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Module powervs-vpc-landing-zone

IBM Power Virtual Server with VPC Landing Zone

This module provisions the following resources in IBM Cloud:

  • A VPC Infrastructure with the following components:

    • One VSI for management (jump/bastion) VSI,
    • One VSI for network-services configured as squid proxy, NTP and DNS servers(using Ansible Galaxy collection roles ibm.power_linux_sap collection. This VSI also acts as central ansible execution node.
    • Optional VSI for Monitoring host
    • Optional Client to site VPN server
    • Optional File storage share
    • Optional Application load balancer
    • IBM Cloud Object storage(COS) Virtual Private endpoint gateway(VPE)
    • IBM Cloud Object storage(COS) Instance and buckets
    • VPC flow logs
    • KMS keys
    • Activity tracker
    • Optional Secrets Manager Instance Instance with private certificate.
  • A local or global transit gateway

  • An optional IBM Cloud Monitoring Instance

  • A Power Virtual Server workspace with the following network topology:

    • Creates two private networks: a management network and a backup network.
    • Attaches the PowerVS workspace to transit gateway
    • Creates an SSH key.
    • Optionally imports list of stock catalog images.
    • Optionally imports up to three custom images from Cloud Object Storage.
  • Finally, interconnects both VPC and PowerVS infrastructure.


provider "ibm" {
  alias            = "ibm-pi"
  region           = ""
  zone             = ""
  ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key != null ? var.ibmcloud_api_key : null

provider "ibm" {
  alias            = "ibm-is"
  region           = ""
  zone             = ""
  ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key != null ? var.ibmcloud_api_key : null

module "powervs-vpc-landing-zone" {
  source  = "terraform-ibm-modules/powervs-infrastructure/ibm//modules//powervs-vpc-landing-zone"
  version = "x.x.x" # Replace "x.x.x" with a git release version to lock into a specific release

  providers = { =, = }

  powervs_zone                                 = var.powervs_zone
  prefix                                       = var.prefix
  external_access_ip                           = var.external_access_ip
  ssh_public_key                               = var.ssh_public_key
  ssh_private_key                              = var.ssh_private_key
  client_to_site_vpn                           = var.client_to_site_vpn                           #(optional.  default check vars)
  configure_dns_forwarder                      = var.configure_dns_forwarder                      #(optional,  default false)
  configure_ntp_forwarder                      = var.configure_ntp_forwarder                      #(optional,  default false)
  configure_nfs_server                         = var.configure_nfs_server                         #(optional.  default false)
  nfs_server_config                            = var.nfs_server_config                            #(optional.  default check vars)
  dns_forwarder_config                         = var.dns_forwarder_config                         #(optional.  default check vars)
  powervs_resource_group_name                  = var.powervs_resource_group_name                  #(optional.  default check vars)
  powervs_management_network                   = var.powervs_management_network                   #(optional.  default check vars)
  powervs_backup_network                       = var.powervs_backup_network                       #(optional.  default check vars)
  powervs_image_names                          = var.powervs_image_names                          #(optional.  default check vars)
  tags                                         = var.tags                                         #(optional.  default check vars)
  sm_service_plan                              = var.sm_service_plan
  powervs_custom_images                        = var.powervs_custom_images                        #(optional, default null)
  powervs_custom_image_cos_configuration       = var.powervs_custom_image_cos_configuration       #(optional, default null)
  powervs_custom_image_cos_service_credentials = var.powervs_custom_image_cos_service_credentials #(optional, default null)
  existing_sm_instance_guid                    = var.existing_sm_instance_guid                    #(optional.  default check vars)
  existing_sm_instance_region                  = var.existing_sm_instance_region                  #(optional.  default check vars)
  certificate_template_name                    = var.certificate_template_name                    #(optional.  default check vars)
  network_services_vsi_profile                 = var.network_services_vsi_profile                 #(optional.  default check vars)
  enable_monitoring                            = var.enable_monitoring                            #(optional.  default true)
  existing_monitoring_instance_crn             = var.existing_monitoring_instance_crn             #(optional.  default null)


Catalog image names to be imported into infrastructure can be found here

Creates VPC Landing Zone Performs VPC VSI OS Config Creates PowerVS Infrastructure Creates PowerVS Instance Performs PowerVS OS Config
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ N/A N/A

