Heritability estimation from Admixture Mapping Summary STAtistics
HAMSTA is a python package that estimate heritability explained by local ancestry using summary statistics from admixture mapping studies. It also quantifies inflation in test statistics that is not contributed by local ancestry effects, and determines significance threshold for admixture mapping.
For API and detailed documentation, please check out http://tszfungc.github.io/HAMSTA/
git clone https://github.com/tszfungc/HAMSTA.git
pip install -r requirement.txt
python setup.py install
Perform SVD on local ancestry and regress out global ancestry in RFMIX output format.
hamsta preprocess \
--rfmixfb example.fb.tsv AFR \
--global-ancestry example.rfmix.Q \
--out example
Estimate heritability explained by local ancestry using admixture mapping results (e.g. PLINK2 glm) and SVD results.
hamsta infer \
--sumstat example.pheno.glm.linear \
--svd example.U.npy example.S.npy \
--out example.hamsta_result.txt
Chan, T.F., Rui, X., Conti, D.V., Fornage, M., Graff, M., Haessler, J., Haiman, C., Highland, H.M., Jung, S.Y., Kenny, E., et al. (2023). Estimating heritability explained by local ancestry and evaluating stratification bias in admixture mapping from summary statistics. bioRxiv. 10.1101/2023.04.10.536252