All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Add related OSS files, (contributing, Code of conduct)
- Add Github issue template
- Add Circle-CI for continuous integration
- Write unit-tests
- Add pre-commit and pre-push hook
- Refactor formatJSON and formatCSS in order to increase their shareability across the project
- Add Code-Climate for track maintainability
- Increase Readme documentation
- Add Auto publish to NPM when version tag is pushed
- Create a CLI for Lorco
- Add support for Sketch color palette
- Fix some english typo in readme
- Add Apache-2 license
- Rework project logo
- Add empty folders for generated files
- Add a logo to the project
- Add support for multiple output language
- Make generated filename dynamic
- Increase output variable name with slugify
- First implement