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Releases: thindil/steamsky


31 Dec 04:31
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This release brings only fixed bugs for the major stable release. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below are changes since the last stable release:


  • Made the dialog with information about the player's ship's module wider


  • Crash when the game is trying to create an enemy patrol at a friendly base
  • Crash when trying to show the player's ship's gun's info after assigning an
    ammo to it
  • Generating equipment for the player's and NPC's ships' crew members
  • Setting random faction and career in the new game setting doesn't work
  • Showing information about ammunition in the player's ship's module's info
  • Keyboard shortcut for undocking from bases
  • Default keyboard shortcuts for moving the map


24 Dec 04:34
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v9.5 Pre-release

This is the fifth development release of the 10.0 series of the game. The work on better, more friendly UI continues as in previous development versions: the in-game dialogs got some updates, mostly adding more colors to them and some new icons. As usual, the version brings several fix for bugs and probably several new ones. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below, you can find major changes since the last development release:


  • Colored version of icon for edit the player's ship's, crew members or ship's modules names


  • Updated look of the items' information dialogs in the trading, ship info and looting bases screens
  • Updated
  • Updated look of the rename dialogs


  • Don't show empty categories of items in the trading screen
  • Crash when trying to show the crew members with the selected skill in the ship info screen
  • The last member of the player's ship's crew doesn't work
  • Crash when the game is trying to create an enemy patrol at a friendly base
  • Coloring in-game messages in the combat screen
  • Crash when trying to show the player's ship's gun's info after assigning an ammo to it
  • Coloring messages outside the combat screen


10 Dec 05:04
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This release brings only fixed bugs for the major stable release. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below are changes since the last stable release:


  • Don't show empty categories of items in the trading screen
  • Crash when trying to show the crew members with the selected skill in the
    ship info screen
  • The last member of the player's ship's crew doesn't work


26 Nov 04:34
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v9.4 Pre-release

This is the fourth development release of the 10.0 series of the game. The work on better, more friendly UI still continues: the in-game dialogs got some updates, mostly adding more colors to them and some new icons. As usual, the version brings one fix for a bug and probably several new ones. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below, you can find major changes since the last major release:


  • Icon for the player's ship's crew members' inventory. Author: Delapouite
    (, license CC BY 3.0
  • Colored version of icons to move and give an item to the player's ship's cargo
  • Colored version of icon to drop an item from the player's ship's cargo


  • Made some dialogs' buttons colorful
  • Updated modding guide
  • Updated look of the items' information dialog in the trading screen


  • Displaying tables if the first column has an empty header


05 Nov 04:33
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This release brings only fixed bugs for the major stable release. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below are changes since the last stable release:


  • Crash when starting a combat
  • Setting names for Drones bases


29 Oct 04:03
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v9.3 Pre-release

This is the third development release of the 10.0 series of the game. The work on better, more friendly UI continues: the shipyard screen is done for now, and the work shifted to the other in-game dialogs. Plus, there are some fixes for bugs and implemented new ones. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below, you can find major changes since the last major release:


  • Colored version of buy and sell icons


  • Updated look of dialogs in the shipyard screen
  • Updated
  • Made some dialogs' buttons colorful
  • Updated modding guide


  • Typos in the changelog
  • Loading the player's ship's upgrade and repair priority statuses
  • Loading do the sky base is known to the player
  • Crash when trying to sell the ship's module which has owners
  • Crash when trying to see a harpoon gun information in the shipyard's screen
    during installation when another harpoon gun is installed
  • Recruits in bases have wrong items equipped
  • Game time information doesn't update after training skill in bases
  • Crash when starting a combat
  • Setting names for Drones bases


22 Oct 04:12
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This release brings only fixed bugs for the major stable release. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below are changes since the last stable release:


  • Crash when trying to sell the ship's module which has owners
  • Crash when trying to see a harpoon gun information in the shipyard's screen
    during installation when another harpoon gun is installed
  • Recruits in bases have wrong items equipped
  • Crash when trying to train the player's crew's members' skills in bases
  • Game time information doesn't update after training skill in bases


01 Oct 03:15
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v9.2 Pre-release

This is the second development release of the 10.0 series of the game. The work on better, more friendly UI continues almost as usual: now it is at upgrading the dialogs in the bases' shipyard's screen, plus some other small changes to the UI. Plus, there are some fixes for bugs and implemented new ones. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below, you can find major changes since the last major release:


  • Updated the default game's theme
  • Updated look of dialogs in the shipyard screen
  • Module's damage information in the module's remove dialog in bases' shipyards


  • Info about the module's damage in the remove module dialog in a base's
  • Setting the player's ship's speed on the map
  • Events don't disappear when they end
  • Crash when starting melee combat
  • Saving the game in the debug menu
  • Showing the player's ship's orders menu during combat
  • Smaller factions start in large factions' bases
  • Counting the amount of time need to upgrade the player's ship's modules
    when starting an upgrade


24 Sep 03:41
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This release brings only fixed bugs for the major stable release. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below are changes since the last stable release:


  • Info about the module's damage in the remove module dialog in a base's
  • Setting the player's ship's speed on the map
  • Events don't disappear when they end
  • Crash when starting melee combat
  • Saving the game in the debug menu
  • Showing the player's ship's orders menu during combat
  • Smaller factions start in large factions' bases
  • Counting the amount of time need to upgrade the player's ship's modules
    when starting an upgrade


03 Sep 03:25
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v9.1 Pre-release

This is the first development release of the 10.0 series of the game. The work on better, more friendly UI continues: a new map info dialog, updated the shipyard screen, plus some other small changes to the UI. Also, there are some fixes for bugs and "several" new ones. Binaries are available for Linux and Windows (both 64-bit). Below, you can find major changes since the last major release:


  • The game date to the in-game messages


  • Redesigned the map info dialog
  • Updated look of dialogs in the shipyard screen
  • Updated look of the shipyard screen
  • Updated look of in-game dialogs
  • Updated header of the player's ship's crew member dialog
  • Color of images for buy and sell actions


  • Typos in old changelog
  • Game not update the time during docking or undocking from bases
  • Saving the list of destroyed enemy's ships
  • Typo in the dialog after finishing a story
  • Removed empty lines from the map info dialog after finishing an event
  • Loading the player's goals into the game