A purely functional approach to UI composition with ES6/TypeScript
Update 2019: Take a deeper look at this and related projects in this blog series: Of umbrellas, transducers, reactive streams & mushrooms
The ease of turning nouns into verbs is an almost unmatched feature of the English language and it’s a central tenet of what follows: The idea of turning the composition and continuous (re)creation of a user interface into a verb, an action, a process, a function.
Among UI & UX enthusiasts there never seems to be a short supply of “next generation frameworks”, promising more efficiency, simplicity and happiness in all your component and templating needs, so please don’t be surprised to read about yet another one of those. Please also don’t be too quick with that browser back button of yours — you might regret it later… :)
Speaking of templating (at least how it’s done 95% of the time): It’s actually the first point I’d like to address and seriously question why the vast majority of designers & developers still thinks this is a Great Idea™. Frameworks like React, Angular, Vue etc. have taken over our little world by storm and as much as I applaud the many innovations they have brought to the table, and as much as they differ internally, they all embrace HTML in the most literal way.
At first glance this is of course completely natural. HTML is the only way to make a browser show us what we want to build and I still have no quarrel with that after 23 years working with it. However, being a markup language, it doesn’t really play that nice (nor was it ever meant to) with the other standard ingredient used to build modern UI’s — JavaScript. So the (obvious) solution the big players all have decided on, was to conjure up new file formats, allowing frontend developers to sprinkle snippets of HTML-ish looking markup all over their source files and then in turn require an impressive array of tooling, engineering, documentation, education, project specific component libraries, editor support projects, parsers, compilers, source map generators, scaffolding helpers, each with endless dependencies and totaling millions of man-years of effort. And that all to magically transform this frankensteinish marriage of reactified, angularized, vue-ed, marked-up JavaScript back into… JavaScript. And all that because we seemingly cannot give up on using HTML to define our UIs. And all that because our framework uses a slightly different approach than the “other” and hence requires a similar duplication of effort. And all that because even though JavaScript is the most popular and widely used programming language of the past 10 years, we still can’t bring ourselves to give up on the overall still same old idea of PHP-era templating engines and fail to see our UIs for what they really are:
Seriously, this is nothing new and it’s the essence of the MV* design pattern flavors almost all modern UI frameworks are based upon. I do believe however that somewhere along the “V”(iew) parts of these patterns we collectively took the wrong turn (more like missed it in our excitement of a brighter future) and forgot about data being just data, meaning in a [Turing-complete] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_completeness)language like JavaScript, it should be easily possible to create those derived views without having to resort to HTML magic injection pills. Not just that, but also maybe do so much more elegantly and powerfully, merely by using the host language to its full extent. Also remember, none of the mentioned frameworks actually cares about HTML as a runtime format. Each one manipulates the browser DOM via JavaScript commands, commands which were pre-compiled from their HTML-ish template snippets. Therefore the presence of HTML syntax almost purely exists for authoring & code generation purposes and is there for a perceived convenience and shallow transition curves from previous approaches. MVC was about the separation of concerns. Gang of Four. Enterprise patterns for Dummies. Separation of concerns in software design shouldn’t necessarily mean separation of technologies, as is the case for us now. What if we give HTML the same treatment or role as was proposed for JavaScript a while back:
JavaScript has come a long way to become what it is today and many of the more recent additions to the language have (ad)dressed its largest open wound and reduced it to a mere, occasional sore spot, i.e. working with data. And this is true both in terms of data structures & data flow. ES6 spread operator, iterators, generators, maps, sets, template literals — for the purposes of this article only some of them are relevant (hint: it’s not template literals!) and I’ve often wondered why the following approach has not become more common. But first some more prior art:
Brand identity generator for Leeds College of Music (2012–2013), built in Clojure, OpenGL & OpenCL. The entire UI is constructed from a single, deeply nested Clojure hashmap, completely describing/constraining various config options, layout, value constraints, events fired etc.
