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Tools that combine the MuJoCo simulator with ROS. Meant to recreate a base port of gazebo_ros_pkgs for MuJoCo.

This is a ROS software Project that wraps the MuJoCo physics engine into a ROS package. It is an extension of the MuJoCo simulate program, with ROS integration and the possibility to load plugins via pluginlib.

ROS Versions

This project is mainly built for Ubuntu Focal with ROS Noetic. But we are working on adaptations for more recent Ubuntu systems with ROS One and Humble (ROS 2).

ROS2 Humble Development

This branch is for porting the project into ROS2 Humble.

In the current state, ros2_control has been implemented as a plugin to the latest humble port of the source repository. There are still some kinks to be fixed, mainly the way nodes are being created in the plugin and the resulting namespace errors, but it still works. To test it out, you can do colcon build --packages-up-to mujoco_ros2_control_system. Then source the workspace, and run ros2 launch mujoco_ros2_control You will see a GUI with a basic pendulum. Open up RVIZ and add a robot model, then press Shift-Tab to open up the control GUI and nudge the pendulum. You should see the model in RVIZ also moving.

This fork adds two packages:

  • mujoco_ros2_control plugin package that implements a ros2_control plugin using MujocoPlugin class, mainly taken from gazebo's ros2_control, and provides an interface class for the SystemInterfaces.
  • mujoco_ros2_control_system package that implements a very basic SystemInterface using the interface class from above, and is loaded in by mujoco_ros2_control. It has a working initialization, read and write functions. An example controller much in the style of Gazebo's demos is in the works.

In the current structure, mujoco_ros loads mujoco_ros2_control loads mujoco_ros2_control_system.

Currently, we use MuJoCo's simulation time (mjData* d_->time) to synchronize the controller's read/write loops. This means the main loop's sleep function needs to be adjusted, if you want the simulation to run faster. This is mainly to give users more control over how the simulation and control are executed, and to not be bound by the computer's resources should super short timesteps be required. This will, of course, cause some issues when using it with other nodes that run dependent on ROS' own time. A feature for changing the source of the clock is planned.

There is currently a bug where the names of the nodes created inside the ros2_control plugin are always fixed to mujoco_server, when the main MuJoCo server is launched via mujoco_ros/launch/ros2/launch_server.launch. This is due to the name='mujoco_server parameter. As such, the mujoco_ros2_control package provides a copy of the launch file without the name parameter. This issue is unfortunately not fixable with the Humble version of ros2_control.

Continuous Integration

service Noetic / One Humble (coming soon)
GitHub Format CI -
CodeCov codecov -

Build Instructions

  1. Make sure MuJoCo is installed (the current build uses version 3.2.0) and runs on your machine.
  2. Create a new ROS workspace or include this repository into an existing workspace.
  3. Before building, make sure that your compiler knows where to find the MuJoCo library, e.g. by running

where PATH/TO/MUJOCO/DIR is ~/.mujoco/mujoco-3.2.0 if you used the recommended location to install mujoco (if downloaded as tarball). If you built MuJoCo from source and the install path is known to catkin, you can skip this step.

  1. Build with catkin_build, catkin b or colcon build.
  2. Install the dependencies with (ROS2) rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src
  3. Source your workspace and try ros2 launch mujoco_ros launch_server.launch use_sim_time:=true to test if it runs. If it starts up and you see a basic pendulum floating in the air, that means it's working.
  4. To test the ros2_control plugin, try ros2 launch mujoco_ros2_control You should see a pendulum with a mass at the tip. Now do Shift-Tab and try to change the control value. If it resets back to 0, that's expected behavior, as the actuator is now being managed by ros2_control and needs to be controlled by a proper Controller class.

Warning To prevent action servers ignoring actions for a limited time after resetting the simulation, until ros/actionlib#203 is merged, you need to build the PR branch and any packages implementing action servers (like MoveIt) yourself.

Plugin Examples

A mujoco_ros2_control integration of the Franka Emika Panda robot is available at multipanda_ros2.

(Only relevant for ROS1-Noetic) As an example for extended functionality through plugins, take a look at mujoco_ros_control, mujoco_screw_plugin, mujoco_contact_surfaces or mujoco_ros_sensors.

We provide some code examples in our demo repository


We are currently working on setting up more detailed documentation including tutorials and guides. The current prototype can be found here (though note that this will migrate once its ready for an initial proper release).

Some more structural and configuration info, which is not yet included in the documentation, can be found here.


This work is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (see LICENSE). It is built on top of MuJoCo, which was released under an Apache 2.0 License. For the original MuJoCo and further third party licenses, see THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES.


WIP ROS2 integration for mujoco_ros_pkgs






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  • C++ 93.6%
  • CMake 4.6%
  • Python 1.4%
  • C 0.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%
  • Shell 0.1%