Supported Reference architectures

  1. Standard variation
  2. Quickstart (Standard plus VSI) variation


Name Version
terraform >= 1.9
ibm >=1.65.0


Name Source Version
client_to_site_vpn terraform-ibm-modules/client-to-site-vpn/ibm 2.0.6
configure_monitoring_host ./submodules/ansible n/a
configure_network_services ./submodules/ansible n/a
landing_zone terraform-ibm-modules/landing-zone/ibm//patterns//vsi//module 6.6.3
powervs_workspace terraform-ibm-modules/powervs-workspace/ibm 2.4.0
private_secret_engine terraform-ibm-modules/secrets-manager-private-cert-engine/ibm 1.3.5
secrets_manager_group terraform-ibm-modules/secrets-manager-secret-group/ibm 1.2.2
secrets_manager_private_certificate terraform-ibm-modules/secrets-manager-private-cert/ibm 1.3.2
vpc_file_share_alb ./submodules/fileshare-alb n/a


Name Type
ibm_is_vpc_address_prefix.vpn_address_prefix resource
ibm_is_vpc_routing_table.transit resource
ibm_resource_instance.monitoring_instance resource
ibm_resource_instance.secrets_manager resource


Name Description Type Default Required
certificate_template_name The name of the Certificate Template to create for a private_cert secret engine. When var.existing_sm_instance_guid is not null, then it has to be the existing template name that exists in the private cert engine. string "my-template" no
client_to_site_vpn VPN configuration - the client ip pool and list of users email ids to access the environment. If enabled, then a Secret Manager instance is also provisioned with certificates generated. See optional parameters to reuse existing certificate from secrets manager instance.
enable = bool
client_ip_pool = string
vpn_client_access_group_users = list(string)
"client_ip_pool": "",
"enable": true,
"vpn_client_access_group_users": []
configure_dns_forwarder Specify if DNS forwarder will be configured. This will allow you to use central DNS servers (e.g. IBM Cloud DNS servers) sitting outside of the created IBM PowerVS infrastructure. If yes, ensure 'dns_forwarder_config' optional variable is set properly. DNS forwarder will be installed on the network-services vsi. bool false no
configure_nfs_server Specify if NFS server will be configured. This will allow you easily to share files between PowerVS instances (e.g., SAP installation files). File storage share and mount target in VPC will be created.. If yes, ensure 'nfs_server_config' optional variable is set properly below. Default value is '200GB' which will be mounted on specified directory in network-service vsi. bool false no
configure_ntp_forwarder Specify if NTP forwarder will be configured. This will allow you to synchronize time between IBM PowerVS instances. NTP forwarder will be installed on the network-services vsi. bool false no
dns_forwarder_config Configuration for the DNS forwarder to a DNS service that is not reachable directly from PowerVS.
dns_servers = string
"dns_servers": ";;;"
enable_monitoring Specify whether Monitoring will be enabled. This includes the creation of an IBM Cloud Monitoring Instance and an Intel Monitoring Instance to host the services. If you already have an existing monitoring instance then specify in optional parameter 'existing_monitoring_instance_crn'. bool true no
existing_monitoring_instance_crn Existing CRN of IBM Cloud Monitoring Instance. If value is null, then an IBM Cloud Monitoring Instance will not be created but an intel VSI instance will be created if 'enable_monitoring' is true. string null no
existing_sm_instance_guid An existing Secrets Manager GUID. The existing Secret Manager instance must have private certificate engine configured. If not provided an new instance will be provisioned. string null no
existing_sm_instance_region Required if value is passed into var.existing_sm_instance_guid. string null no
external_access_ip Specify the source IP address or CIDR for login through SSH to the environment after deployment. Access to the environment will be allowed only from this IP address. Can be set to 'null' if you choose to use client to site vpn. string n/a yes
network_services_vsi_profile Compute profile configuration of the network services vsi (cpu and memory configuration). Must be one of the supported profiles. See here. string "cx2-2x4" no
nfs_server_config Configuration for the NFS server. 'size' is in GB, 'iops' is maximum input/output operation performance bandwidth per second, 'mount_path' defines the target mount point on os. Set 'configure_nfs_server' to false to ignore creating file storage share.
size = number
iops = number
mount_path = string
"iops": 600,
"mount_path": "/nfs",
"size": 200
powervs_backup_network Name of the IBM Cloud PowerVS backup network and CIDR to create.
name = string
cidr = string
"cidr": "",
"name": "bkp_net"
powervs_custom_image_cos_configuration Cloud Object Storage bucket containing custom PowerVS images. bucket_name: string, name of the COS bucket. bucket_access: string, possible values: public, private (private requires powervs_custom_image_cos_service_credentials). bucket_region: string, COS bucket region
bucket_name = string
bucket_access = string
bucket_region = string
"bucket_access": "",
"bucket_name": "",
"bucket_region": ""
powervs_custom_image_cos_service_credentials Service credentials for the Cloud Object Storage bucket containing the custom PowerVS images. The bucket must have HMAC credentials enabled. Click here for a json example of a service credential. string null no
powervs_custom_images Optionally import up to three custom images from Cloud Object Storage into PowerVS workspace. Requires 'powervs_custom_image_cos_configuration' to be set. image_name: string, must be unique. Name of image inside PowerVS workspace. file_name: string, object key of image inside COS bucket. storage_tier: string, storage tier which image will be stored in after import. Supported values: tier0, tier1, tier3, tier5k. sap_type: optional string, Supported values: null, Hana, Netweaver, use null for non-SAP image.
powervs_custom_image1 = object({
image_name = string
file_name = string
storage_tier = string
sap_type = optional(string)
powervs_custom_image2 = object({
image_name = string
file_name = string
storage_tier = string
sap_type = optional(string)
powervs_custom_image3 = object({
image_name = string
file_name = string
storage_tier = string
sap_type = optional(string)
"powervs_custom_image1": {
"file_name": "",
"image_name": "",
"sap_type": null,
"storage_tier": ""
"powervs_custom_image2": {
"file_name": "",
"image_name": "",
"sap_type": null,
"storage_tier": ""
"powervs_custom_image3": {
"file_name": "",
"image_name": "",
"sap_type": null,
"storage_tier": ""
powervs_image_names List of Images to be imported into cloud account from catalog images. Supported values can be found here. For custom os image import configure the optional parameter 'powervs_custom_images'. list(string)
powervs_management_network Name of the IBM Cloud PowerVS management subnet and CIDR to create.
name = string
cidr = string
"cidr": "",
"name": "mgmt_net"
powervs_resource_group_name Existing IBM Cloud resource group name. string n/a yes
powervs_zone IBM Cloud data center location where IBM PowerVS infrastructure will be created. string n/a yes
prefix A unique identifier for resources. Must begin with a lowercase letter and end with a lowercase letter or number. This prefix will be prepended to any resources provisioned by this template. Prefixes must be 16 or fewer characters. string n/a yes
sm_service_plan The service/pricing plan to use when provisioning a new Secrets Manager instance. Allowed values: standard and trial. Only used if existing_sm_instance_guid is set to null. string "standard" no
ssh_private_key Private SSH key (RSA format) to login to Intel VSIs to configure network management services (SQUID, NTP, DNS and ansible). Should match to public SSH key referenced by 'ssh_public_key'. The key is not uploaded or stored. For more information about SSH keys, see SSH keys. string n/a yes
ssh_public_key Public SSH Key for VSI creation. Must be an RSA key with a key size of either 2048 bits or 4096 bits (recommended). Must be a valid SSH key that does not already exist in the deployment region. string n/a yes
tags List of tag names for the IBM Cloud PowerVS workspace list(string) [] no
transit_gateway_global Connect to the networks outside the associated region. bool false no
vpc_intel_images Stock OS image names for creating VPC landing zone VSI instances: RHEL (management and network services) and SLES (monitoring).
rhel_image = string
sles_image = string
n/a yes