The above example for Leeds College of Music was no web application and by no means is special in an historical sense, but it was the first time I’d built an UI entirely based on pure data, using only a single, nested hashmap to express both the configuration and current states of every single component. Instead of DOM elements, these UI components were assembled by a single recursive transformation function which called other functions for each tree branch to produce various OpenGL VBOs. Instead of CSS, shaders were used to do the layout and theming. However, the idea is the same for web apps:
Your user interface is the result of repeatedly applying a transforming function
over the continuously changing internal states
of your app.
The core idea of all component frameworks is to abstract away the literal use of the actual UI generating instructions (e.g. HTML markup or OpenGL calls), to allow us expressing our UIs in terms of parcels of functionality. As pointed out earlier, the common approach thus far has been to hide these snippets of “lowlevel” HTML in special source files, wrapped in some way during pre-processing. But what if we completely bypass HTML and can express our:
The functional approach to UI composition is exactly what React&co. actually already do internally, however we’re still stuck with expressing the markup for our components in a format which is essentially a blackbox for JS and forces us to jump through all these various hoops. My two main learnings from the 7 years spent with Clojure / ClojureScript thus far have been:
- The conscious recognition that in software circles “simplicity” is widely just interpreted and actively celebrated as primarily serving convenience and existing habits. It’s systemic, but not pervasive. E.g. Rich Hickey’s calm clarity of thought and ability to take a step back to reconsider prevailing design choices has led many others in and outside the Clojure community to question the status quo of the more mainstream language camps and we have seen several key innovations from the Clojure community quickly spill over and becoming transplanted in other languages.
- Clojure being a dialect of Lisp, a language with often no clearcut separation between data & code, a language where even source code is literally encoded and processed as recursive data structures itself, I’ve learned to value S-expressions (in all their forms) as both the ultimate and most simple approach to encode tree based data, e.g. not just UI descriptions.
Some argue JavaScript & HTML too belong to the Lisp family tree (albeit more like far removed cousins), but it’s undeniable that both conceptually borrow in part from Lisp’s S-expressions. Since in JS we can only create arrays or objects in this literal way, let’s restrict ourselves to only using these two syntactic forms and play the game of “S-expressions” to build an UI:
js: ["div", "hello world"]
html: <div>hello world</div>
js: ["div#foo.warning.blink", "howdy!"]
html: <div id="foo" class="warning blink">howdy!</div>
js: ["div", {id: "foo", class: "warning blink"}, "howdy!"]
html: <div id="foo" class="warning blink">howdy!</div>
According to a tweet by my friend Jack Rusher (thanks for the correction!), it was Phil Wadler at Edinburgh University who pioneered this approach in Lisp back in 1999, but my first encounter was James Reeves’ hiccup (2009) Clojure library, which later also influenced the way how React components can be defined in Reagent (and others). I’m deeply, deeply grateful to both projects, since they have helped me to completely change my view on how to build UIs.
[“tag”, {attribs}?, body, [“tag”, {attribs}?...] ...]
In this convention vanilla JS arrays define elements/components. The first value is used as the element tag (with some support for Emmet) and an optional JS object as the second value is used to define arbitrary attributes. Anything after is considered the body/children of the element.
The beauty of this approach is not just its true simplicity and minimal character:
- Far more important is that we now have expressed the component in native language constructs and have obtained the ability to generate, transform and generally handle these components with the full arsenal our language has to offer.
- Since the component is plain data it can be transformed into any shape, not just for browser purposes. Writing serializers/transformers for this simple convention is trivial.
Wrap these beauties as functions and we can quickly build up a standard library of named, reusable and composable component functions to build complex UIs. During authoring this provides us with autocompletion, default params, doc strings and (in TypeScript/Flow) with the ability to strongly type our entire user interface. Win-win!
* @param href link target
* @param body link body
const link = (href, body) => ["a", { href }, body];
* @param src image URL
* @param alt (optional)
const img = (src, alt = "no desc") => ["img", { src, alt }];
link("https://thi.ng/hdom", "hdom");
link("https://thi.ng/hdom", img("foo.png"));
If we need to transform sequences of values, we can use the standard language features and use closures and functional composition to produce customizable behaviors:
const li = (body) => ["li", body];
const list =
(type) =>
(items, tx = li) =>
[type, ...items.map(tx)];
// create different list types
const ol = list("ol");
const ul = list("ul");
ol(["alice", "bob", "charlie"]);
// [ 'ul', [ 'li', 'alice' ], [ 'li', 'bob' ], [ 'li', 'charlie' ] ]
// use custom list item function
ul(["alice.jpg", "bob.png", "charlie.gif"], (src) => li(img(src)));
// [ 'ul',
// [ 'li', [ 'img', {src: "alice.jpg"} ] ],
// [ 'li', [ 'img', {src: "bob.png"} ] ],
// [ 'li', [ 'img', {src: "charlie.gif"} ] ] ]
So far our components are just static, but let’s add some local state (not implying this is something one should do!) by using closures.
