3rd party mod integration tool for Deep Rock Galactic to download and integrate mods completely externally of the game. This enables more stable mod usage as well as offline mod usage. Works for both Steam and Microsoft Store versions.

Mods are added via URL to a .pak or .zip containing a .pak. Mods can also be pulled from mod.io. Examples:
Mods from mod.io will require an OAuth token which can be obtained from https://mod.io/me/access when prompted.
Most mods work just as if they were loaded via the official integration, but there are still some behavioural differences. If a mod is crashing or otherwise behaving differently than when using the official integration, please create an issue so it can be addressed.
For more details, please consult our user guide.
This section assumes that you are on Windows and is using the steam version of DRG, working with
either local .pak
s or mod.io mods.
First, download the latest release
compatible with your architecture. For windows, this will be the
. Extract this to anywhere you'd like to keep the
Then, we'll need to perform some first-time setup.
We need to provide the tool with the path to FSD-WindowsNoEditor.pak
and a mod.io OAuth token if
you want to use mod.io mods. These can be configured in the settings menu (cogwheel located in the
bottom toolbar).

If the tool fails to detect your DRG installation, then you can manually browse to add the path to
This file is located under the FSD
folder inside your DRG installation directory, e.g.
E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\FSD-WindowsNoEditor.pak
Inside the settings menu, there is a modio setting (cogwheel). If you click on that, it will prompt for an mod.io OAuth token.
To generate a mod.io OAuth token, you'll need to visit https://mod.io/me/access. You'll need to accept the API terms and conditions.

Then, you'll need to add a new client under OAuth Access, call it e.g. "DRG Mod Integration".
For that client, create a new token named e.g. "modio-access" with Read-only scope. Copy the token into the integration tool's prompt.
After these steps, you can now add local mods or mod.io mods.
Copy the URL to the mod into the "Add mods..." field and hit enter.
You can obtain a list of your subscribed mods list using the "Copy Mod URLs" button via A Better Modding Menu in game:
You can either drag and drop a local .pak
file on to the tool window, or add the path to the
local .pak
in the same "Add mods..." field.
The versioned mod.io mods are cached. If you want to update to the latest version of your mods, you'll need to press the "Update cache" button.
Once you are happy with your mod profile, you can install the mods by pressing the "Install mods" button, and uninstall them with the "Uninstall mods" button. This must be done while the game is closed.
If you want to go back to the integrated mod support again, you must uninstall the mods installed by mint. Then, launch the game normally.