The Iota
algorithm assign increasing values to an array, where
the initial value is specified by the user. Its signature is the
procedure Iota (A : in out T_Arr ; Val : T);
For instance, let us suppose that A
is an T
array of size 5
then after a call Iota (A, 3)
, A
will be (3, 4, 5, 6,
. Notice that the incrementation step is not specified in the
function signature.
The predicate Is_Iota
is be used to verify that an array has
increasing values starting at a certain value. It is defined as
function Is_Iota
(A : T_Arr;
Val : T)
return Boolean is
(for all I in A'Range => A (I) = Val + T (I - A'First)) with
Pre => Val + A'Length <= T'Last;
Notice that the precondition ensures that no overflow will happen.
The specification of iota
is rather simple:
procedure Iota
(A : in out T_Arr;
Val : T) with
Pre => Val + A'Length <= T'Last,
Post => Is_Iota (A, Val);
The precondition is necessary to prevent possible overflows, as we are dealing with numerical values.
The implementation of iota
is the following.
procedure Iota
(A : in out T_Arr;
Val : T)
Count : T := Val;
for I in A'Range loop
A (I) := Count;
Count := Count + 1;
pragma Loop_Invariant (Count = Val + T (I - A'First + 1));
pragma Loop_Invariant (Is_Iota (A (A'First .. I), Val));
end loop;
end Iota;
The loop invariants specify the fact that:
is indeed a counter starting atVal
and has the right value- the predicate
is verified for the sliced arrayA(A'First .. I)
Using GNATprove
, everything is proved.