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The Search algorithm

The Search algorithm finds a subsequence in an array identical to a given sequence. Its signature can be defined as:

function Search (A : T_Arr; B : T_Arr) return Option;

Search will return an option containing the smallest valid index J of A such that A (J .. J + B'Length - 1) = B if it exists.

A first version of Search without ghost functions for specification

We will first specify and implement Search without using ghost functions: we will see in the next sections that using ghost functions to factorize specification as usual is not trivial in this case (this is mainly due to limitations of SMT solvers).

Specification of Search without ghost functions

A specification of Search can be written as follows:

function Search
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Option with
   Pre            => A'Last < Positive'Last,
   Contract_Cases => (B'Length = 0 => not Search'Result.Exists,
    A'Length < B'Length => not Search'Result.Exists,
    A'Length >= B'Length and then B'Length /= 0
    and then
    (for some J in A'First .. A'Last - B'Length + 1 =>
       A (J .. J - 1 + B'Length) = B) =>
      and then
	A (Search'Result.Value .. Search'Result.Value - 1 + B'Length) = B
      and then
      (if Search'Result.Value > A'First then
	 (for all K in A'First .. Search'Result.Value - 1 =>
	    A (K .. K - 1 + B'Length) /= B)),
    others => not Search'Result.Exists);
  • the precondition expresses
    • the fact that the last index of A is less than the last Positive value, as we will use A'Last + 1 in the implementation.
    • the fact that B'First is less than B'Last. This precondition is necessary, otherwise the contract cases can neither be proved nor their disjointedness
  • the postconditions are expressed through 4 contract cases:
    1. if B is empty, then there is no index returned
    2. if A is shorter than B, then there is again no index returned
    3. if A is longer than B and there is a subsequence in A equal to B then
      • a valid index will be returned
      • the subsequence of A starting at this index is equal to B
      • if the returned index is not the first index of A, then for all indexes K of A less than the returned index, the subsequence of length B'Length starting at K is not equal to B
    4. otherwise there is no index returned

Implementation of Search

function Search
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Option
   if (A'Length < B'Length or else B'Length = 0) then

      return (Exists => False);
   end if;

   for J in A'First .. A'Last + 1 - B'Length loop
      if A (J .. J - 1 + B'Length) = B then
	 return (Exists => True, Value => J);
      end if;

      pragma Loop_Invariant
	(for all K in A'First .. J => A (K .. K - 1 + B'Length) /= B);
   end loop;

   return (Exists => False);
end Search;
  • the implementation is (again) classic: we range over A indexes trying to find a subsequence equal to B
  • the loop invariants specify that the subsequence has not been found starting from the previously tried indexes and that the Option result does not contain a valid index

When using GNATprove on Search, all the assertions are proved except the contract case, even with a timeout of 1800s on a powerful machine. Notice that the counterexample returned in the case where B is a subarray of A is wrong: medium: contract case might fail
  (e.g. when A = (1 => -1, others => 0) and
	     A'First = 1 and A'Last = 5 and
	     B = (-1 => 0, -3 => 0, -5 => 0, 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => -1, others => -1) and
	     B'First = 1 and B'Last = 3 and
	     K = 2147483646 and
	     Search'Result = (Exists => False, Value => 2147483647))

This may happen when solvers are stopped during their search because of a timeout for instance, see the article Counterexamples from Proof Failures in SPARK available here.

Why are SMT solvers unable to prove the contract cases? In fact, they do not play very well with nested quantifiers, particularly when there are existential quantifiers. Here, the use of equality over arrays implies universal quantification (two arrays are equal if and only if for the elements of each array at the same offset are equal).

In the following, we will try to use ghost functions to “hide” the quantifiers to the SMT solvers.

Defining a predicate

We will first define a predicate to represent the main property, i.e., the fact that B is a subsequence of A. We will see in the following that using this ghost function does not allow to prove Search with the SMT solvers used in the project.

The predicate Has_Subrange

We will define the ghost function Has_Subrange to represent the fact that B is a subsequence of A:

function Has_Subrange
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Boolean is
  (for some J in A'First .. A'Last + 1 - B'Length =>
     A (J .. J - 1 + B'Length) = B) with
   Pre => A'Length >= B'Length and then A'Last < Positive'Last,

We equip the function with preconditions specifying that A is longer than B and that the last index of A is not the last Positive value. The function is defined by an expression directly specifying the expected property: there is a slice of A that is equal to B.

