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File metadata and controls

369 lines (330 loc) · 23.8 KB

The Build Infrastructure of Xtext

Xtext uses Gradle to build the Java projects that are independent of Eclipse, Maven to build the Maven plug-ins, and Tycho to build the Eclipse plug-ins. The builds are executed on a Jenkins server.

An overview of the project dependencies and their build systems is shown here:

xtext-extras________ ___________
 (Gradle*)          |           |
    |               |           |
    |               |           |
xtext-eclipse   xtext-web   xtext-maven
 (Tycho)        (Gradle)      (Maven)
(Gradle + Maven + Tycho)

The Gradle projects marked with * include generated Tycho builds for creating p2 repositories as described below. For xtext-xtend, only the Tycho build depends on xtext-eclipse, while the Gradle and Maven builds just require xtext-extras.

The Build Systems


The projects that include Gradle builds are xtext-lib, xtext-core, xtext-extras, xtext-web, and xtext-xtend. These repositories share some common concepts:

  • settings.gradle in the project root lists the subprojects to be included in the build.
  • build.gradle in the project root applies commonly used plugin-ins such as java and applies configuration scripts from the gradle directory to all subprojects. The intent of each configuration script is explained in a file header comment.
  • Each subproject has its own build.gradle that declares a title, description, and dependencies.
  • The project version as well the versions of common dependencies are declared in versions.gradle.
  • The remote repositories from which dependencies are drawn are declared in upstream-repositories.gradle. Depending on the useJenkinsSnapshots property, dependencies to upstream Xtext projects are resolved either against the Maven repositories created by Jenkins build jobs or against public snapshots.
  • The Xtend code is compiled with the xtext-gradle-plugin. Since this plug-in has dependencies to projects that we want to compile, we have a bootstrap problem, which is solved using a shared dependency configuration declared in the root project (see bootstrap-setup.gradle). For xtext-web the Java code generated by Xtend is not tracked in the git repository. For the other repositories the generated code is tracked in order to verify changes to the compiler. Here the compiler is activated with the compileXtend property.
  • All build artifacts are installed into a local Maven repository build/maven-repository (see maven-deployment.gradle). The pom.xml files are generated with the maven Gradle plug-in.
  • The Gradle projects xtext-lib, xtext-core, xtext-extras, and xtext-xtend are published both as Maven artifacts and as Eclipse plug-ins. Here the MANIFEST.MF files are maintained manually, which means they need to be kept consistent with the build.gradle configuration. The build timestamp is inserted into the version qualifier of these manifests automatically (see manifest-gen.gradle). For the generated source bundles, the manifest is completely generated from the project metadata. The xtext-web project is not published for Eclipse, but here we generate OSGi-compatible manifests using the osgi Gradle plug-in.
  • The builds of xtext-lib, xtext-core, and xtext-extras include a Gradle plug-in that can generate a second Tycho-based build into the releng directory by running ./gradlew generateP2Build (see p2-deployment.gradle). This Tycho build creates a local p2 repository in build/p2-repository. This approach eliminates the need to manually keep these Tycho builds consistent with the Gradle builds, e.g. regarding version numbers.
  • The Xtext generator can be invoked from Gradle for the languages contained in the Xtext projects (see mwe2-workflows.gradle). For example, test languages can be generated with ./gradlew generateTestLanguages.

Maven Plug-ins

Maven plug-ins are built by the xtext-maven project and by the org.eclipse.xtend.maven.* subprojects in xtext-xtend.

  • The root pom.xml (in xtext-xtend it's named maven-pom.xml) lists the subprojects to be included in the build.
  • The parent modules org.eclipse.xtext.maven.parent and org.eclipse.xtend.maven.parent define the common plug-in configuration and metadata.
  • Depending on the chosen profile, dependencies to upstream Xtext projects are resolved either against the Maven repositories created by Jenkins build jobs (useJenkinsSnapshots profile) or against public snapshots (useSonatypeSnapshots profile).
  • The deploy goal installs the artifacts into a local Maven repository build/maven-repository.


The Eclipse plug-ins and features of xtext-eclipse and xtext-xtend are built with Tycho.

  • The root pom.xml (in xtext-xtend it's named tycho-pom.xml) lists the subprojects to be included in the build.
  • The parent modules org.eclipse.xtext.tycho.parent and org.eclipse.xtend.tycho.parent define the common plug-in configuration.
  • The target platform modules and define from where to fetch the dependencies. This includes external dependencies such as EMF as well as upstream Xtext projects, which are referenced via the p2 repositories created by Jenkins build jobs.
  • The modules org.eclipse.xtext.p2-repository and org.eclipse.xtend.p2-repository list the plug-ins and features to be exported. The resulting p2 repositories are copied to build/p2-repository.
  • The Xtend code is compiled with the xtend-maven-plugin.

Another Tycho build is found in xtext-umbrella, with a very similar structure as described above. The difference is that the umbrella does not build its own plug-ins, but fetches all plug-ins from the other projects, builds some cross-project features (Xtext and Xtend SDKs), and exports them to a common p2 repository. The resulting p2 repository is used to create the Xtext update site for Eclipse.

The Build Servers


Each project has its own multibranch pipeline on the Jenkins build server. The server polls the git repositories every few minutes and automatically refreshes its build jobs: a new job is created for each new branch that is found, and the jobs of branches that do not exist anymore are deleted. This approach gives committers a very convenient way to test their changes on the server without affecting the main development streams (master and maintenance branches).

The actual build job description is written in a Jenkinsfile. This file is included in the git repositories and thus can be modified per branch. Basically it defines the commands to execute for each build, where to find test results, and which artifacts to make available.

The build artifacts of each project are made available as a Maven repository, a p2 repository, or both. The build jobs of downstream projects are configured to consume the build artifacts of the projects they depend on. Gradle and Maven plug-in builds pick up their dependencies from the Maven repositories generated for their upstream projects, while Tycho builds use the p2 repositories.


The actual publishing is done on a Jenkins build server by two build jobs: xtext-snapshots for nightly snapshots and xtext-release for milestones and releases. Both employ the publishing project, which does the following:

  1. Download Maven artifacts with a specified version from the repositories that are made available by the various Jenkins build jobs as described above.
  2. Sign the jar files with the remote service of the Eclipse Foundation.
  3. Create additional signature files for publishing to remote Maven repositories.
  4. Upload the results either to a snapshot repository or to a staging repository.
  5. Download the common p2 repository from the Jenkins build job of xtext-umbrella as a zip file and unzip it.
  6. Sign the jar files that have not already been signed in step 2 (results of the signing service are reused if the input files are equal).
  7. Copy the signed jars and p2 repository metadata to the build-result directory and zip it.
  8. Generate ant scripts for deploying the p2 repository to the Eclipse public download area (this might be improved in the future).

The Release Process

Overview of the Process

  1. Development phase
    1. Work on new features and issues.
    2. Publish milestones as required, e.g. when important new features have been implemented.
  2. Release phase
    1. Stop implementing new features, but work on bug fixes.
    2. Create a release branch and publish release candidate milestones if required.
    3. Lift the version number on the master branch and start the development phase for the next major/minor release (in parallel to the following steps).
    4. Create a test plan and test both old and new features.
    5. Prepare release notes.
    6. Merge or cherry-pick the bug fixes between the master branch and the release branch.
    7. Publish the release.
    8. Create and push git tags.
    9. Close the GitHub milestone and create new milestones.
  3. Maintenance phase
    1. Work on bug fixes on the master branch.
    2. When it appears appropriate, create a service release branch and cherry-pick the bug fixes.
    3. Publish a service release.
    4. Create and push git tags.
    5. If necessary, repeat the maintenance phase.

When major or minor releases are done, there should be a time period of at least one week when only important fixes are added to the code base to be released. This can be achieved by creating the release branch and committing the fixes directly to that branch. The release branch is merged back into master just before the actual release is done so the fixes are available there, too.

Preparing Milestones and Releases

To initiate a release build start the build job release-prepare-branches. This job automates the process mentioned below until step 15 exclusive (triggering the xtext-release job). Once the job successfully finished, continue with step 15.

Branch names should be milestone_«version» for milestones, and release_«version» for releases. Tag names should be v«version». When updating branch names for upstream dependencies, care must be taken to select the correct versions for additional libraries that are included in the Xtext build infrastructure (LSP4J).

The Xtend compiler version used in the build should be the current snapshot or the last milestone for milestones, and it should always be the last milestone for releases (this is important for making release builds reproducible).

Build jobs for releases must be executed in proper order on the build server, i.e. from upstream to downstream jobs. For every upstream change, the downstream jobs must be retriggered manually.