// static component w/ param
const greeter = (name) => ["h1.title", "hello ", name];
// component w/ local state
// also note how this function returns another one
// more on this later...
const counter = () => {
let i = 0;
return () => ["button", { onclick: () => i++ }, "clicks: " + i];
// root component is just a static array
const app = ["div#app", greeter("world"), counter(), counter()];
You might have wondered how the above code can have possibly produced an actual working HTML version. Here’s your answer…
Introducing thi.ng/hdom
Obviously something is missing between the construction of our DOM as nested arrays and getting something shown on screen. To save another 1000 words from this article, here’s a diagram:
The thi.ng/hdom
library is handling the 3 major processing steps below the fold. It’s no
surprise that this looks very similar to React. Once started hdom usually runs
an update loop at (usually) 60fps, which in turn is recursively executing our
root component array or function and then only updates the real DOM when & where
it’s absolutely needed. Any functions embedded in a component array will be
called as part of the tree normalization step and their result used a component.
The counter
from the previous example is a demonstration of this ‘lazy
execution'. Alternatively one can define component objects with life cycle
methods (i.e. init()
, render()
, release()
) to run component local
setup/teardown tasks.
However, this library isn’t meant to be comparable to React, since it has a more narrow scope and too is much more lightweight. The user provided array is the virtual DOM. There’s no virtual event system. There’s currently only a subset of component lifecycle methods (and in my experience thus far they’re needed only occasionally).
A brief overview of benefits from the GitHub readme:
- Use the full expressiveness of ES6/TypeScript to define, annotate & document components
- Clean, functional component composition and reuse
- Non-opinionated about app state handling and/or event flow
- No pre-processing / pre-compilation steps
- No string parsing / interpolation steps
- Less verbose than HTML, resulting in smaller file sizes
- Static components can be distributed as JSON (or dynamically compose components, based on JSON data)
- Supports SVG, arbitrary elements, attributes, events
- CSS conversion from JS objects
- Suitable for server side rendering (by passing the same data structure to
) - Fairly fast (see benchmark example below)
- Only ~10KB minified
Even though I started this project in early 2016, I’ve only recently found more time over the holidays to get this ready for public consumption and am looking for feedback and contributions from other interested, like-minded users aiming to avoid the artificial complexity of currently more popular approaches.
To get started, there’re several small, digestible, commented examples in the parent Umbrella mono-repo, some of which combine hdom with other related libraries of the thi.ng collection, addressing:
- app state (thi.ng/atom)
- data transformation via transducers (thi.ng/transducers)
- reactive streams (via transducers) (thi.ng/rstream, thi.ng/rstream-log)
- Todo list with Undo/Redo feature (source)
- Component generation from JSON (w/ realtime editor/preview, source)
- SVG particle system (source)
- Stress test (source)
Another brief note about the stress test: On a MBP 2016 with a configuration of 192 cells this still runs at ~58-60fps. In this configuration each cell triggers 4 DOM updates every single frame, so a grand total of 768 DOM mutations. It’s a stress test for a reason, but if you’re getting poor performance please do keep in mind that this is a highly unlikely thing to happen in a standard UI. Btw. Here’re some more FPS reports collected via Twitter.
Having said all this, I’ve been using this library for a large computational design tool at work (40KLOC) for the past year, so have proof that it scales well to IRL applications with complex UIs…
Since this is getting rather long, in a follow up post we will take a deeper look at component functions, life cycle hooks, available state and event handling options and learn how to obliterate large duplication of manual data & component transformation work using re-usable transducers…
Again, if you’re interested in this project, please do get in touch!