Anything else to add? (Considerations, potential downsides, alternative solutions you have explored, etc.)
- I am okay with my commits getting squashed when you merge this PR.
- I am familiar with the contributing guidelines.
Please cherry-pick my commits into:
- Foreman 3.14/Katello 4.16
- Foreman 3.13/Katello 4.15 (EL9 only)
- Foreman 3.12/Katello 4.14 (Satellite 6.16)
- Foreman 3.11/Katello 4.13 (orcharhino 6.11 on EL8 only; orcharhino 7.0 on EL8+EL9; orcharhino 7.1 with Leapp)
- Foreman 3.10/Katello 4.12
- Foreman 3.9/Katello 4.11 (Satellite 6.15; orcharhino 6.8/6.9/6.10)
- Foreman 3.8/Katello 4.10
- Foreman 3.7/Katello 4.9 (Satellite 6.14)
- We do not accept PRs for Foreman older than 3.7.