- History of Physics
- The Physics of Computers
- Physics from Computer Science
- Computational Physics: Teach yourself C++
- Computational Physics
- Hyper Physics - Electricity and Magnetism
- A Primer on Basic Electronics and Circuits
- How to Learn Electronics
- Learn About Electronics
- Tutorialspoint Electronic
- Fundamentals of Electronic
- Circuit Symbols
- Molecular Electronics
- Digital Electronics
- Foundations of Analog and Digital
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics Audio Collection
- MIT 8.01x Physics I: Classical Mechanics
- MIT 8.02x Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
- MIT 8.03 Physics III: Vibrations and Waves
- MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I
- MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics
- MIT 8.962 General Relativity
- Fundamentals of Physics with Ramamurti Shankar
- Fundamentals of Physics II with Ramamurti Shankar
- Digital Electronics
- Digital Circuits Systems
- Circuits Physics
- Electric Circuits
- Quantum made simple