Only translate normal like like this into your language
turn on
turn off
voiceAll: Word to call "all" device in your language like "Turn off all the light". Enter few most popular word
all the
voiceCantFindActionList: The reply message when we can't find actionOpen/actionClose/actionTurnOn/actionTurnOff. Enter few most popular phrase
Can not understand the voice command, please try again.
We can't understand this command.
This command is not yet supported by the system.
We can't figure out what you mean.
voiceCantFindEntityList: The reply message when we can't find the entity in your voice command. Enter few most popular phrase
Can not find device, please try again..
We don't know about this device.
The device does not exist in the system.
We can't figure out what you mean.
We can not find the device you just called.
cover: blind, door, curtain,
climate: ac, air conditioner, air conditioning,
fan: fan,
light: light, led, bulb,
switch: switch, circuit breaker, plug,
zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
OK, Okie, Okay, Alright, Got it, Right away, Done, As you please,
Can not find device, please try again.
We don't know about this device.
The device does not exist in the system.
We can not find the device you just called.
Welcome to Home-Dashboard voice control system. To control devices, please try use the following commands:
Thank you for activating Home-Dashboard's voice control system. You can activate with most devices using the following commands: