Tests API
- API version: 7.0.37
This API supports listing, creating, editing, and deleting Cloud and Enterprise Agent (CEA) based tests.
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 11+
- Maven/Gradle
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
<!-- Example only, you can use your own client implementation -->
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
implementation "com.thousandeyes.sdk:client:<version>"
implementation "com.thousandeyes.sdk:client-native:<version>" #Example only, you can use your own client implementation
implementation "com.thousandeyes.sdk:tests:<version>"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import com.thousandeyes.sdk.*;
import com.thousandeyes.sdk.client.*;
import com.thousandeyes.sdk.tests.model.*;
import com.thousandeyes.sdk.tests.AgentToAgentTestsApi;
public class AgentToAgentTestsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Configure clients using the `defaultClient` object, such as
// overriding the host and port, timeout, etc. In this example we are using the NativeApiClient
// but you can use your own client implementation
ApiClient defaultClient = NativeApiClient
AgentToAgentTestsApi apiInstance = new AgentToAgentTestsApi(defaultClient);
AgentToAgentTestRequest agentToAgentTestRequest = new AgentToAgentTestRequest(); // AgentToAgentTestRequest |
String aid = "1234"; // String | A unique identifier associated with your account group. You can retrieve your `AccountGroupId` from the `/account-groups` endpoint. Note that you must be assigned to the target account group. Specifying this parameter without being assigned to the target account group will result in an error response.
List<ExpandTestOptions> expand = Arrays.asList(); // List<ExpandTestOptions> | Optional parameter on whether or not to expand the test sub-resources. By default no expansion is going to take place if the query parameter is not present. If the user wishes to expand the `agents` sub-resource, they need to pass the `?expand=agent` query.
try {
AgentToAgentTestResponse result = apiInstance.createAgentToAgentTest(agentToAgentTestRequest, aid, expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AgentToAgentTestsApi#createAgentToAgentTest");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to https://api.thousandeyes.com/v7
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | createAgentToAgentTest | POST /tests/agent-to-agent | Create Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | createAgentToAgentTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/agent-to-agent | Create Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | deleteAgentToAgentTest | DELETE /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Delete Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | deleteAgentToAgentTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Delete Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | getAgentToAgentTest | GET /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Get Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | getAgentToAgentTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Get Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | getAgentToAgentTests | GET /tests/agent-to-agent | List Agent to Agent tests |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | getAgentToAgentTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/agent-to-agent | List Agent to Agent tests |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | updateAgentToAgentTest | PUT /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Update Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | updateAgentToAgentTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Update Agent to Agent test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | createAgentToServerTest | POST /tests/agent-to-server | Create Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | createAgentToServerTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/agent-to-server | Create Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | deleteAgentToServerTest | DELETE /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Delete Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | deleteAgentToServerTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Delete Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | getAgentToServerTest | GET /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Get Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | getAgentToServerTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Get Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | getAgentToServerTests | GET /tests/agent-to-server | List Agent to Server tests |
AgentToServerTestsApi | getAgentToServerTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/agent-to-server | List Agent to Server tests |
AgentToServerTestsApi | updateAgentToServerTest | PUT /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Update Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | updateAgentToServerTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Update Agent to Server test |
ApiTestsApi | createApiTest | POST /tests/api | Create API test |
ApiTestsApi | createApiTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/api | Create API test |
ApiTestsApi | deleteApiTest | DELETE /tests/api/{testId} | Delete API test |
ApiTestsApi | deleteApiTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/api/{testId} | Delete API test |
ApiTestsApi | getApiTest | GET /tests/api/{testId} | Get API test |
ApiTestsApi | getApiTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/api/{testId} | Get API test |
ApiTestsApi | getApiTests | GET /tests/api | List API tests |
ApiTestsApi | getApiTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/api | List API tests |
ApiTestsApi | updateApiTest | PUT /tests/api/{testId} | Update API test |
ApiTestsApi | updateApiTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/api/{testId} | Update API test |
BgpTestsApi | createBgpTest | POST /tests/bgp | Create BGP test |
BgpTestsApi | createBgpTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/bgp | Create BGP test |
BgpTestsApi | deleteBgpTest | DELETE /tests/bgp/{testId} | Delete BGP test |
BgpTestsApi | deleteBgpTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/bgp/{testId} | Delete BGP test |
BgpTestsApi | getBgpTest | GET /tests/bgp/{testId} | Get BGP test |
BgpTestsApi | getBgpTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/bgp/{testId} | Get BGP test |
BgpTestsApi | getBgpTests | GET /tests/bgp | List BGP tests |
BgpTestsApi | getBgpTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/bgp | List BGP tests |
BgpTestsApi | updateBgpTest | PUT /tests/bgp/{testId} | Update BGP test |
BgpTestsApi | updateBgpTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/bgp/{testId} | Update BGP test |
DnsServerTestsApi | createDnsServerTest | POST /tests/dns-server | Create DNS Server test |
DnsServerTestsApi | createDnsServerTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/dns-server | Create DNS Server test |
DnsServerTestsApi | deleteDnsServerTest | DELETE /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Delete DNS Server test |
DnsServerTestsApi | deleteDnsServerTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Delete DNS Server test |
DnsServerTestsApi | getDnsServerTest | GET /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Get DNS Server test |
DnsServerTestsApi | getDnsServerTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Get DNS Server test |
DnsServerTestsApi | getDnsServerTests | GET /tests/dns-server | List DNS Server tests |
DnsServerTestsApi | getDnsServerTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/dns-server | List DNS Server tests |
DnsServerTestsApi | updateDnsServerTest | PUT /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Update DNS Server test |
DnsServerTestsApi | updateDnsServerTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Update DNS Server test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | createDnsTraceTest | POST /tests/dns-trace | Create DNS Trace test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | createDnsTraceTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/dns-trace | Create DNS Trace test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | deleteDnsTraceTest | DELETE /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Delete DNS Trace test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | deleteDnsTraceTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Delete DNS Trace test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | getDnsTraceTest | GET /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Get DNS Trace test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | getDnsTraceTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Get DNS Trace test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | getDnsTraceTests | GET /tests/dns-trace | List DNS Trace tests |
DnsTraceTestsApi | getDnsTraceTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/dns-trace | List DNS Trace tests |
DnsTraceTestsApi | updateDnsTraceTest | PUT /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Update DNS Trace test |
DnsTraceTestsApi | updateDnsTraceTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Update DNS Trace test |
DnssecTestsApi | createDnsSecTest | POST /tests/dnssec | Create DNSSEC test |
DnssecTestsApi | createDnsSecTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/dnssec | Create DNSSEC test |
DnssecTestsApi | deleteDnsSecTest | DELETE /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Delete DNSSEC test |
DnssecTestsApi | deleteDnsSecTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Delete DNSSEC test |
DnssecTestsApi | getDnsSecTest | GET /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Get DNSSEC test |
DnssecTestsApi | getDnsSecTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Get DNSSEC test |
DnssecTestsApi | getDnsSecTests | GET /tests/dnssec | List DNSSEC tests |
DnssecTestsApi | getDnsSecTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/dnssec | List DNSSEC tests |
DnssecTestsApi | updateDnsSecTest | PUT /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Update DNSSEC test |
DnssecTestsApi | updateDnsSecTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Update DNSSEC test |
FtpServerTestsApi | createFtpServerTest | POST /tests/ftp-server | Create FTP Server test |
FtpServerTestsApi | createFtpServerTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/ftp-server | Create FTP Server test |
FtpServerTestsApi | deleteFtpServerTest | DELETE /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Delete FTP Server test |
FtpServerTestsApi | deleteFtpServerTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Delete FTP Server test |
FtpServerTestsApi | getFtpServerTest | GET /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Get FTP Server test |
FtpServerTestsApi | getFtpServerTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Get FTP Server test |
FtpServerTestsApi | getFtpServerTests | GET /tests/ftp-server | List FTP Server tests |
FtpServerTestsApi | getFtpServerTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/ftp-server | List FTP Server tests |
FtpServerTestsApi | updateFtpServerTest | PUT /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Update FTP Server test |
FtpServerTestsApi | updateFtpServerTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Update FTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | createHttpServerTest | POST /tests/http-server | Create HTTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | createHttpServerTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/http-server | Create HTTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | deleteHttpServerTest | DELETE /tests/http-server/{testId} | Delete HTTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | deleteHttpServerTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/http-server/{testId} | Delete HTTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | getHttpServerTest | GET /tests/http-server/{testId} | Get HTTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | getHttpServerTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/http-server/{testId} | Get HTTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | getHttpServerTests | GET /tests/http-server | List HTTP Server tests |
HttpServerTestsApi | getHttpServerTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/http-server | List HTTP Server tests |
HttpServerTestsApi | updateHttpServerTest | PUT /tests/http-server/{testId} | Update HTTP Server test |
HttpServerTestsApi | updateHttpServerTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/http-server/{testId} | Update HTTP Server test |
PageLoadTestsApi | createPageLoadTest | POST /tests/page-load | Create Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | createPageLoadTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/page-load | Create Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | deletePageLoadTest | DELETE /tests/page-load/{testId} | Delete Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | deletePageLoadTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/page-load/{testId} | Delete Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | getPageLoadTest | GET /tests/page-load/{testId} | Get Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | getPageLoadTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/page-load/{testId} | Get Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | getPageLoadTests | GET /tests/page-load | List Page Load tests |
PageLoadTestsApi | getPageLoadTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/page-load | List Page Load tests |
PageLoadTestsApi | updatePageLoadTest | PUT /tests/page-load/{testId} | Update Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | updatePageLoadTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/page-load/{testId} | Update Page Load test |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | createPathVisInterfaceGroups | POST /network/path-vis/interface-groups | Create interface group for path visualization |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | createPathVisInterfaceGroupsWithHttpInfo | POST /network/path-vis/interface-groups | Create interface group for path visualization |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | deletePathVisInterfaceGroup | DELETE /network/path-vis/interface-groups/{interfaceGroupId} | Delete interface group |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | deletePathVisInterfaceGroupWithHttpInfo | DELETE /network/path-vis/interface-groups/{interfaceGroupId} | Delete interface group |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | getPathVisInterfaceGroups | GET /network/path-vis/interface-groups | List interface groups for path visualization |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | getPathVisInterfaceGroupsWithHttpInfo | GET /network/path-vis/interface-groups | List interface groups for path visualization |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | updatePathVisInterfaceGroup | PUT /network/path-vis/interface-groups/{interfaceGroupId} | Update interface group |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | updatePathVisInterfaceGroupWithHttpInfo | PUT /network/path-vis/interface-groups/{interfaceGroupId} | Update interface group |
SipServerTestsApi | createSipServerTest | POST /tests/sip-server | Create SIP Server test |
SipServerTestsApi | createSipServerTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/sip-server | Create SIP Server test |
SipServerTestsApi | deleteSipServerTest | DELETE /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Delete SIP Server test |
SipServerTestsApi | deleteSipServerTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Delete SIP Server test |
SipServerTestsApi | getSipServerTest | GET /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Get SIP Server test |
SipServerTestsApi | getSipServerTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Get SIP Server test |
SipServerTestsApi | getSipServerTests | GET /tests/sip-server | List SIP Server tests |
SipServerTestsApi | getSipServerTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/sip-server | List SIP Server tests |
SipServerTestsApi | updateSipServerTest | PUT /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Update SIP Server test |
SipServerTestsApi | updateSipServerTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Update SIP Server test |
TestsApi | getTests | GET /tests | List configured tests |
TestsApi | getTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests | List configured tests |
VoiceTestsApi | createVoiceTest | POST /tests/voice | Create Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | createVoiceTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/voice | Create Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | deleteVoiceTest | DELETE /tests/voice/{testId} | Delete Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | deleteVoiceTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/voice/{testId} | Delete Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | getVoiceTest | GET /tests/voice/{testId} | Get Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | getVoiceTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/voice/{testId} | Get Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | getVoiceTests | GET /tests/voice | List Voice tests |
VoiceTestsApi | getVoiceTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/voice | List Voice tests |
VoiceTestsApi | updateVoiceTest | PUT /tests/voice/{testId} | Update Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | updateVoiceTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/voice/{testId} | Update Voice test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | createWebTransactionsTest | POST /tests/web-transactions | Create Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | createWebTransactionsTestWithHttpInfo | POST /tests/web-transactions | Create Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | deleteWebTransactionsTest | DELETE /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Delete Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | deleteWebTransactionsTestWithHttpInfo | DELETE /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Delete Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | getWebTransactionsTest | GET /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Get Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | getWebTransactionsTestWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Get Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | getWebTransactionsTests | GET /tests/web-transactions | List Web Transactions tests |
WebTransactionTestsApi | getWebTransactionsTestsWithHttpInfo | GET /tests/web-transactions | List Web Transactions tests |
WebTransactionTestsApi | updateWebTransactionsTest | PUT /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Update Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | updateWebTransactionsTestWithHttpInfo | PUT /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Update Web Transactions test |
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
However, the instances of the api clients created from the ApiClient
are thread-safe and can be re-used.