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3 ways to initialize - (keyword var)
Implicit initialization :=
is most common
Local Variables must be used or results in compiler error
int, float32, float64, boolen, complex (real imag)
Location in memory that holds variable for usi
nil indicates a pointer not pointing to anything
dereferences pointers and indicates type is a pointer
No pointer arithmetic
& is the address of operator
keyword const, can use implict type but must assign value
const blocks and iota allow for advanced constant patterns
Arrays - brackets go before size and Arrays are constant size
- : operator - complete array or slice, or range
- Slice constructed from fixed size array points to that array
- Slice constructed without fixed size, is dynamically sized and managed by go
Maps - Key Value Pairs - Can specify key and value types.
Struct - Only Data Type that can contain multiple data types
Loops - For loop only - 4 types
- loop till condition
- loop till condition with post clause
- infinite loops -
for ; ; {
orfor {
- loop over collections -
for i, v range := slice
orfor _, v range := slice
break exists
continue exists
readonly value
Panic - Throws Exception
Switch Cases break by default Default case keyword break and fallthrough