();


Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value requirement
child you know,no need to explain Widget null 必要
springDescription custom spring animate config SpringDescription default 可选
dragSpeedRatio the speed ratio when dragging overscroll ,compute=origin physics dragging speed *dragSpeedRatio double 1.0 可选


Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value requirement
headerBuilder the header indicator builder () => ? extends RefreshIndicator null 可选
headerTriggerDistance overScroll distance of trigger refresh double 80.0 可选
maxOverScrollExtent max overScroll distance double ios:inf,android:60 可选
skipCanRefresh if skip canRefresh state,enter refreshing state directly bool false 可选
enableScrollWhenTwoLevel whether enable scroll when into twoLevel bool false 可选
twiceTriggerDistance the overScroll distance of trigger twoLevel double 150.0 可选
closeTwoLevelDistance Close the bottom crossing distance on the second floor, premise:enableScrollWhenTwoLevel is true double 80.0 可选
enableBallisticRefresh whether trigger refresh by BallisticScrollActivity(it mean use is not dragging on the screen) bool false 可选
enableScrollWhenRefreshCompleted Whether the user is allowed to slide scrollable when the refresh is complete and ready to bounce back bool true 可选
topHitBoundary When fast fling to top, setting a top boundary make the bouncing stop double ios:inf,android:0 可选

Load more(footer):

Attribute Name Attribute Explain Parameter Type Default Value requirement
footerBuilder the footer indicator builder () => ? extends LoadIndicator null 可选
hideWhenNotFull whether to hide footer when scrollview not enough one page bool true 可选
autoLoad(2.0.0 removed) Autoload more, if false, sliding bottom will not trigger, but provide more click loading methods bool true 可选
enableLoadingWhenFailed whether allowed to use gesture pull-up trigger to load more when failed state bool true 可选
enableLoadingWhenNoData whether allowed to use gesture pull-up trigger to load more when no more data state bool false 可选
maxUnderScrollExtent max underScroll distance double ios:inf,android:0 可选
footerTriggerDistance the extentAfter distance of trigger loading double 15.0 可选

| enableBallisticRefresh | whether trigger loading by BallisticScrollActivity(it mean use is not dragging on the screen) | bool | true | 可选 | | shouldFooterFollowWhenNotFull | When not full one page,If it should follow content for different status,premise: hideFooterWhenNotFull = false | (LoadStatus) => bool | () => false | 可选 | | bottomHitBoundary | When fast fling to bottom, setting a bottom boundary make the bouncing stop | double | ios:inf,android:0 | 可选 |