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🚀 A simple and small js test library

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1. Features

  1. Typescript writing
  2. Small size and easy to use
  3. Multi-terminal support
  4. Support asynchronous
  5. Customizable plugins
  6. Configuration file + command line operation
  7. Global installation available

2. Installation

2.1 api call

npm i easy-test-lib -D
const {startTest} = require('easy-test-lib');

2.2 Configuration file call

package.json added

    "scripts": {
        "test": "etest <config file>"

The configuration file defaults to the easy.test.js file in the root directory, which can be configured freely

Root directory execution

npm run test

2.3 Global installation and use

npm i easy-test-lib -g

The configuration file is consistent with the rules in 2.2

Run the following command line in the project directory

etest <config file>

2.4 CDN

<script src=""></script>
        // ...

3 Configuration

const {startTest} = require('easy-test-lib');

function add (x, y) {
    return x + y;

    args: {// optional parameters
        // Used to pass in some public apis, which will be passed into test cases
    cases: [// Test case configuration, it is recommended to split files
            name:'Test add function', // optional
            disabled: false, // optional Whether to disable the current use case
            args: {// optional
                // The api of the current test case
            test (mergedArgs) {
                // mergedArg is a combination of public arg and use case arg, in addition to mergedArg, there are two attributes: $global and $local
                // this refers to the current test case
                return add(1, 1);
            expect: 2,
            // plugin: ITestPlugin, // Plug-in used by the current test case optional
    onTestComplete (result) {// All tests are completed callback optional
        // result data structure is as follows
            passed: boolean;
            results: [
                    passed: boolean;
                    result: any;
                    expect?: any;
                    name?: string;
                    index: number;
                    time: number;
            time: number;
    onTestSingle (result) {// Single test case completion callback optional
        // result data structure is as follows
            passed: boolean;
            result: any;
            expect?: any;
            name?: string;
            index: number;
            time: number;
    // plugin: ITestPlugin, // global plugin optional

4 Plugins

4.1 Built-in plugins

easy-test-lib has a built-in default plugin (defaultPlugin) 1.0.1 and later versions. The asynchronous plugin function is merged into the default plugin

The following is a test case using asynchronous

function timeout (time) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, time);

const asyncCase = {
    args: {aa: 22},
    name:'Test async',
    async test (args: any) { // Or return a Promise object
        await timeout(2000);
        console.log(args, this.args);
        return [
    expect: [

module.exports = asyncCase;

Run test cases

const {startTest} = require('easy-test-lib');
const testAsync = require('./test-async');

    cases: [
    onTestComplete (result) {
        console.log(`Total time (${result.time}) ms; result: ${result.passed?'Passed':'Failed'}`);
    onTestSingle (result) {
        console.log(`${result.index}: Time-consuming (${result.time}) ms; Result: ${result.passed?'Passed':'Failed'}`);

4.2 Custom plugin

easy-test-lib supports custom plugins, which are handed over to the developer to customize the test calculation process. A simple custom plugin template is as follows

const plugin: ITestPlugin = (item, mergedArgs) => {
    // do something ...

    return {
        result: {},
        expect: {},
        passed: true,

export default plugin;


5.1 startTest

See above 3

5.2 isValueEqual

Determine whether two objects are equal, support reference types

The reference type will traverse whether all the attribute values are equal

const {isValueEqual} = require('easy-test-lib');
console.log(isValueEqual(1, 1));

5.3 defaultPlugin

Default plugin

5.4 ts interface

  1. ITestConfigItem
  2. ITestPlugin
  3. IStartTest
  4. IIsValueEqual
  5. IMergedArgs