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Create modern Tauri desktop apps in just a few simple steps. Tauri UI Templates is a starting point for building modern desktop applications with web technologies with using shadcn/ui, Tauri.
You can download pre-built final bundles from the Releases section.
Use create-tauri-ui to quickly scaffold a Tauri UI project.
pnpm create tauri-ui
npx create-tauri-ui@latest
pnpm create tauri-ui
npm create tauri-ui@latest
yarn create tauri-ui
Then follow the prompts!
You can also directly specify the project name and the template you want to use via additional command line options. For example, to scaffold a Tauri-UI project, run:
# npm 7+, extra double-dash is needed:
npm create tauri-ui@latest my-tauri-app -- --template vite
# yarn
yarn create tauri-ui my-tauri-app --template next
# pnpm
pnpm create tauri-ui my-tauri-app --template sveltekit
You can use
for the project name to scaffold in the current directory.
Or clone the repository
gh repo clone agmmnn/tauri-ui
cd tauri-ui/templates/<template>
pnpm i
pnpm tauri dev
pnpm tauri build
- Components-based UI design with shadcn/ui. Radix UI for UI primitives.
- Native-looking window controls with tauri-controls.
- Support for dark and light modes.
- Lucide Icons, Radix Icons.
- Bundle size optimized
(.msi 2.5mb, .dmg 1.9mb, .deb 2mb) - Tauri GitHub Action, Cross-platform releases.
Update all components:
npx shadcn-ui@latest add --overwrite
# press "a" to select all components
Update a specific component:
npx shadcn-ui@latest add dialog --overwrite
This project utilizes code from the following repository:
- vitejs/create-vite - Used in create-tauri-ui
- shadcn/ui - Used in Next.js and Vite templates
- huntabyte/shadcn-svelte - Used in SvelteKit template