Notice that the function is equivalent to the quantified expression previously used in the specification of Search.

Specification of Search

The specification of Search using Has_Subrange is now:

function Search
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Option with
   Pre            => A'Last < Positive'Last and then B'First <= B'Last,
   Contract_Cases => (B'Length = 0 => not Search'Result.Exists,
    A'Length < B'Length => not Search'Result.Exists,
    A'Length >= B'Length and then B'Length /= 0
    and then Has_Subrange (A, B) =>
      and then
	A (Search'Result.Value .. Search'Result.Value - 1 + B'Length) = B
      and then
      (if Search'Result.Value > A'First then
	 (not Has_Subrange
	    (A (A'First .. Search'Result.Value + B'Length - 2), B))),
    others => not Search'Result.Exists);

Implementation of Search

The implementation of Search is the same as previous excepting the use of Has_Subrange:

function Search
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Option
   if (A'Length < B'Length or else B'Length = 0) then

      return (Exists => False);
   end if;

   for J in A'First .. A'Last + 1 - B'Length loop
      if A (J .. J - 1 + B'Length) = B then
	 return (Exists => True, Value => J);
      end if;

      pragma Loop_Invariant
	((not Has_Subrange (A (A'First .. J + B'Length - 1), B)));
   end loop;

   return (Exists => False);
end Search;

Using this specification and this implementation, GNATprove cannot prove contract cases. This is not surprising, as the ghost function does nothing more than the previous specification and implementation.

A correct version of Search with ghost functions

An usual trick to help SMT solvers is to hide the unnecessary quantifiers in auxiliary subprograms (this has been suggested by Yannick Moy of AdaCore). A previous version of Search redefines the Has_Subrange function by using two intermediate functions allowing to hide the quantifiers: one function to express that a subrange of A is equal to B starting from a particular index J and another one to express the fact that a subrange of A is equal to B starting from a index less than a given index. This permit to “split” the different use of quantifiers (one function to bound the subrange with a lower index and the other one with an upper index). See the GPL2017 branch of Spark by Example repository for this implementation.

Claire Dross from AdaCore suggested that the provers have difficulties with the slices and particularly the expression J - 1 + B'Length that is used to qualify the last index of a slice of A starting from J and with a length equal to B length. Encapsulating this expression in a function should help the solvers, as they have a new identifier to work with.

The Last function

The Last function is simply defined as follows:

function Last
  (I : Positive;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Natural is (I - 1 + B'Length) with
   Pre => I - 1 <= Positive'Last - B'Length;

A new definition for Has_Subrange

Has_Subrange is now defined using the Last function:

function Has_Subrange
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Boolean is
  (for some J in A'First .. A'Last - B'Length + 1 =>
     A (J .. Last (J, B)) = B) with
   Pre => A'Length > 0 and then A'Length >= B'Length
   and then A'Last < Positive'Last;

Specification of Search

The specification of Search is now the following:

function Search
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Option with
   Pre            => A'Last < Positive'Last,
   Contract_Cases =>
   (A'Length >= B'Length and then B'Length /= 0
    and then Has_Subrange (A, B) =>
      and then A (Search'Result.Value .. Last (Search'Result.Value, B)) = B
      and then
      (if Search'Result.Value > A'First then
	 (for all J in A'First .. Search'Result.Value - 1 =>
	    A (J .. Last (J, B)) /= B)),
    others => not Search'Result.Exists);

The previously defined functions are now used in the specification. Notice that we use slices without any problem. Several contract cases are also gathered in the others default case.

Implementation of Search

The implementation of Search is the following:

function Search
  (A : T_Arr;
   B : T_Arr)
   return Option
   if (A'Length < B'Length or else B'Length = 0) then

      return (Exists => False);
   end if;

   for J in A'First .. A'Last + 1 - B'Length loop
      if A (J .. J - 1 + B'Length) = B then
	 return (Exists => True, Value => J);
      end if;

      pragma Loop_Invariant
	(for all K in A'First .. J => A (K .. Last (K, B)) /= B);
   end loop;

   return (Exists => False);
end Search;

Everything is now proved by GNATprove at level 1 with a timeout of 5s. The previous specification and implementation available in the GPL2017 branch needed a timeout of 30s. Notice that SPARK Discovery 2017 with CVC 1.5 and Z3 4.6.0 can also prove the function, but with a slightly number of steps for the contract cases. Provers are getting better and better!