Name Description
access_host_or_ip Access host(jump/bastion) for created PowerVS infrastructure.
ansible_host_or_ip Central Ansible node private IP address.
dns_host_or_ip DNS forwarder host for created PowerVS infrastructure.
monitoring_instance Details of the IBM Cloud Monitoring Instance: CRN, location, guid
network_services_config Complete configuration of network management services.
nfs_host_or_ip_path NFS host for created PowerVS infrastructure.
ntp_host_or_ip NTP host for created PowerVS infrastructure.
powervs_backup_subnet Name, ID and CIDR of backup private network in created PowerVS infrastructure.
powervs_images Object containing imported PowerVS image names and image ids.
powervs_management_subnet Name, ID and CIDR of management private network in created PowerVS infrastructure.
powervs_resource_group_name IBM Cloud resource group where PowerVS infrastructure is created.
powervs_ssh_public_key SSH public key name and value in created PowerVS infrastructure.
powervs_workspace_guid PowerVS infrastructure workspace guid. The GUID of the resource instance.
powervs_workspace_id PowerVS infrastructure workspace id. The unique identifier of the new resource instance.
powervs_workspace_name PowerVS infrastructure workspace name.
powervs_zone Zone where PowerVS infrastructure is created.
prefix The prefix that is associated with all resources
proxy_host_or_ip_port Proxy host:port for created PowerVS infrastructure.
resource_group_data List of resource groups data used within landing zone.
ssh_public_key The string value of the ssh public key used when deploying VPC
transit_gateway_global Connect to the networks outside the associated region.
transit_gateway_id The ID of transit gateway.
transit_gateway_name The name of the transit gateway.
vpc_data List of VPC data.
vpc_names A list of the names of the VPC.
vsi_list A list of VSI with name, id, zone, and primary ipv4 address, VPC Name, and floating IP.
vsi_names A list of the vsis names provisioned within the VPCs.