  1. Make sure all repositories are on branch master.
  2. Disable auto-build in Eclipse (avoid Xtend compilation)
  3. Make sure the docs plugins in xtext-eclipse and xtext-xtend are up to date (run ant scripts xtext-eclipse/org.eclipse.xtext.doc/gen_eclipse_help_xtext.launch and xtext-xtend/org.eclipse.xtend.doc/gen_eclipse_help_xtend.launch in the plugins that copy over the docs from xtext)
  4. xtext-umbrella
    • export BRANCHNAME=milestone_$XTEXT_VERSION
    • ./gitAll reset --hard. Make sure before that no relevant change gets lost.
    • ./gitAll pull
    • ./gitAll checkout -b $BRANCHNAME
    • ./ $BRANCHNAME
    • releng/org.eclipse.xtext.sdk.p2-repository/pom.xml: Update the name of the zipped p2 repository according to the release version (tofile property).
  5. xtext-lib
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the release version.
    • releng/pom.xml: ONLY dependencies section: Set version property to the release version. Keep -SNAPSHOT in the pom version and target platform configuration.
    • releng/ Set version property to the release version.
  6. xtext-core
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the release version.
    • releng/pom.xml: ONLY dependencies section: Set version property to the release version. Keep -SNAPSHOT in the pom version and target platform configuration.
    • Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into properties section:
     	, pipelineTriggers([
     			threshold: 'SUCCESS',
     			upstreamProjects: 'xtext-lib/' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    • CBI.Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into triggers section:
    triggers {
      upstream(upstreamProjects: 'xtext-lib' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    	, threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
  7. xtext-extras
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the release version.
    • releng/pom.xml: ONLY dependencies section: Set version property to the release version. Keep -SNAPSHOT in the pom version and target platform configuration.
    • Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into properties section:
     	, pipelineTriggers([
     			threshold: 'SUCCESS',
     			upstreamProjects: 'xtext-core/' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    • CBI.Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into triggers section:
    triggers {
      upstream(upstreamProjects: 'xtext-core' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    	, threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
  8. xtext-eclipse
    • Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into properties section:
     	, pipelineTriggers([
     			threshold: 'SUCCESS',
     			upstreamProjects: 'xtext-extras/' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    • CBI.Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into triggers section:
    triggers {
      upstream(upstreamProjects: 'xtext-extras' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    	, threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
  9. xtext-web
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the release version.
    • Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into properties section:
     	, pipelineTriggers([
     			threshold: 'SUCCESS',
     			upstreamProjects: 'xtext-extras/' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    • CBI.Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into triggers section:
    triggers {
      upstream(upstreamProjects: 'xtext-extras' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    	, threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
  10. xtext-maven
    • Replace all occurrences of the -SNAPSHOT version with the release version.
    • Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into properties section:
     	, pipelineTriggers([
     			threshold: 'SUCCESS',
     			upstreamProjects: 'xtext-extras/' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    • CBI.Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into triggers section:
    triggers {
      upstream(upstreamProjects: 'xtext-extras' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    	, threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
  11. xtext-xtend
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the release version.
    • Replace all occurrences of the previous version with the release version in the Maven plugin related pom.xml files
      • maven-pom.xml
      • org.eclipse.xtend.maven.*/pom.xml
      • releng/org.eclipse.xtend.maven.parent/pom.xml
    • Jenkinsfile: Add -Dit-archetype-tests-skip=true to Maven Plugin Build shell command
    • Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into properties section:
     	, pipelineTriggers([
     			threshold: 'SUCCESS',
     			upstreamProjects: 'xtext-eclipse/' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    • CBI.Jenkinsfile: Add upstream trigger into triggers section:
    triggers {
      upstream(upstreamProjects: 'xtext-eclipse' + URLEncoder.encode("$BRANCH_NAME", "UTF-8")
    	, threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
  12. Switch back to xtext-umbrella
    • ./gitAll commit -a -m "[release] version $XTEXT_VERSION"
  13. Create release tags on all repositories. Name $TAGNAME and commit message release $TAGNAME.
    • ./gitAll tag -a $TAGNAME -m "release $TAGNAME"
  14. Push changes to origin
    • ./gitAll push --tags origin $BRANCHNAME
  15. Once all previous builds are successful, trigger the 'xtext-release' build job with the release version and branch name as parameters.
  16. Delete the release branches
    • ./gitAll branch -D $BRANCHNAME
    • ./gitAll push --delete origin $BRANCHNAME
  17. Promote staged release on Can only be done by Xtext release engineer (@kthoms, @spoenemann, @dhuebner)
    • Log in with user ''.
    • Select Staging Repositories
    • Search for orgeclipsextext-NNNN and orgeclipsextend-NNNN with status open
    • Select both and perform the Close toolbar action
    • Wait until the checks have run successfully
    • Select both repositories again the perform the Release toolbar action
    • It will take some hours until the artifacts are mirrored to Maven Central.
  18. (Should be done by promote script) Manually edit the composite repository
    • /home/data/httpd/[milestones|releases]/[compositeArtifacts.xml|compositeContent.xml]
  19. Contribute release to Simrel Aggregation Build
    • Edit simrel.aggr from repository
    • Edit Contribution Xtext, Xtend
    • Change location property of the Mapped Repository to the release / milestone repository URL
    • For both features select the Version Range property, open the version selection dialog, and click on the only Available version to match exactly the new release version
    • (Likely) Disable EMF Parsley contribution for M1 builds
    • Validate the configuration (Context menu on root node: Validate Aggregation)
  20. Publish websites
    • Remove published: false from release post
    • Create PR to merge branch website-master into website-published
  21. Update Marketplace entries
    • Market place entry for Xtext
    • Market place entry for Xtend
    • For each update the properties:
      • Version Number
      • Update Site URL
      • Supported Eclipse Release(s)
  22. As soon as maven central is updated - send notifications
    • Newsgroup / Forum
    • Mailing list
    • Gitter
    • Twitter
    • Blog (for releases)
  23. Add / Update xtext-reference-projects
    • Only applicable for releases or the first milestone of a new release phase.
  24. Adjust the bootstrap version to use the newly produced milestone / release

