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pixi-tween is a plugin for PixiJS v5.0.0 or higher to create tween animations.

API documentation



Rollup / Browserify / Webpack

If you use Browserify or Webpack you can use pixi-tween like this:

import * as PIXI from ('pixi.js');
import tweenManager from ('pixi-tween');

const app = new PIXI.Application(800, 600);

// Listen for animate update and update the tween manager
app.ticker.add(function(delta) {

Prebuilt files

If not, the namespaces are automatically added to global anyway

const app = new PIXI.Application(800, 600);

// Listen for animate update and update the tween manager
app.ticker.add(function(delta) {

How it works

This plugin add a new namespace names tween to the PIXI namespace, and this new namespace has 3 new classes Tween, TweenPath and TweenManager, also add an Easing object.

A tweenManager is automatically created for you in PIXI.tweenManager, which you need to update on ticks via PIXI.tweenManager.update(). You can create your own tweenManagers via new PIXI.tween.TweenManager, and you can also manually update the timings of a manager via PIXI.tweenManager.update(deltaMS)

When a tween is ended, the instance will kept be automatically removed from the tweenManager. Keep a reference to it yourself it you want to re-use; it will re-add itself if required.


Tween extends from PIXI.utils.EventEmitter, and emit some events: start, end, repeat, update, stop and pingpong. You can read about these in the api documentation under PIXI.tween.Tween.


Move an object along a path it's easy with TweenPath. TweenPath use a similar PIXI.Graphics API to create paths, and once it's created our path we just need to add it to a tween with .path = ourPathCreated.

If you need draw your path (useful to debug), PIXI.Graphics has been enhanced with a new method named .drawPath(path). Use it the same way like .drawRectanle, .drawShape, etc...

Basic example

const app = new PIXI.Application(800, 600);

const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE);
const tween = PIXI.tweenManager.createTween(sprite);
tween.from({ x: 0 }).to({ x: 250 })
tween.time = 1000;
tween.repeat = 10;
tween.on('start', () => { console.log('tween started') });
tween.on('repeat', ( loopCount ) => { console.log('loopCount: ' + loopCount) });

// Listen for animate update and update the tween manager
app.ticker.add(function(delta) {

Other examples

Easing TweenPath