- Generell
- YoutTube Channel
- Goto Play App (Videos abspielen)
Google Big Query Demo (http archives?)
Service Mesh https://blog.buoyant.io/2017/04/25/whats-a-service-mesh-and-why-do-i-need-one/
- Troubleshooting & Debugging Microservices in Kubernetes
- Logs durchsuchen: BigQuery
kubectl exec ...
kubectl port-forward ...
- Stackdriver Trace
- Stackdriver Debugger
- => Alles nochmal ausprobieren (im Rahmen von MS-MS?)
- Augmented Reality - Flavours, Challenges and Writing AR Experiences in JavaScript
- AR Cloud / wikitude
- Your Superpower User Manual
- Internet archive
- GH archive
- Jupyter bei Google:
- Google Colaboratory
- Tensor Flow & Github integration
- How Software can be Thought of as a Force for Good
- https://gotober.com/2018/sessions/654
- https://twitter.com/makkina
- https://bcalmbcorp.com/
- Why does the company exist?
- Sustainability rating
- Energy and Education Access for Remote Communities
- Insecure Transit - Microservice
- Single worst problem: Weak or stolen passwords
- “44 percent of security breaches occur after vulnerabilities and solutions have been identified. In other words, the problems could have been avoided if found vulnerabilities had been addressed sooner.”
- Patching Madness:
- Kubernetes & IAAS: patchen wird einem abgenommen!
- Check container: https://github.com/coreos/clair
- Find outdated dependencies: https://snyk.io/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sjqHlLuRw8&list=PLEx5khR4g7PIEfXSB9bDS4lB-J9stOynD&index=2
- Swearing, Nudity and Other Vulnerable Positions
- Psychological safety: belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concern or mistakes
- "Psychological safety was far and away the most important of the five dynamics we found"
- ask for help without judgement on competence
- ask for goal without sounding like the only one out of loop
- raise red flag without being judged
- How to achieve that?
- Mindfulness
- Paying attention is about noticing how you feeld, how people around you are feeling and approaching people and the organisation with curiosity and not judgement.
- Yes, and ... instead of "yes, but"
- -> go with the idea, improvise, leave room for creativity
- Are you OK? -> replace judgent with curiosity
- Mindfulness
- Links:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofBv-num0lA&index=4&list=PLEx5khR4g7PJquVHXtkcdo-QzK54bfmY9
- Event-based Architecture and Implementations with Kafka and Atom
- Async events possible via Atom feeds
- The Leprechauns of Software Engineering
- fact-check
- research
- ask
- measure
- look up sources
- sci-hub
- Scientific knowledge should be free
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sci-Hub
- http://sci-hub.tech/
- fact-check