Check that everything was promoted correctly:

  1. Xtext Downloads Page should list the new release
    • Milestone / Release Candidate Builds will be listed in Stable Builds, Release Builds below Latest Releases (might need to expand other releases)
    • (To be fixed) Manually rename the zipped repository in the download location. By default the get a build timestamp, but the artifacts need to be named like the release

Lifting the Version Number

Once the release branch for a major or minor release has been created, the master branch should be lifted to the next version.

Note that the Xtend compiler cannot be set to use snapshot versions from the beginning, since the new snapshots do not exist yet. It should be set to the latest published version (a release candidate or the actual release), and changed to the new snapshot version when it's available.

  1. xtext-lib
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the next version.
    • gradle/bootstrap-setup.gradle: Set bootstrapXtendVersion property to the used Xtend compiler version.
    • Replace occurrences of the previous version in files:
      • feature.xml
      • category.xml
    • ./gradlew generateP2Build
  2. xtext-core
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the next version.
    • gradle/bootstrap-setup.gradle: Set bootstrapXtendVersion property to the used Xtend compiler version.
    • Replace occurrences of the previous version in files:
      • releng/pom.xml
      • releng/p2/pom.xml
      • releng/releng-target/pom.xml
      • releng/p2/category.xml
    • releng/releng-target/ Set p2 URL to latest Xtext release version
    • ./gradlew generateP2Build -PuseJenkinsSnapshots=true
  3. xtext-extras
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the next version.
    • gradle/bootstrap-setup.gradle: Set bootstrapXtendVersion property to the used Xtend compiler version.
    • Replace occurrences of the previous version in files:
      • releng/pom.xml
      • releng/p2/pom.xml
      • releng/releng-target/pom.xml
      • releng/p2/category.xml
    • ./gradlew generateP2Build -PuseJenkinsSnapshots=true
  4. xtext-eclipse
    • Replace occurrences of the previous version in files:
      • pom.xml
      • releng/org.eclipse.xtext.p2-repository/category.xml
    • releng/org.eclipse.xtext.tycho.parent/pom.xml: Set xtend-maven-plugin-version property to the used Xtend compiler version.
  5. xtext-web
    • gradle/versions.gradle: Set version property to the next version.
    • gradle/bootstrap-setup.gradle: Set bootstrapXtendVersion property to the used Xtend compiler version.
  6. xtext-maven
    • Replace occurrences of the previous version in files:
      • pom.xml
  7. xtext-xtend
    • Replace all occurrences of the previous version with the next version.
    • gradle/bootstrap-setup.gradle: Set bootstrapXtendVersion property to the used Xtend compiler version.
    • Set xtend-maven-plugin-version property in releng/org.eclipse.xtend.tycho.parent/pom.xml to the used Xtend compiler version.
  8. xtext-umbrella
    • Replace occurrences of the previous version in files:
      • releng/org.eclipse.xtext.sdk.p2-repository/category.xml
      • releng/org.eclipse.xtext.sdk.parent/pom.xml
      • releng/org.eclipse.xtext.sdk.p2-repository/pom.xml
      • releng/
  9. xtext-apidiff

GitHub Milestones

We use GitHub milestones to communicate when bug fixes and new features will be available and to generate a list of resolved issues for the release notes. When a major or minor release is done, the corresponding GitHub milestone should be closed. If there are open issues left in that milestone, they should be removed from it or assigned to another milestone.